
[infectious diseases in poland in 2004].incidence of influenza, the most frequent infectious disease in poland decreased 72% to 336,919 cases (882.4 per 100,000 population). number of bacterial foodborne infections and intoxications remain high--19,870 cases (52.0 per 100,000). 79.6% of them were caused by salmonella. in 17.0% of them etiologic factor was not found. number of cases of diarrhea among children 0-2 (viral, bacterial and of unknown origin) was 16,361 (2,326 per 100,000). among them 5,672 were viral. this number includes r ...200617249156
[infectious diseases in poland in 2005].in 2005 numerous important modifications were introduced into surveillance of infectious diseases in poland according to the requirements of european union. the most important modification was introduction of european case definitions. concerning list of infectious diseases, all positions recommended by eu are reported in poland. incidence of influenza, the most frequent infectious disease in poland increased 117.7% to 733,234 cases (1921.4 /100,000). number of cases of diarrhea among children 0 ...200717956029
[Infectious diseases in Poland in 2009].With introduction of the new law on infectious diseases has decreased the number of infectious diseases subject to mandatory reporting. At the same time ambiguities in the text of the Act and no regulation defining the scope and manner of filing could affect the reduction in the number of applications especially in cases of gastro-intestinal infections caused by viruses. In 2009, a new variant of influenza A(H1N1)v has occurred in Mexico. Infection with this virus spread over all the continents ...201121913454
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