cryptosporidium andersoni n. sp. (apicomplexa: cryptosporiidae) from cattle, bos taurus. | a new species of cryptosporidium is described from the feces of domestic cattle, bos taurus. oocysts are structurally similar to those of cryptosporidium muris described from mice but are larger than those of cryptosporidium parvum. oocysts of the new species are ellipsoidal, lack sporocysts, and measure 7.4 x 5.5 microm (range, 6.0-8.1 by 5.0-6.5 microm). the length to width ratio is 1.35 (range, 1.07-1.50). the colorless oocyst wall is < 1 microm thick, lacks a micropyle, and possesses a longi ... | 2000 | 10651302 |
prevalence of cryptosporidium, giardia and eimeria infections in post-weaned and adult cattle on three maryland farms. | the prevalence of cryptosporidium, giardia and eimeria, in healthy, asymptomatic, post-weaned and mature cattle was investigated on three maryland farms. one farm, a dairy research facility, had 150 multiparous holstein milking cows; 24 were examined and cryptosporidium andersoni was detected in three (12.5%) but neither giardia nor eimeria was detected. the second farm, a commercial dairy, had 57 multiparous holstein milking cows and an equal number of heifers. of 19 cows examined, c. parvum, g ... | 2000 | 11035228 |
prevalence and infection pattern of naturally acquired giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis in range beef calves and their dams. | the prevalence and infection pattern of naturally acquired giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis in 20 ranch raised beef calves and their dams from birth to weaning was determined. rectal fecal samples were collected from calves at 3 days of age and weekly thereafter; cows' fecal samples were collected at the time of calving, 1 week later and four times during the summer grazing period. blood samples were collected from the calves at 3 days of age to determine igg(1) concentrations. giardia lamblia c ... | 2003 | 12781473 |
infection of human and bovine epithelial cells with cryptosporidium andersoni induces apoptosis and disrupts tight junctional zo-1: effects of epidermal growth factor. | the effects of cryptosporidium andersoni on human or bovine epithelia are poorly defined. epidermal growth factor inhibits colonisation of the gastrointestinal epithelium with bacteria and the enteric protozoan parasite giardia lamblia. this study characterised whether c. andersoni infects human or bovine epithelial cells in vitro, assessed its impact on apoptosis and tight junctional zonula-occludens-1, and determined whether these effects may be altered by epidermal growth factor. monolayers o ... | 2003 | 14527519 |
prevalence and pathogenicity of cryptosporidium andersoni in one herd of beef cattle. | over a 35-week period from january to july 2002, a breed of hereford beef cattle (h) and their hybrids were monitored. five hundred and ninety-nine individual fecal samples from calves and 96 samples from their mothers were examined. first excretion of cryptosporidium andersoni oocysts in calves was found in the 9th week after the start of calving (a calf 63-day old). the prevalence of c. andersoni in calves ranged from 11.1 to 92.9% depending on age. the mean prevalence in their mothers was fou ... | 2003 | 14633200 |
comparison of digestive microflora between feedlot cattle with and without infection by cryptosporidium andersoni. | the influence of cryptosporidial abomasitis on digestive anaerobic microflora in feedlot cattle with spontaneous cryptosporidium andersoni colonization of abomasum was shown. significant differences were found after the cultivation of abomasal content. scopulariopsis brevicaulis was detected in damaged areas of infected abomasum. pcr analysis of ruminal fluid showed no differences between the two animal groups regarding qualitative composition of anaerobic and facultative anaerobic rumen microfl ... | 2004 | 15227789 |
failed attempt of cryptosporidium andersoni infection in lambs. | four lambs 4 months old were inoculated with cryptosporidium andersoni oocysts (bovine isolate) in a dose of 5 x 10(6) per animal followed later by 1 x 10(7) oocysts per animal. no animal shed cryptosporidium oocysts during 56 days post infection, no lamb showed clinical symptoms of cryptosporidiosis and no macroscopic changes were detected in the abomasum immediately after autopsy. histological examinations did not demonstrate the occurrence of cryptosporidium in the abomasum and other selected ... | 2004 | 15729951 |
detection of cryptosporidium andersoni in a dairy cow with diarrhoea in the uk. | | 2005 | 15816199 |
giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis in ruminants. | although they differ considerably with respect to their biology, both giardia duodenalis and cryptosporidium parvum are common in ruminants, whereas cryptosporidium andersoni is not. g. duodenalis infections are acquired during the first few months of life, tend to be chronic, and may be a production-limiting disease of ruminants. c. parvum infections remain an important cause of diarrhea in neonatal ruminants. abomasal cryptosporidiosis, caused by c. andersoni, is an emerging disease of cattle ... | 2006 | 17071357 |
pcr amplification and sequence analyses of its-1 rdna from cryptosporidium andersoni in dairy cattle. | the internal transcribed spacer 1 (its-1) of the ribosomal dna (rdna) from gd, hn, and ah strains of cryptosporidium andersoni was amplified and sequenced to assess whether the its-1 rdna could be used as genetic markers of c. andersoni from different geographic origins in china and to differentiate c. andersoni from other cryptosporidium species. the result showed that the its-1 sequences of gd, hn, and ah strains were basically identical, which were unequivocally different with the sequences o ... | 2007 | 17096139 |
prevalence and first genetic identification of cryptosporidium spp. in cattle in central viet nam. | we investigated the prevalence of cryptosporidium infection in relation to age and clinical status in cattle in the central region of viet nam. a total of 266 fecal samples from diarrheic and non-diarrheic cattle were examined by the modified ziehl-neelsen staining method. prevalence of cryptosporidium parvum type infections, those of the cryptosporidium andersoni type, and mixed infection of both types was 33.5% (89/266), 5.6% (15/266), and 3.4% (9/266), respectively. the infection rate of 44.3 ... | 2007 | 17964078 |
[cloning, expression and analysis of the heat shock protein of cryptosporidium andersoni]. | to clone and express the partial encoding sequence of mr 70,000 heat shock protein of cryptosporidium andersoni (cahsp70) in escherichia coli and identify the recombinant protein. | 2007 | 18038769 |
multilocus phylogenetic analysis of cryptosporidium andersoni (apicomplexa) isolated from a bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus) in china. | this is the first report of cryptosporidiosis in a bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus) in china. two cryptosporidium isolates derived from the same bactrian camel (3-year-old) in november 2005 and april 2006 were characterized using sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the small-subunit rrna (18s rrna), 70-kda heat shock protein (hsp70), actin and cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (cowp) genes. the sequences of the 18s rrna and cowp were identical to all other cryptosporidium andersoni isolat ... | 2008 | 18165930 |
prevalence and genotyping of cryptosporidium species from farm animals in mongolia. | the presence of cryptosporidium oocysts in 460 animals (439 cattle, 16 kids, and 5 sheep) of tuv-aimak mongolian district was investigated by ift. cryptosporidium oocysts were found in 116 (26.4%) cattle. out of the 116 ift positive samples, 47 were further purified by ims, investigated by pcr and 11 were found positive. the species and/or genotypes were determined by nested pcr-rflp and sequence analysis of a fragment of the ssu rrna gene. the results indicated the presence of cryptosporidium a ... | 2008 | 18259778 |
infectivity, pathogenicity, and genetic characteristics of mammalian gastric cryptosporidium spp. in domestic ruminants. | farm ruminants were infected experimentally with four mammalian gastric cryptosporidium, namely cryptosporidium andersoni li03 originated from cattle and three isolates of cryptosporidium muris from brown rat (isolate rn66), bactrian camel (isolate cb03) and firstly characterized isolate from east african mole rat (isolate ts03). sequence characterizations of the small-subunit rrna gene showed that the li03 isolate was c. andersoni and the other three isolates belonged to c. muris, although the ... | 2008 | 18343038 |
detection and species identification of cryptosporidium from taiwan feeding animals. | in this study, 107 fecal specimens were collected from 40 sampling sites in taiwan livestock and avian farms to test for cryptosporidium spp. oocysts. ten of 107 samples analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed the presence of cryptosporidium spp., among which 6 samples were simultaneously confirmed by immunofluorescence assay and polymerase chain reaction. nucleic acid sequencing of the 18s rrna gene identified 3 clusters of cryptosporidium spp. three cryptosporidium parvum isolates ... | 2008 | 18372647 |
