mesencephalic pathway to the retina exhibits enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. | using immunocytochemical methods it was possible to demonstrate a small number of fibers within the optic nerve of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans exhibiting met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. the fibers project to the retina where they ramify within the inner plexiform layer in the region of the visual streak. retrograde labelling with nuclear yellow in combination with immunocytochemical staining revealed the origin of these fibers within visceral nuclei of the caudal mesencephalon. th ... | 1985 | 2581186 |
localization of the na-k pump in turtle retina. | the kinetics of ouabain binding to na-k pump and the distribution of pump sites were examined in the retina of pseudemys scripta elegans. binding to retinal slices followed bimolecular kinetics characterized by a kd of 1.5 x 10(-6) m and a maximum binding capacity of 11.2 x 10(-8) mol g-1 of protein. quantitative autoradiography of slices revealed a high concentration of bound ouabain in the inner segment, outer plexiform, inner plexiform and optic nerve layers, and correspondingly, a low level ... | 1985 | 2409239 |
spectral sensitivity of the freshwater turtle pseudemys scripta elegans: evidence for the filter-effect of colored oil droplets. | spectral sensitivity was measured in the light adapted state for two individuals (s1 and s2) of pseudemys scripta elegans using a behavioral training technique. the curves have three pronounced maxima at 450 nm, at 570 nm (s1) or 540 nm (s2), and at 640 nm. the spectral sensitivity functions can be described by the over-envelope of the effective cone sensitivity functions which are determined by the absorption spectra of the cone photopigments (lambda max at 450, 518 and 620 nm) and by the filte ... | 1985 | 4024481 |
climbing fiber projection to the turtle cerebellum: longitudinally oriented terminal zones within the basal third of the molecular layer. | injections of various radiolabeled amino acids were made into the caudal rhombencephalic tegmentum in the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. in animals in which injections encompassed the entire area previously identified as the possible source of cerebellar climbing fibers, the basal portion of the molecular layer was labeled almost throughout the contralateral cerebellum. in cases of restricted injections, labeled climbing fibers terminated in quite distinct longitudinally oriented zones. cont ... | 1985 | 3974878 |
morphological and pharmacological analysis of putative serotonergic bipolar and amacrine cells in the retina of a turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | using immunocytochemical methods, we have been able to demonstrate serotonin-like immunoreactivity (sli) in amacrine and bipolar cells of the turtle retina. inhibition of monoamine oxidase with pargyline drastically increases the amount of 5-hydroxytryptamine within both cell types. the indoleamine 6-hydroxytryptamine is taken up by both cell types and both types are destroyed within 10 days following intraocular injection of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine. increasing the external potassium concentrati ... | 1985 | 3896508 |
choline acetyltransferase-like immunoreactivity in the forebrain of the red-eared pond turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). | choline acetyltransferase (chat) immunohistochemistry was used to map the cholinergic neurons in the forebrain of pseudemys turtles. cell bodies with chat-like immunoreactivity were seen in the septum, the nucleus of the diagonal band, and embedded within the medial and lateral forebrain bundles. the region of the medial and lateral forebrain bundles contained the greatest concentration of chat-positive neurons. virtually no chat-like immunoreactivity was seen in the areas composing the reptilia ... | 1984 | 6395936 |
a light and fluorescence cytochemical and electron microscopic study of granule-containing cells in the intrapulmonary ganglia of pseudemys scripta elegans. | in the lung of the red-eared turtle, large numbers of intramural ganglia located in the intraparenchymal connective tissue are demonstrated. numerous cells in close proximity to the principal ganglionic neurons displayed a bright blue-white formaldehyde-induced fluorescence. microspectrofluorometric analysis revealed the presence of dopamine (da) in all cells measured. subsequent light histochemical staining of the fluorescent sections showed the da-containing cells to display argentaffinity. el ... | 1984 | 6517038 |
efferent desensitization of auditory nerve fibre responses in the cochlea of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. | extracellular recordings were made from single auditory afferents in the isolated half-head of the turtle, and changes in their acoustic sensitivity were examined following electrical stimulation of the efferent fibres to the basilar papilla. short trains of efferent shocks caused a prolonged elevation of the pure tone thresholds of the auditory afferents and an abolition of their spontaneous activity. these changes could be demonstrated in a majority of recordings and without antidromic firing ... | 1984 | 6520796 |
