
internal parasites of giraffes (giraffa camelopardalis angolensis) from etosha national park, namibia.during three seasonal periods, parasitological samples were collected from six giraffes (giraffa camelopardalis angolensis) in the etosha national park, namibia. the helminths recovered included parabronema skrjabini, skrjabinema spp., haemonchus mitchelli and echinococcus sp. larvae; cytauxzoon sp. was the only hematozoan found. the low mean abundances of all helminths which ranged from 18 to 531 may be attributed to the low rainfall of this region or because the giraffe is not a preferred host ...19902388363
redescriptions of haemonchus mitchelli and haemonchus okapiae (nematoda: trichostrongyloidea) and description of a unique synlophe for the the course of a revision of haemonchus cobb, 1898 (nematoda), commonly referred to as large stomach worms, significant new morphological information was discovered that allows the recognition of 2 species believed for more than 50 yr to be synonymous. both species, haemonchus mitchelli le roux, 1929, from the eland taurotragus oryx and other african ruminants and h. okapiae van den berghe, 1937, from the okapi okapia johnstoni, have a synlophe of 42 ridges, but the synlophe of h. mitchelli is ...200212435136
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