genetical survey of novel type of cryptosporidium andersoni in cattle in japan. | previously, we reported that an isolate of novel type of cryptosporidium andersoni detected in cattle in japan contained type a (identical to c. andersoni reported previously) and type b (having a thymine nucleotide insertion unlike the type a) genotypes in the 18s rrna gene. here, we conducted an extensive investigation of cryptosporidium infections in adult cattle in japan from 2004 to 2007. consequently, cryptosporidium sp. were detected in 12 of the 205 cattle examined (5.9%), and partial se ... | 2008 | 18922640 |
prevalence of cryptosporidium andersoni: a molecular epidemiological survey among cattle in india. | cryptosporidiosis is an important and established cause of calfhood morbidity in bovines. the present communication reports the prevalence of cryptosporidium infection among juvenile and adult cattle (6-24 months old) in india based on examination of faecal samples collected from 350 animals across three different agro-climatic regions of the country and further confirmation by a two-step nested pcr assay targeting 18s ssu rrna gene. a total of 45 samples were positive for cryptosoridium species ... | 2009 | 19185428 |
prevalence and molecular characterization of cryptosporidium spp. in dairy cattle in south bohemia, the czech republic. | a total of 995 samples from slaughtered dairy cattle (6 months and older) were collected during two consecutive years (from 2007 to 2008), stained by aniline-carbol-methyl violet and examined microscopically. dna was extracted from cryptosporidium positive samples and from 200 randomly selected microscopically negative samples. nested pcr was performed to amplify the partial ssu rrna and gp60 genes of cryptosporidium that were subsequently digested by sspi, vspi and mboii restriction enzymes to ... | 2009 | 19616383 |
the first detection of cryptosporidium deer-like genotype in cattle in japan. | the general perception is that cattle are major reservoirs for cryptosporidium parvum infections in humans and that c. parvum is a major cause of diarrhea and production loss in cattle. adult cattle may play an important role as cryptic carrier of the infection. cryptosporidium spp. in asymptomatic adult dairy cattle from some farms around osaki area, miyagi prefecture, japan, was examined on a field visit during august, 2007, by polymerase chain reaction techniques for detection, genotyping, an ... | 2009 | 18989700 |
detection of a mixed infection of a novel cryptosporidium andersoni and its subgenotype in japanese cattle. | cryptosporidium oocysts were detected in the feces of cattle in saga, japan. isolates were morphologically large. we attempted to identify the species or genotypes of the isolates by analyzing the partial sequences of the 18s rrna and cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (cowp) genes, and measuring the infectivity in mice. the isolates showed 100% homology with cryptosporidium andersoni in the cowp gene sequence and it could be transmitted to mice, but in the 18s rrna gene, there was an additiona ... | 2007 | 17825491 |
tracking host sources of cryptosporidium spp. in raw water for improved health risk assessment. | recent molecular evidence suggests that different species and/or genotypes of cryptosporidium display strong host specificity, altering our perceptions regarding the zoonotic potential of this parasite. molecular forensic profiling of the small-subunit rrna gene from oocysts enumerated on microscope slides by u.s. environmental protection agency method 1623 was used to identify the range and prevalence of cryptosporidium species and genotypes in the south nation watershed in ontario, canada. fou ... | 2007 | 17483276 |
prevalence of cryptosporidium species and genotypes in mature dairy cattle on farms in eastern united states compared with younger cattle from the same locations. | feces collected from 541 milking cows on two dairy farms each in vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida were examined for the presence of cryptosporidium oocysts. oocysts were concentrated from 15 g of feces from each cow and dna was extracted. a two-step nested pcr protocol was used to amplify an 830 base pair fragment of the ssurrna gene. pcr-positive products were purified and sequenced. pcr-positive findings were obtained from cows in all seven state ... | 2007 | 17287086 |
wide geographic distribution of cryptosporidium bovis and the deer-like genotype in bovines. | recent studies in the united states reported that approximately 85% of pre-weaned dairy calves were infected with zoonotic cryptosporidium parvum, whereas only 1-2% of post-weaned calves and 1-2-year-old heifers were infected with this species. cryptosporidium bovis and cryptosporidium deer-like genotype were much more prevalent in the post-weaned animals. it is not clear whether the same infection pattern also occurs in other geographic areas. in this study, to determine whether the same crypto ... | 2007 | 17097231 |