co-localization of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity and 3h-glycine uptake system in sustained amacrine cells of turtle retina. | amacrine cells are axonless intrinsic neurones of the vertebrate retina which have cell bodies in the proximal inner nuclear layer and processes contributing to the synaptic network of the inner plexiform layer. they receive input from bipolar, interplexiform and other amacrine cells, and synapse onto these and ganglion cells. amino acid and monoamine transmitters are found in most retinal neurones, but peptide transmitters are exclusively located in amacrine cells. only one neuropeptide, amino ... | 2015 | 6387506 |
catecholamine- and indoleamine-containing neurons in the turtle retina. | we identified a population of presumed dopaminergic amacrine cells and populations of presumed serotonergic bipolar and amacrine cells in the retina of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans by a combination of autoradiographic, fluorescence, and immunocytochemical techniques. antisera directed against the dopamine-synthesizing enzyme, tyrosine hydroxylase (toh), stained perikarya located at the border of inner nuclear (inl) and inner plexiform (ipl) layers. processes emitted by these cells arbori ... | 1984 | 6148363 |
excretion rates of sulfamethoxazole and n4-acetyl-sulfamethoxazole by fresh water turtles pseudemys scripta elegans. | sulfamethoxazole and n4-acetylsulfamethoxazole are excreted by fresh water turtles pseudemys scripta elegans in a biphasic mode, characterized half-lives of 5 and 100 min. acetylation and deacetylation reactions cannot be detected below a dose of 50 mg/kg. the mass balance of the dose administered is incomplete, only 30 per cent of the dose can be recovered as parent compound and metabolite. the sulfonamides must be mainly excreted by the faeces and may be metabolized in the gastro-intestinal tr ... | 1984 | 6485242 |
the reconnection of auditory posterior root fibers in the red-eared turtle, chrysemys scripta elegans. | the auditory portion of the eighth nerve, the posterior root, was transected in chrysemys scripta elegans. two groups of animals were allowed to survive; one for 22 days and the second for 64 days. each group was then reoperated to inject hrp into the cochlear duct and allowed to survive for an additional three days - for a total survival time of 25 days and 67 days. the 67 day survivors had hrp reaction product in the eighth nerve and the primary auditory nuclei, while the 25-day survivors did ... | 1984 | 6480526 |
angiotensin and norepinephrine effects on isolated vascular strips from a reptile. | in order to better understand the vascular effects of angiotensin ii (aii) in lower vertebrates, the contractile responses of aortic strips from the freshwater turtle pseudemys scripta elegans were studied. circumferential strips from the left aortic arch were suspended in a tissue bath in 25 degrees c reptilian ringer's solution at ph 7.5. both [asn1,val5] aii (10(-9)-10(-5) m) and norepinephrine (ne) (10(-8)-10(-4) m) produced dose-dependent contractions. the threshold dosage for aii was betwe ... | 1984 | 6735143 |
characterization and quantification of peptidergic amacrine cells in the turtle retina: enkephalin, neurotensin, and glucagon. | immunocytochemical methods were used for selective labeling and characterization of amacrine cells of the turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans) retina which contained neuropeptide-like immunoreactivity (leu-enkephalin, glucagon, and neurotensin). processes of amacrine cells arborized in specific strata of the inner plexiform layer (ipl). different strata were defined in relation to the boundaries of the ipl. zero represented the strata nearest the inner nuclear layer and 100 represented the strata ... | 1983 | 6363468 |
systemic and renal effects of angiotensin ii in the freshwater turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. | this study examined the renal and systemic effects of angiotensin ii (ang ii) in the freshwater turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. we infused [asn1, val5]ang ii at doses of 1, 10, 100, and 500 ng x kg-1 x min-1 in conscious turtles while monitoring blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate (gfr), urine volume, and plasma and urine electrolytes. saline (0.6%) was infused for two 1-h control periods at 1 ml x kg-1 x h-1 followed by a 1-h infusion of saline with ang ii added. saline alone was then ... | 1983 | 6660329 |
some afferent and efferent connections of the vestibular nuclear complex in the red-eared turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. | in the present study some afferent, commissural, and efferent connections of the vestibular nuclear complex in the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans were demonstrated with the hrp tracing technique. afferent projections to the vestibular nuclei were found to arise in the nucleus of the basal optic root, the interstitial nucleus of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis, the medial and lateral cerebellar nuclei, the perihypoglossal nuclear complex, and the reticular formation. distinct commissural ... | 1983 | 6643738 |
acetylation of sulphamethoxazole by fresh water turtles pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1983 | 6632082 |
