
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
the clostridium difficile pcr ribotype 027 lineage: a pathogen on the move.clostridium difficile is a gram-positive, spore-forming, human and animal pathogen that is the major cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea worldwide. the past decade has seen the rapid emergence of the hypervirulent pcr ribotype (rt) 027 complex, which has been associated with increases in the incidence and severity of disease and mortality. in this review, we describe the potential virulence factors that have been reported in strains from the rt 027 complex. we review the emergence, populati ...201424621128
international prevalence of adverse drug events in hospitals: an analysis of routine data from england, germany, and the usa.adverse drug events (ades) are frequent in hospitals, occurring either in patients before admission or as a nosocomial event, and either as a drug reaction or as a consequence of a medication error. routine data primarily recorded for reimbursement purposes are increasingly being used on a national level both in pharmacoepidemiological studies and in trigger tools. the aim of this study was to compare the prevalence rates of coded ades in hospitals on a transnational level.201424620750
clostridium difficile enteritis: a new role for an old foe.small bowel involvement of clostridium difficile is increasingly encountered. data on many management aspects are lacking.201424618362
clostridium difficile infection in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia and in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation: epidemiology and risk factor analysis.patients receiving treatment for acute myelogenous leukemia (aml) and recipients of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (asct) are at high risk of contracting clostridium difficile infection (cdi), the most frequently observed nosocomial diarrhea and enterocolitis. data were retrieved from the prospective cologne cohort of neutropenic patients. patients hospitalized for asct as well as patients receiving treatment for aml were included in the analysis. risk factor analysis for the occurrence of ...201424607558
nap1 strain type predicts outcomes from clostridium difficile infection.studies are conflicting regarding the importance of the fluoroquinolone-resistant north american pulsed-field gel electrophoresis type 1 (nap1) strain in clostridium difficile infection (cdi) outcome. we describe strain types causing cdi and evaluate their association with patient outcomes.201424604900
editorial commentary: host-pathogen interactions in clostridium difficile infection: it takes two to tango. 201424604896
harnessing microbiota to kill a pathogen: the sweet tooth of clostridium difficile. 201424603797
harnessing microbiota to kill a pathogen: fixing the microbiota to treat clostridium difficile infections. 201424603796
use and outcomes of extended antibiotic prophylaxis in urological cancer surgery.although perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis prevents postoperative infectious complications, national guidelines recommend cessation of antibiotics within 24 hours after the procedure. extended antibiotic prophylaxis beyond 24 hours may contribute to hospital acquired infections such as clostridium difficile colitis. we evaluated practice patterns of antibiotic prophylaxis in genitourinary cancer surgery and assessed the impact of antibiotic prophylaxis on hospital acquired c. difficile infect ...201424603103
risk estimation for recurrent clostridium difficile infection based on clinical factors.the incidence of clostridium difficile infection (cdi) has risen dramatically during the last decade. although patients respond well to medical therapy such as vancomycin, 20%-30% of patients treated suffer a recurrence of cdi.201424599770
vital signs: improving antibiotic use among hospitalized patients.antibiotics are essential to effectively treat many hospitalized patients. however, when antibiotics are prescribed incorrectly, they offer little benefit to patients and potentially expose them to risks for complications, including clostridium difficile infection (cdi) and antibiotic-resistant infections. information is needed on the frequency of incorrect prescribing in hospitals and how improved prescribing will benefit patients.201424598596
cost-benefit relation of diet and probiotics in iatrogenic bowel irregularity (ibi). 201424596557
nutrition economic evaluation of a probiotic in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.antibiotic-associated diarrhea (aad) is common and frequently more severe in hospitalized elderly adults. it can lead to increased use of healthcare resources. we estimated the cost-effectiveness of a fermented milk (fm) with probiotic in preventing aad and in particular clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (cdad).201424596556
predictors of mortality attributable to clostridium difficile infection in patients with underlying malignancy.this study aimed at evaluating the clinical severity and treatment outcomes of clostridium difficile infections (cdi) and identifying predictors associated with mortality in patients with malignancy.201424595407
diversity in prevalent pcr ribotypes of clinical strains of c. 2009, a programme of clostridium difficile ribotyping was established in the north east. the aim of this project was to profile circulating ribotypes in the region, in all, 50 notified north east clostridium difficile cases were ribotyped. the majority of cases occurred in patients over 70 years and in hospital in-patients. the most common ribotype identified was 027 (n = 12, 24%) and 005 (n = 8, 16%). ribotype 078 was also detected (n = 5, 10%). comparison with a 2009 national ribotyping stu ...201424592641