infectivity and pathogenicity of cryptosporidium andersoni to a novel host, southern multimammate mouse (mastomys coucha). | the infectivity and pathogenicity of cryptosporidium andersoni (bovine isolate) for neonatal and adult southern multimammate mice (mastomys coucha) was studied using transmission experiments. c. andersoni isolate used in this study was not infective for balb/c mice, but experimental infection proved susceptibility of neonatal and adult m. coucha to the infection. the prepatent period was 20-24 days, the patent period varied between 46 and 59 days. no signs of clinical illness or macroscopic find ... | 2007 | 16997473 |
the potential for zoonotic transmission of giardia duodenalis and cryptosporidium spp. from beef and dairy cattle in ontario, canada. | the objective of this study was to compare the occurrence and the genotypes and species of giardia duodenalis and cryptosporidium spp. in beef and dairy cattle from farms in the regional municipality of waterloo, ontario, in an effort to determine the potential for zoonotic transmission from these animals. pooled manure samples were collected from 45 dairy cattle farms and 30 beef cattle farms. the presence of giardia cysts and cryptosporidium oocysts was determined by immunofluorescence microsc ... | 2010 | 20971563 |
sample prevalence and molecular characterisation of cryptosporidium andersoni within a dairy herd in the united kingdom. | bovine cryptosporidiosis is usually an acute diarrhoeal disease of young calves caused by cryptosporidium parvum. however, chronic infection with cryptosporidium andersoni has been associated with gastritis, reduced milk yield and poor weight gain in adult cattle. here we describe the first genetic confirmation and characterisation of c. andersoni from cattle in the united kingdom and its sample prevalence within a dairy herd. oocysts measured 7.5+/-0.4 microm x 5.5+/-0.4 microm (7.0-8.5 microm ... | 2006 | 16908101 |
morphological and immunohistochemical features of cryptosporidium andersoni in cattle. | light and electron microscopic features and immunohistochemical features of cryptosporidium andersoni (c. andersoni) and host reaction in the mucosa were studied. although the affected cattle demonstrated no apparent clinical signs, a severe infection of c. andersoni was observed in the abomasum. c. andersoni were round in shape, measured 6-8 microm in size and were mainly observed to be freely located in the gastric pits, being attached in occasional cases to the surface of the abomasum epithel ... | 2006 | 16537941 |
prevalence of species and genotypes of cryptosporidium found in 1-2-year-old dairy cattle in the eastern united states. | the prevalence of cryptosporidium species in 1-2-year-old heifers was determined for 571 animals on 14 dairy farms in seven states on the east coast of the united states. a fecal specimen collected directly from each heifer was processed to concentrate oocysts that were then examined by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). for every pcr-positive specimen the 18s rrna gene of cryptosporidium was sequenced. cryptosporidium was identified by pcr from heifers on 13 of 14 farms. on all except four farms ... | 2006 | 16159697 |
occurrence and molecular characterization of cryptosporidium spp. isolated from domestic animals in a rural area surrounding atlantic dry forest fragments in teodoro sampaio municipality, state of são paulo, brazil. | the aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of cryptosporidium in domestic animals in rural properties surrounding rain forest fragments within the municipality of teodoro sampaio, southeastern brazil. conventional sucrose flotation method followed by molecular characterization of the parasites by sequencing pcr products amplified from ssu rrna gene were used. stool samples were collected from domestic animals raised as pets and livestock in all rural properties surrounding three forest f ... | 2010 | 21184703 |
isolation of cryptosporidium andersoni kawatabi type in a slaughterhouse in the northern island of japan. | fecal samples were collected from 325 adult cattle and 108 pigs in a slaughterhouse in hokkaido, the northern island of japan. five adult cattle were found to be positive for oocysts of cryptopsoridium (1.5%). the oocysts were morphologically similar to those of cryptosporidium andersoni. the partial sequence of the 18s rrna gene of the isolate was 100% identical with that of the c. andersoni kawatabi strain. scid mice were infected after oral administration. based on the morphology of the oocys ... | 2005 | 15878239 |