ultrastructure of the corpuscular nerve ending in the lymph heart of the turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). | corpuscular nerve endings were found in the tunica externa of the lymph heart of a turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). they consisted of axon terminals and surrounding cellular lamellae. serial thin sections of one such presumable sensory corpuscle were made and reconstructed for the three-dimensional analysis of the corpuscle, with special reference to the axon terminals. it was revealed that axon terminals ramified at several points within the corpuscle and formed varicosities of various sizes ... | 1983 | 6870488 |
a correlative light-, fluorescence- and electron-microscopic study of neuroepithelial bodies in the lung of the red-eared turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | neuroepithelial bodies (neb) were identified for the first time in the respiratory tract of a reptile by the use of combined morphological and histochemical methods. in the red-eared turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans, neb were found within the trabecular epithelium of the respiratory tract, mainly in the branching regions of the trabeculae. an intracellular formaldehyde-induced fluorescent compound was identified as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) by means of microspectrofluorometry. subsequent histo ... | 1983 | 6196119 |
mesodiencephalic and other target regions of ascending spinal projections in the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | ascending spinal projections were investigated in turtle pseudemys scripta elegans following injections of radioactive amino acids into the spinal cord at various levels. experiments using s35-methionine were most successful in demonstrating various mesodiencephalic target areas. ascending projections from lumbar and cervical segments terminated predominantly in caudal and lateral reticular fields including the perihypoglossal complex. these spinal regions also projected for a lesser extent to r ... | 1982 | 7161414 |
the morphology of the bipolar cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells in the retina of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. | the morphology of the neurons that contribute to the inner plexiform layer of the retina of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans has been studied by light microscopy of whole-mount material stained by the method of golgi. cells have been distinguished on the basis of criteria that include dendritic branching patterns, dendritic morphology, dendritic tree sizes and stratification of processes in the inner plexiform layer. many of the neurons have dendritic trees oriented parallel to and a few exh ... | 1982 | 6127731 |
the architecture of the spleen of the red-eared slider, chrysemys scripta elegans (reptilia, testudines). | the morphology of the spleen of the red-eared slider, chrysemys scripta elegans, has been described. the outer surface of the spleen is covered by a thin fibromuscular capsule, from which a number of trabeculae extend into the parenchyma. the parenchyma of the spleen shows a definite demarcation into a red and white pulp. the white pulp is composed of two lymphoid compartments: lymphoid tissue surrounds both central arterioles and ellipsoids, forming the periarteriolar and periellipsoidal lympho ... | 1982 | 7186548 |
light and electron microscopy of the photoreceptors in the retina of the red-eared slider, pseudemys scripta elegans. | the six different types of photoreceptor in the retina of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans have been studied by light and electron microscopy. fresh whole-mount retina, in which the oil droplet colors of the photoreceptors could be seen, was compared with fixed tissue cut in the vertical plane. the red single cone (large red oil droplet) is largest in diameter and, in electron microscopy (em) views, has the least opaque oil droplet. it also has a vacuolated paraboloid and a cone pedicle that ... | 1982 | 7130460 |
quantitative studies of retinal ganglion cells in a turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans: ii. size spectrum of ganglion cells and its regional variation. | recent evidence suggests that ganglion cell size and its regional variation may be an important feature of vertebrate retinas. accordingly, we have examined nissl-stained, whole-mounted pseudemys scripta retinas to determine the soma size spectrum of ganglion cells at different retinal loci. cell size histograms reveal that at any given point on the retina, a majority of ganglion cells are small (6-10 microns), and in peripheral samples there is some evidence for a second, larger size class (12- ... | 1982 | 6181104 |
quantitative electron microscopic analysis of the optic nerve of the turtle, pseudemys. | it is estimated by means of electron microscopy that the optic nerve of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans contains 394,900 fibers of which approximately 80% are myelinated. the total fiber count agrees well with counts obtained from electron microscopic studies on other turtle species. there are, however, differences among these species in the percentage of myelinated fibers in the optic nerve. the axon diameter distribution of the myelinated fibers (excluding myelin) has a mode at 0.87 micro ... | 1982 | 7096642 |