clostridium difficile infection among children across diverse us geographic locations.little is known about the epidemiology of clostridium difficile infection (cdi) among children, particularly children ≤3 years of age in whom colonization is common but pathogenicity uncertain. we sought to describe pediatric cdi incidence, clinical presentation, and outcomes across age groups.201424590748
alteration of the murine gastrointestinal microbiota by tigecycline leads to increased susceptibility to clostridium difficile infection.antibiotics can play dual roles in clostridium difficile infection (cdi); antibiotic treatment increases the risk of cdi, and antibiotics are used to treat cdi. the glycylcycline antibiotic tigecycline has broad antimicrobial activity, yet it is rarely associated with the development of cdi, presumably due to its activity against c. difficile. in this study, we investigated how tigecycline treatment affects the structure of the gut microbiota and susceptibility to cdi by treating mice with tigec ...201424590475
development of clostridium septicum gas gangrene as an adverse effect of clindamycin-induced clostridium difficile infection in a pediatric patient.clostridium myonecrosis or gas gangrene is a life-threatening infection characterized by either traumatic or atraumatic etiology. it has been widely described in patients with traumatic open wounds and in immunocompromised patients, including malignancy. a third source can result from natural flora in the gastrointestinal tract after bowel ischemia. this is a rare occurrence and is even less commonly described in the pediatric population. we present a pediatric patient who developed clostridium ...201424590337
fidaxomicin in clostridium difficile infection: latest evidence and clinical guidance.the incidence of clostridium difficile infection (cdi) has risen 400% in the last decade. it currently ranks as the third most common nosocomial infection. cdi has now crossed over as a community-acquired infection. the major failing of current therapeutic options for the management of cdi is recurrence of disease after the completion of treatment. fidaxomicin has been proven to be superior to vancomycin in successful sustained clinical response to therapy. improved outcomes may be due to reduce ...201424587892
clostridium difficile infection: management strategies for a difficult disease.clostridium difficile was first described as a cause of diarrhea in 1978 and in the last three decades has reached an epidemic state with increasing incidence and severity in both healthcare and community settings. there also has been a rise in severe outcomes from c. difficile infection (cdi). there have been tremendous advancements in the field of cdi with the identification of newer risk factors, recognition of cdi in populations previously thought not at risk and development of better diagno ...201424587820
effects of β-lactam antibiotics and fluoroquinolones on human gut microbiota in relation to clostridium difficile associated diarrhea.clostridium difficile infections are an emerging health problem in the modern hospital environment. severe alterations of the gut microbiome with loss of resistance to colonization against c. difficile are thought to be the major trigger, but there is no clear concept of how c. difficile infection evolves and which microbiological factors are involved. we sequenced 16s rrna amplicons generated from dna and rna/cdna of fecal samples from three groups of individuals by flx technology: (i) healthy ...201424586762
storage duration of red blood cell transfusion and clostridium difficile infection: a within person comparison.randomized controlled trials demonstrated that red blood cell (rbc) transfusion elevates the risk of infection, and trials are underway to evaluate whether rbc storage affects outcomes. we previously reported that transfusion predicts clostridium difficile infection (cdi) and, therefore, planned an investigation to examine this further using a more robust design.201424586694
reduction in the incidence of hospital-acquired clostridium difficile infection through infection control interventions other than the restriction of antimicrobial use.a combination of infection control interventions, consisting of education, isolation, hand hygiene, contact precautions, and environmental disinfection, was implemented in the medical intensive care unit (micu). the strict restriction of the use of antimicrobial agents was not included in this study. following the interventions, the incidence of clostridium difficile infection (cdi) in the micu decreased significantly, by 67%, from 4.70 to 1.53 cases/1000 patient days (p = 0.012), while the hosp ...201424583565
fecal microbiota transplantation in the treatment of clostridium difficile recent years, clostridium difficile infections have become more frequent, more severe, more refractory to standard treatment, and more likely to recur. current antibiotic treatment regimens for clostridium difficile infection alter the normal gut flora, which provide colonization resistance against clostridium difficile. over the past few years, there has been a marked increase in the knowledge of the gut microbiota and its role in health maintenance and disease causation. this has, fortuitou ...201424582877
what nurses need to know about fecal microbiota transplantation: education, assessment, and care for children and young adults.fecal microbiota transplantation (fmt) is an emerging experimental therapy for treatment of recurrent clostridium difficile infection. in the future, fmt has the potential to be a treatment modality in other diseases that involve gut dysbiosis. as use of fmt is likely to expand, pediatric nurses need a clear understanding of fmt to provide appropriate education, assessment, and care for these patients. pediatric research and clinical nurses are a resource to help children and parents understand ...201424582649