infectivity of a novel type of cryptosporidium andersoni to laboratory mice. | previously, we reported 'a novel type' of cryptosporidium andersoni detected from cattle in japan, and showed that the isolate was infective to mice. in the present study, we examined the patterns of oocyst shedding in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent mice, as well as pathological lesions in the infected mice. after oral inoculation with 1 x 10(6) oocysts, all five severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mice began to shed endogenously produced oocysts on day 6 post-inoculation (p.i.). ... | 2005 | 15817217 |
prevalence and characterisation of cryptosporidium species in cattle faeces and on beef carcases at slaughter. | cattle are known reservoirs and asymptomatic excretors of cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite that causes severe and protracted diarrhoea in people. the incidence of cryptosporidium was investigated in 288 matched samples taken from beef carcases of 1 g samples of faeces retrieved immediately after de-legging, 25 cm2 samples of beef excised from the rump of uneviscerated carcases, and 25 cm2 samples of beef excised from the brisket area of eviscerated carcases. cryptosporidium species were det ... | 2005 | 15736696 |
the detection of a novel type of cryptosporidium andersoni oocyst in cattle in japan. | cryptosporidium muris, found in rodents and cattle, has been recognized as a valid species. however, this organism from cattle was recently separated from c. muris infecting rodents based on molecular data and a transmission study. as a consequence, it has been proposed as a new species, c. andersoni. more recently, c. andersoni, which has infectivity to rodents, was detected in cattle in japan, where it has been designated as a novel type. however, isolates from cattle in japan have not been an ... | 2004 | 15232735 |
real-time pcr assay targeting the actin gene for the detection of cryptosporidium parvum in calf fecal samples. | cryptosporidium parvum infection is very important with respect to public health, owing to foodborne and waterborne outbreaks and gastrointestinal illness in immunocompetent and immunocompromised persons. in cattle, infection with this species manifests either as a subclinical disease or with diarrheal illness, which occurs more often in the presence of other infectious agents than when alone. the aim of this study was to develop a real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay for the detectio ... | 2011 | 22042503 |
occurrence of cryptosporidium and giardia on beef farms and water sources within the vicinity of the farms on prince edward island, canada. | the objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and assemblages of giardia and species of cryptosporidium on beef farms in prince edward island (pei), canada, including the water sources associated with the farms, and to determine risk factors for infection of cattle with these parasites. twenty beef farms were selected based on the presence of surface water<500m from the barn. prevalence was determined by direct immunofluorescence microscopy, while genotyping and species determina ... | 2011 | 22112978 |
prevalence and age-related variation of cryptosporidium species and genotypes in dairy calves. | fifteen dairy farms in seven states on the east coast of the us were each visited on two consecutive years to determinate the prevalence of cryptosporidium species in pre-weaned (5 days to 2 months) and post-weaned calves (3-11 months), respectively. after each of 971 fecal specimens collected directly from each calf was sieved and subjected to density gradient centrifugation to remove debris and concentrate oocysts, specimens were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy, and polymerase chain ... | 2004 | 15177715 |
comparison of selected diagnostic methods for identification of cryptosporidium parvum and cryptosporidium andersoni in routine examination of faeces. | this study involved the comparison of suitability of different methods for routine diagnostics of cryptosporidium spp. two staining methods, one concentration-sedimentation method, seven concentration-floatation methods and one combined floatation-sedimentation method were compared. the methods were tested with two concentrations (1 x 10(5) and 1 x 10(6)/g) of c. parvum and c. andersoni. the methods were evaluated using light microscope, magnification 400x for concentration methods and 1000x for ... | 2003 | 14633212 |