connections of the small bipolar cells with the photoreceptors in the turtle. an electron microscope study of golgi-impregnated, gold-toned retinas. | the connections between photoreceptors and the small bipolar cells with a landolt club in the turtle retina (pseudemys scripta elegans) were analyzed with the electron microscope after golgi impregnation and gold toning. the dendritic tree of several bipolars was partially or completely reconstructed from continuous series of thin sections. all bipolar cells studied established both basal and invaginating junctions with cone pedicles; in invaginating junctions, their dendrites invariably ended a ... | 1982 | 6175667 |
membrane specializations in the outer plexiform layer of the turtle retina. | the internal organization of the plasma membrane at specialized contacts in the outer plexiform layer of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans, was analyzed with the aid of the freeze-fracturing technique. in the invaginating synapse of cone pedicles the plasma membrane of the photoreceptor ending contains an aggregate of p-face particles, images of synaptic vesicle exocytosis, and rows of forming coated vesicles which are arranged in sequence from apex to base of the synaptic ridge. thus, freez ... | 1982 | 6276452 |
the frequency selectivity of auditory nerve fibres and hair cells in the cochlea of the turtle. | 1. the electrical responses of single auditory nerve fibres or cochlear hair cells were recorded in the isolated half-head of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. responses to sound stimuli presented to the tympanum could be recorded for at least 4 hr after isolation.2. impulses were recorded extracellularly from single auditory nerve fibres. for tones of suprathreshold intensity the impulses occurred with a preferred phase relation (i.e. they were phase-locked) to the cycles of the sound stimu ... | 1980 | 7463380 |
intracellular analysis and structural correlates of the organization of inputs to ganglion cells in the retina of the turtle. | intracellular recording from the ganglion cells of the retina of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans shows that the photoresponses are characterized by either of two reversal potentials. these have been related to the bipolar and amacrine cell inputs to ganglion cells. of the recorded ganglion cells, 33% (type a) are driven predominantly by one type of input, attributed to bipolar cells. other ganglion cells (66%, type b) receive a mixed input from bipolar and amacrine cells. type a ganglion ce ... | 1980 | 6105651 |
photoreceptor signals at visual threshold. | electrical responses of cone photoreceptors in the retina of the freshwater turtle have been characterised for flashes and steps of light in darkness and in the presence of background light. these intracellular measurements have been combined with the behavioural increment threshold curve to yield an estimate of 5-10 muv for the signal developed in a cone when the turtle can just detect an increment flash. the signal developed when the cones under the stimulus image are dark-adapted is of intere ... | 1980 | 7360231 |
light responses of ganglion cells in the retina of the turtle. | 1. recordings were made from single axons of 218 ganglion cells in the optic nerve of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. responses to light stimuli were used to classify 182 of the cells into four functional groups.2. movement-sensitive cells (113 units) responded best to moving stimuli independent of the stimulus colour or direction of motion. their receptive fields were organized into antagonistic centres and surrounds with the same spectral sensitivity. based on their patterns of response ... | 1980 | 7381765 |
substance p-like immunoreactivity in cerebellar mossy fibers and terminals in the red-eared turtle, chrysemys scripta elegans. | | 1980 | 6158019 |
interactions between tectal radial cells in the red-eared turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans: an analysis of tectal modules. | the optic tectum is a major subdivision of the visual system in reptiles. previous studies have characterized the laminar pattern, the neuronal populations, and the afferent and efferent connections of the optic tectum in a variety of reptiles. however, little is known about the interactions that occur between neurons within the tectum. this study describes two kinds of interactions that occur between one major class of neurons, the radial cells, in the optic tectum of pseudemys using nissl, gol ... | 1979 | 228046 |
organization of nucleus rotundus, a tectofugal thalamic nucleus in turtles. i. nissl and golgi analyses. | this study consists of a detailed cytoarchitectonic and golgi analysis of a major tectofugal thalamic nucleus in the red-eared turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. neurons in nucleus rotundus have a unimodal soma size distribution and a common dendritic branching pattern. they have long dendrites which undergo sparse, dichotomous branchings and contribute to dendritic fields that cover a third to half the dimensions of the nucleus. spicules, 1-2 mu long, and complex appendages, 5-20 mu long, are f ... | 1979 | 458858 |
the fine structure of the anterior median eminence in the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans (wied). | | 1979 | 554565 |
effects of sustained oxygen depletion on tissue pyruvate kinase activities in the freshwater turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | 1. the effect of sustained (48 hr) oxygen depletion on tissue (brain, heart, skeletal muscle) pyruvate kinase (pyki) activities was examined in the pond turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). 2. pyki activities in skeletal muscle are significantly increased (from 322 +/- 84 to 450 +/- 95) following 48 hr of tissue hypoxia. pyki activities in brain may already be elevated under ambient conditions but do not change following prolonged submersion (334 +/- 75 vs 325 +/- 77). cardiac muscle pyki is actu ... | 1979 | 318413 |