pharmacist participation in infection prevention: an innovative approach to monitoring compliance with the five moments for hand hygiene in a large academic medical center.using pharmacy residents as covert observers, we evaluated compliance with hand hygiene and contact precautions among 101 unique health care workers on entrance, exit, and inside rooms of patients with known or suspected clostridium difficile infection. overall compliance rates with hand hygiene upon entering and exiting patient rooms were 63.4% and 69.3%, respectively. however, there was a lack of hand hygiene inside patient rooms for the observed opportunities.201424581023
control of clostridium difficile infection in the hospital setting.clostridium difficile infection (cdi) has emerged as a leading challenge in the control of healthcare-associated infection (hcai). the epidemiology of cdi has changed dramatically, this is associated with emergence of 'hypervirulent' strains, particularly pcr ribotype 027. despite the epidemic spread of these strains, there are recent reports of decreasing incidence from healthcare facilities where multi-facetted targeted control programs have been implemented. we consider these changes in epide ...201424579852
trends and changes in clostridium difficile diagnostic policies and their impact on the proportion of positive samples: a national june 2012, israeli guidelines for laboratories were published defining the recommended methods for diagnosis of clostridium difficile infection (cdi). we conducted this survey to examine the effects of the new recommendations on the proportions of rejected and positive samples by the different methods. a survey was mailed to the directors of all general hospital (gh) and health maintenance organization (hmo) clinical microbiology laboratories. the report was divided into two periods, before a ...201424674056
multicenter evaluation of the quidel lyra direct c. difficile nucleic acid amplification assay.clostridium difficile is a gram-positive bacterium commonly found in health care and long-term-care facilities and is the most common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. rapid detection of this bacterium can assist physicians in implementing contact precautions and appropriate antibiotic therapy in a timely manner. the purpose of this study was to compare the clinical performance of the quidel lyra direct c. difficile assay (lyra assay) (quidel, san diego, ca) to that of a direct cell cultu ...201424671790
community-acquired clostridium difficile infection: an increasing public health threat.there has been a startling shift in the epidemiology of clostridium difficile infection over the last decade worldwide, and it is now increasingly recognized as a cause of diarrhea in the community. classically considered a hospital-acquired infection, it has now emerged in populations previously considered to be low-risk and lacking the traditional risk factors for c. difficile infection, such as increased age, hospitalization, and antibiotic exposure. recent studies have demonstrated great gen ...201424669194
toxic megacolon after abdominoplasty: a case report.after an accepted technique of abdominoplasty, a 66-year-old woman developed clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, leading to toxic megacolon and subsequent subtotal colectomy. the presumed etiology is chronic use of a proton pump inhibitor. this was addressed in a 2012 "white paper" warning issued by the food and drug administration. this article presents the course of this case as well as a review of the pertinent literature.201424667886
detection of clostridium difficile diarrhoea in harare, zimbabwe.clostridium difficile is associated with nosocomial and community-acquired diarrhoea and pseudomembranous colitis in humans. little information is available on the importance of c. difficile as a causative agent of diarrhoea in developing countries such as zimbabwe. the current study was carried out to determine the prevalence of c. difficile in diarrhoeal stools of outpatients over 2 years of age presenting at healthcare centres in harare, zimbabwe, and to determine the antimicrobial susceptibi ...201424664819
clostridium difficile extracytoplasmic function σ factor σv regulates lysozyme resistance and is necessary for pathogenesis in the hamster model of infection.clostridium difficile is a clinically important pathogen and the most common cause of hospital-acquired infectious diarrhea. expression of the c. difficile gene csfv, which encodes σ(v), an extracytoplasmic function σ factor, is induced by lysozyme, which damages the peptidoglycan of bacteria. here we show that σ(v) is required for lysozyme resistance in c. difficile. using microarray analysis, we identified the c. difficile genes whose expression is dependent upon σ(v) and is induced by lysozym ...201424664503
early clostridium difficile infection during allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.clostridium difficile infection (cdi) is frequently diagnosed in recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-hsct). we characterized early-transplant cdi and its associations, and analyzed serially-collected feces to determine intestinal carriage of toxigenic c. difficile. fecal specimens were collected longitudinally from 94 patients during allo-hsct hospitalization, from the start of pre-transplant conditioning until up to 35 days after stem cell infusion. presence o ...201424662889
development of a recombinant toxin fragment vaccine for clostridium difficile infection.clostridium difficile infection (cdi) is the major cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis, a disease associated with significant morbidity and mortality. the disease is mostly of nosocomial origin, with elderly patients undergoing anti-microbial therapy being particularly at risk. c. difficile produces two large toxins: toxin a (tcda) and toxin b (tcdb). the two toxins act synergistically to damage and impair the colonic epithelium, and are primarily responsible for ...201424662701