genetic diversity of cryptosporidium spp. in cattle in michigan: implications for understanding the transmission dynamics. | epidemiological and molecular data on 248 bovine, 17 human, and 16 water samples of cryptosporidium spp. collected from the lower peninsula of michigan between 1997 and 2000 were analysed. cryptosporidium parvum bovine genotype and cryptosporidium andersoni were found in 56 and four cattle samples, respectively. a total of six c. parvum subgenotypes were found in 34 bovine samples, and five of the eight farms had two or three subgenotypes in cattle. six water samples from these farms had c. ande ... | 2003 | 12783304 |
characteristics of a novel type of bovine cryptosporidium andersoni. | we isolated oocysts that resemble cryptosporidium andersoni from cattle grazing on a farm in japan. the partial sequences of genes from the isolate were coincident with published sequences of genes of c. andersoni. since the isolate was able to infect scid mice, the isolate appears to be a novel type of c. andersoni. | 2003 | 12514063 |
successful in vitro cultivation of cryptosporidium andersoni: evidence for the existence of novel extracellular stages in the life cycle and implications for the classification of cryptosporidium. | the present study describes the complete development of all life cycle stages of cryptosporidium andersoni in the hct-8 cell line. the in vitro cultivation protocols were the same as those used for the successful growth of all life cycle stages of cryptosporidium parvum (int. j. parasitol. 31 (2001) 1048). under these culture conditions, c. andersoni grew and proliferated rapidly with the completion of the entire life cycle within 72h post-infection. the developmental stages of c. andersoni are ... | 2002 | 12464418 |
cryptosporidium andersoni from a danish cattle herd: identification and preliminary characterisation. | in november 1997, cryptosporidium andersoni, for the first time, was isolated from a danish heifer. the isolate was characterised morphologically, molecularly, and furthermore inoculated into mice and one calf. data on the distribution of cryptosporidia in the herd of origin were obtained at two separate visits in december 1997 and april 1998. c. andersoni was detected in 27 (19.0%) of 142 cattle examined at the first visit, whereas c. parvum was found in six (4.2%). at the following visit 42 (2 ... | 2002 | 12072212 |
morphologic, host specificity, and genetic characterization of a european cryptosporidium andersoni isolate. | this study was undertaken in order to characterize a cryptosporidium muris-like parasite isolated from cattle in hungary and to compare this strain with other cryptosporidium species. to date, the large-type oocysts isolated from cattle were considered as c. muris described from several mammals. the size, form, and structure of the oocysts of the hungarian strain were identical with those described by others from cattle. an apparent difference between the morphometric data of c. muris-like paras ... | 2000 | 11191899 |
prevalence of giardia sp. cryptosporidium parvum and cryptosporidium andersoni (syn. c. muris) [correction of cryptosporidium parvum and cryptosporidium muris (c. andersoni)] in 109 dairy herds in five counties of southeastern new york. | a cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of giardia sp. (g. duodenalis group), cryptosporidium parvum and cryptosporidium andersoni (c. muris) [corrected] in dairy cattle in three different age groups, and to evaluate the association of age and season with prevalence. one hundred and nine dairy farms, from a total of 212 farms, in five counties of southeastern new york volunteered to participate. on these farms, 2943 fecal samples were collected from three defined age g ... | 2000 | 11027856 |
a multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay to simultaneously distinguish cryptosporidium species of veterinary and public health concern in cattle. | four species of cryptosporidium are routinely found in cattle: cryptosporidium parvum, cryptosporidium bovis, cryptosporidium ryanae, and cryptosporidium andersoni. it is important to determine the species of cryptosporidium in infected cattle because c. parvum is the only serious pathogen for humans as well as cattle. identification of cryptosporidium species and genotypes currently relies on molecular methods such as polymerase chain reaction (pcr) followed by restriction fragment length polym ... | 2009 | 19713046 |