quantitative anatomy of the lungs of the red-eared turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | morphometric and sterological methods were employed to evaluate the anatomical gas-exchange potential of the lungs of the fresh-water turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. the total lung volume and lung wet weight increase with the 1.4 power of body weight. right and left lungs are similar in size and shape, containing a tissue-free central lumen, which occupies 55 per cent of the maximally inflated lung. the remainder is parenchyma, composed of 90 per cent air and 10 per cent tissue, with an effec ... | 1978 | 741106 |
helminth parasites of the red-eared turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans) in central arkansas. | | 1978 | 739316 |
structure of anterior dorsal ventricular ridge in a turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). | | 1978 | 731705 |
the responses of amacrine cells to light and intracellularly applied currents. | 1. intracellular responses to light were recorded from amacrine cells in the retina of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. 2. the recorded responses were identified on the basis of physiological criteria reported previously (marchiafava, 1976). amacrine cells produced transient 'on' and 'off' depolarizing responses irrespective of the retinal area illuminated and of wavelength. 3. the transient depolarizing responses increased by enlarging the illuminated circle up to 120 micrometer in radius. ... | 1978 | 565815 |
analysis of electrical noise in turtle cones. | 1. properties of the light-sensitive voltage noise in cones in the retina of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans, have been studied by intracellular recording.2. suppression of the noise by light was a function of the hyperpolarizing response of a cone but not of the size or pattern of illumination.3. power density spectra of the noise were fitted in many cones by the product of two lorentzians with characteristic time constants tau(1) and tau(2) averaging 40 and 7 msec respectively. the spect ... | 1977 | 592199 |
the relation between intercellular coupling and electrical noise in turtle photoreceptors. | 1. intracellular recordings from cones and rods in the retina of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans, revealed that in darkness the cell voltage fluctuated spontaneously about its mean level. the fluctuations were reduced during bright steady illmination of the cell often to a level close to that obtained with the electrode outside the cell where the noise did not change significantly during illumination. 2. the magnitude of the intrinsic dark noise (voltage variance in darkness minus voltage ... | 1976 | 1018249 |
spatial properties of horizontal cell responses in the turtle retina. | 1. intracellular recordings were made from horizontal cells in the retina of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. spatial properties of the responses were determined using brief flashes of monochromatic light. 2. for a light stimulus in the form of a long narrow slit the peak response decayed approximately exponentially with displacement from the centred position. 3. with variation in the area of a centred circular patch, the peak response increased in a graded manner with stimulus area but was ... | 1976 | 1018237 |
a technique for intravenous injection in the red-eared turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). | a technique is described for exposure and injection of the jugular vein in the red-eared turtle. satisfactory anaesthesia and muscular relaxation for this procedure was obtained by intramuscular injection of a mixture of chloral hydrate and sodium pentobarbital at a dose of 2.5 ml/kg bodyweight. induction time was 30-45 minutes. time for surgical procedure 30-45 minutes. recovery time 1-8 hours. | 1976 | 979135 |
the effect of hypothalamic thermal stimulation on respiration in the turtle. | cumulative oxygen consumption (vo2) and oxygen consumption per unit time were measured for fresh water turtles (pseudemys scripta elegans) as hypothalamic stimulation was applied. stimulation was provided by means of a thermode at 9-2o c (cold), 27o c (sham), and 55-60 degrees c (hot). a statistically significant increase in mean cumulative oxygen consumption was noted for hot stimulation as compared to control value. a less dramatic but significant decrease in mean cumulative oxygen consumption ... | 1976 | 932666 |
effects of temperature transients on gas exchange and acid-base status of turtles. | pulmonary ventilation (ve), o2 consumption (vo2), and co2 production (vco2) were measured continuously on each of 10 turtles, pseudemys scripta elegans, at 20 degrees c, during and for 1 h after heating to 30 degrees c and during and for 1 h after cooling to 20 degrees c. in seven of the animals, arterial blood was sampled at the three temperature plateaus. ventilatory ratios (ve/vo2 and ve/vco2) and metabolic rate adjusted promptly to temperature change, stabilizing at values similar to those o ... | 1976 | 5899 |
non-pulmonary co2 loss during diving in the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1976 | 9231 |