prevalence and associated management factors of cryptosporidium shedding in 50 swedish dairy herds. | cryptosporidium parvum is a protozoan parasite causing diarrhoea in young calves. this cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the prevalence of cryptosporidium infected herds in a sample of swedish dairy herds and to identify potential risk factors associated with shedding of oocysts. fifty dairy herds, selected by stratified random sampling, were included. the herds were visited once during the indoor seasons of 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. faecal samples were collected from 10 calves, 10 ... | 2009 | 19443061 |
prevalence and distribution of cryptosporidium spp. in dairy cattle in heilongjiang province, china. | few data are available on the molecular characterization of cryptosporidium spp. in cattle in china. in the present study, a total of 507 fecal specimens from six dairy farms in heilongjiang province were examined for cryptosporidium spp. by light microscopy of concentrates from the formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation method (for less than 2-month-old calves) or sheather's floatation method (more than 3-month-old dairy cattle). twenty-seven post-weaned calves on five farms were positive for cry ... | 2009 | 19424720 |
prevalence and molecular characterization of bovine cryptosporidium in qazvin province, iran. | the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, variability with host age, and the genotypes of species of cryptosporidium in cattle from 15 dairy farms in qazvin province, iran. fecal samples, collected from 272 cattle during may 2006 to december 2007, were characterized microscopically. oocysts from 51 positive samples were analyzed using pcr assay of 18s ssu rrna, restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) and sequencing. we identified 72.6% of the positive samples as cryptosporid ... | 2009 | 19091477 |
molecular characterisation of cryptosporidium isolates from swedish dairy cattle in relation to age, diarrhoea and region. | cryptosporidium positive samples from 176 preweaned calves, young stock and cows of 48 herds were subjected to molecular characterisation of the 18s rrna gene to determine which species are present in swedish dairy cattle. in addition, samples characterised as cryptosporidium parvum were further analysed at the gp60 gene to investigate distribution and zoonotic potential of subtypes. the 18s rrna gene was successfully sequenced in 110 samples, with cryptosporidium bovis in 83, c. parvum in 15, c ... | 2010 | 20138705 |
molecular characterization and assessment of zoonotic transmission of cryptosporidium from dairy cattle in west bengal, india. | few studies in the past have examined the genetic diversity and zoonotic potential of cryptosporidium in dairy cattle in india. to assess the importance of these animals as a source of human cryptosporidium infections, fecal samples from 180 calves, heifers and adults and 51 farm workers on two dairy farms in west bengal, india were genotyped by pcr-rflp analysis of the 18s rrna gene of cryptosporidium followed by dna sequencing of the pcr products. phylogenetic analysis was carried out on the d ... | 2010 | 20356678 |
seasonal variation in the prevalence and molecular epidemiology of cryptosporidium infection in dairy cattle in the new york city watershed. | we conducted cross-sectional studies in the new york city watershed to ensure a valid estimate of the risk associated with cryptosporidium infection in dairy herds. our aims were to obtain species-specific estimates of the prevalence of cryptosporidium in dairy cattle and to investigate seasonal variations in prevalence. we validated our empirical estimates using a bayesian approach. samples were collected on 32 study farms, once in each of 3 different seasons using an age-stratified sampling de ... | 2010 | 20397026 |
cryptosporidium infection in herds with and without calf diarrhoeal problems. | a case-control study was designed to investigate the role of different cryptosporidium spp. in swedish dairy herds with and without calf diarrhoeal problems. faecal samples were collected from preweaned calves, young stock and cows. cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by sodium chloride flotation and epifluorescence microscopy. molecular diagnostics were used to identify cryptosporidium species. samples containing c. parvum were further analysed to determine subtypes. calf faecal samples were ... | 2010 | 20714750 |
cryptosporidium andersoni is the predominant species in post-weaned and adult dairy cattle in china. | dairy industry plays an important role in the agricultural economy of china. to estimate the prevalence and public health significance of cryptosporidiosis in post-weaned and adult dairy cattle in china, during four consecutive years (from 2006 to 2009), a total of 1315 fecal samples from 22 dairy cattle farms in ten prefectures in henan province were examined for the presence of cryptosporidium oocysts. the overall prevalence of cryptosporidium was 7.9%, with the highest infection rate (11.3%) ... | 2010 | 20884374 |