effect of starvation on fructose diphosphatase, glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoglucomutase activities in organs of pseudemys (chrysemys) scripta elegans. | | 1975 | 164319 |
electrical responses of double cones in the turtle retina. | 1. responses to monochromatic flashes were recorded intracellularly from double cones in the retina of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. double cones have been identified by intracellular marking with procion yellow dye.2. the direct light response of a double cone is a hyperpolarization graded with the intensity of a flash and similar to the response of single cones.3. when flashes were dim, responses were proportional to light intensity but varied in time course as a function of wave-leng ... | 1974 | 4141369 |
interactions leading to horizontal cell responses in the turtle retina. | 1. small responses to large fields of dim monochromatic lights were recorded intracellularly from luminosity horizontal cells (l-cells), chromaticity horizontal cells (c-cells) and cones in the retinae of turtles, pseudemys scripta elegans.2. responses of cones to brief flashes applied over steady backgrounds were studied in order to interpret the corresponding responses of horizontal cells. steady red or green backgrounds make the responses of red-sensitive cones smaller, faster and often dipha ... | 1974 | 4852507 |
heart rate and physiological thermoregulation in a basking turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1974 | 4151826 |
effects of prolonged diving anoxia on the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1974 | 4156263 |
an ultrastructural study of the oral mucous membrane of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1974 | 4844603 |
activities, intracellular localization and kinetic properties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, pyruvate kinase and malate dehydrogenase in turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans) liver, heart and skeletal muscle. | | 1973 | 4757958 |
detection and resolution of visual stimuli by turtle photoreceptors. | 1. hyperpolarizing responses up to 30 mv in amplitude were recorded from cones and from certain cells believed to be rods in the isolated retina of the swamp turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans.2. the responses evoked by weak flashes of light reach their maximum in 100-140 msec in red-sensitive cones, 140-180 msec in green-sensitive cones, and 300-600 msec in the rod-like cells (20 degrees c).3. the cone response evoked by weak flashes of light is linearly related to light intensity and obeys the ... | 1973 | 4766219 |
ultrastructural studies on the relationship between follicular cells and growing oocytes in the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1973 | 4756246 |
behavior of phosphofructokinase during the aerobic-anaerobic transition period in the isolated perfused turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans) heart. | | 1973 | 4268971 |
studies on anaerobic metabolism in the fresh-water turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). | | 1973 | 4404869 |
ultrastructural survey of the retina of pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1972 | 4653338 |
the effect of temperature on ventilation in the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1971 | 5568457 |
changes in heart and skeletal muscle cytochrome oxidase activity during anaerobiosis in the freshwater turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1970 | 4322174 |
distribution of integumental tyrosinase activity in red-eared turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1970 | 4988165 |
buoyancy control in the freshwater turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | freshwater turtles (pseudemys scripta elegans) significantly corrected experimental displacements of their specific gravity. by reciprocally changing the volumes of lung air and stored water, they set their buoyancy and maintained their body volume. the cloacal bursae may be the active site for water storage and exchange in this mechanism. | 1969 | 5360591 |
[seasonal changes in the thyroid activity of a reptile, pseudemys scripta elegans]. | | 2016 | 5358477 |
[synaptic ultrastructures in the epiphysis of the chelonia. presence of synaptic bands at the level of articulations between pseudosensory cells and nerve terminals in the epiphysis of pseudemys scripta elegans and pseudemys picta]. | | 1968 | 4298323 |
some effects of bleeding on the iron metabolism of normal and of starved turtles (pseudemys scripta elegans). | | 1965 | 5884104 |
the effect of bleeding and starvation on blood volumes and peripheral hemogram of the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1965 | 5880322 |
general and comparative biology of experimental atmospheres and other stress conditions: experiments with the turtle, pseudemys scripta-elegans. | | 1965 | 14288901 |
[structure and ultrastructure of the epiphysis of a cheilonian, pseudemys scripta elegans]. | | 1964 | 14190530 |
immediate reaction of the red-eared turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans) to x-irradiation. | | 1961 | 13754165 |
immediate reaction to x-irradiation of the red-eared turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). | | 1960 | 13754166 |
isolation and characterization of two hemoglobins found in the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. | | 1957 | 13505830 |