cryptosporidium andersoni in western australian feedlot cattle. | cryptosporidium andersoni has not been previously reported in feedlot beef cattle in western australia. faecal samples were collected from 10 groups of cattle ranging in age from 11 to 36 months in five different feedlots in western australia. the incidence of c. andersoni ranged from 0% to 26%. there were no clinical signs associated with c. andersoni infection, but there was a significant reduction in rate of gain of 0.44 kg in infected animals compared with negative pen mates. cryptosporidium ... | 2010 | 20973292 |
effect of low ph on the morphology and viability of cryptosporidium andersoni sporozoites and histopathology in the stomachs of infected mice. | the genus cryptosporidium includes many common parasites infecting animals and humans, and is a major cause of diarrheal illness worldwide. the biology of gastric cryptosporidium spp., including replication in the stomach, has not been well documented. this study evaluated the viability of cryptosporidium andersoni sporozoites in gastric environments after excystation and examined the endogenous development and histopathological changes in the stomachs of infected mice, using a novel type of c. ... | 2010 | 21055405 |
molecular characterization of cryptosporidium spp. in pre-weaned dairy calves in the czech republic: absence of c. ryanae and management-associated distribution of c. andersoni, c. bovis and c. parvum subtypes. | a total of 750 faecal samples of dairy calves at up to 2 months of age kept in various housing systems were screened for cryptosporidium spp. infection using the aniline-carbol-methyl violet staining method. dna was extracted from cryptosporidium positive samples and from 150 randomly selected microscopically negative samples. nested pcr was performed to amplify the partial ssu rrna gene of cryptosporidium that was subsequently digested by sspi, vspi and mboii restriction enzymes to determine th ... | 2010 | 21168973 |
molecular characterization of cryptosporidium spp. in native breeds of cattle in kaduna state, nigeria. | despite numerous molecular epidemiologic studies of cryptosporidiosis in dairy cattle in industrialized countries, there are very few studies on the diversity and public health significance of cryptosporidium species in native cattle in developing countries. in this study, a polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis of the small-subunit (ssu) rrna gene was used to detect and identify cryptosporidium spp. in 194 fecal specimens from 2 to 365 days old ... | 2011 | 21277091 |
a recombinant dna vaccine encoding c. andersoni oocyst wall protein induces immunity against experimental c. parvum infection. | cryptosporidium andersoni parasited in the abomasum has been demonstrated as a cause of reduction of milk production in dairy cow. in this study, a novel chimeric dna vaccine pvax1-ab was constructed and the efficacy against cryptosporidium parvum was determined. balb/c mice were divided into 3 groups and immunized with dna vaccine expressing the oocyst wall protein, ab protein of c. andersoni, the recombinant plasmid containing the ab gene, respectively. after inoculation of 1 × 10(6) oocysts o ... | 2011 | 21450406 |
occurrence of cryptosporidium andersoni in brazilian cattle. | abstract feces were collected from 68 dairy cattle, 1 to 12 mo of age, on 12 farms in the municipality of campos dos goytacazes, rio de janeiro, brazil, and examined for the presence of cryptosporidium sp. all samples were subjected to molecular analysis by polymerase chain reaction (nested pcr) of the 18s rrna. four positive samples (4.54%) were sequenced and identified as cryptosporidium andersoni. this species represents a risk for brazilian cattle because infection can affect cattle producti ... | 2011 | 21526922 |
a whole water catchment approach to investigating the origin and distribution of cryptosporidium species. | aims: investigating the distribution and origin of cryptosporidium species in a water catchment affected by destocking and restocking of livestock due to a foot and mouth disease epidemic. methods and results: surface water, livestock and wildlife samples were screened for cryptosporidium and oocysts characterised by sequencing ssu rrna and cowp loci, and fragment analysis of ml1, ml2 and gp60 microsatellite loci. oocyst concentrations in water samples (0 to 20.29 per 10l) were related to rain ... | 2011 | 21649804 |