investigation of potentially pathogenic clostridium difficile contamination in household clostridium difficile spores are resistant to many household cleaning products, the potential for community household contamination is high. the purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of toxigenic c. difficile from environmental sources from a large urban area. three to 5 household items or environmental dust was collected from 30 houses in houston, texas. a total of 127 environmental samples were collected from shoe bottoms (n = 63), bathroom surfaces (n = 15), house floor dusts ...201424657158
evaluation of a multiplex pcr assay for simultaneous detection of bacterial and viral enteropathogens in stool samples of paediatric patients.we evaluated a multiplex pcr assay, the seeplex diarrhoea ace detection, that simultaneously detects 15 enteric pathogens, including salmonella spp., shigella spp., vibrio spp., toxin b producer clostridium difficile, campylobacter spp., clostridium perfringens, yersinia enterocolitica, aeromonas spp., escherichia coli o157:h7, verocytotoxin-producing escherichia coli, adenovirus, group a rotavirus, norovirus gi and gii, and astrovirus. we compared this assay with clinical methods routinely used ...201424656922
understanding new concepts: clostridium difficile infection in pouch patients. 201424652112
[treating clostridium difficile infection with faecal transplantation: donor microbiological testing].clostridium difficile associated diseases (cdads) or c. difficile infections (cdis) are increasing in incidence, severity and mortality. among patients with cdis, those with recurrent disease are less responsive to traditional therapies with commonly used drugs, such as metronidazole and vancomycin. faecal microbiota transplantation is an old therapeutic procedure that has been recently proposed as a safe and effective treatment for cdi patients non-responsive to antibiotic therapy. in this pape ...201424651084
increased incidence of clostridium difficile pcr ribotype 027 in hesse, germany, 2011 to 2013.after the first outbreak of clostridium difficile pcr ribotype (rt) 027 in germany in 2007, no further outbreaks were reported until the recent re-emergence of rt 027 in hesse, a federal state with 6 million inhabitants located in south-west germany. we undertook a survey to determine the prevalence of rt 027 and other strains in a prospective study. from january 2011 to july 2013, we analysed 291 specimens from patients diagnosed with c. difficile infection (cdi) in 40 healthcare facilities in ...201424650866
real-time cellular analysis for quantitative detection of functional clostridium difficile toxin in stool.rapid and accurate diagnosis and monitoring of clostridium difficile infection (cdi) is critical for patient care and infection control. we will briefly review current laboratory techniques for the diagnosis of cdi and identify aspects needing improvement. we will also introduce a real-time cellular analysis (rtca) assay developed for the diagnosis and monitoring of cdi using electronic impedance to assess the cell status. the rtca assay uses impedance measurement to detect minute physiological ...201424649817
[recurrent clostridium difficile infection. treatment with duodenal infusion of donor feces]. 201424647687
the systemic inflammatory response to clostridium difficile infection.the systemic inflammatory response to clostridium difficile infection (cdi) is incompletely defined, particularly for patients with severe disease.201424643077
higher plasma vitamin d is associated with reduced risk of clostridium difficile infection in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (ibd) have an increased risk of clostridium difficile infection (cdi). cathelicidins are anti-microbial peptides that attenuate colitis and inhibit the effect of clostridial toxins. plasma calcifediol [25(oh)d] stimulates production of cathelicidins.201424641590
systematic review: faecal microbiota transplantation therapy for digestive and nondigestive disorders in adults and children.there has been growing interest in the use of faecal microbiota transplantation (fmt) for the treatment of gastrointestinal and nongastrointestinal diseases.201424641570
systematic selection of modified aptamer pairs for diagnostic sandwich assays.protein diagnostic applications typically require pairs of analyte-specific reagents for capture and detection. we developed methods for the systematic isolation of slow off-rate modified aptamer (somamer) reagents that bind to different epitopes and allow efficient pair-wise screening of multiple ligands. somamers were generated via a second systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (selex), using complexes of target proteins with a primary, non-amplifiable somamer and employing ...201424641476
increasing incidence of clostridium difficile infection, australia, report the quarterly incidence of hospital-identified clostridium difficile infection (hi-cdi) in australia, and to estimate the burden ascribed to hospital-associated (ha) and community-associated (ca) infections.201424641152
clostridium difficile - what is the australian story? 201424641129
vaccines against clostridium difficile.clostridium difficile infection (cdi) is recognized as a major cause of nosocomial diseases ranging from antibiotic related diarrhea to fulminant colitis. emergence during the last 2 decades of c. difficile strains associated with high incidence, severity and lethal outcomes has increased the challenges for cdi treatment. a limited number of drugs have proven to be effective against cdi and concerns about antibiotic resistance as well as recurring disease solicited the search for novel therapeut ...201424637887
the impact of hospital-onset clostridium difficile infection on outcomes of hospitalized patients with examine the impact of hospital-onset clostridium difficile infection (hocdi) on the outcomes of patients with sepsis.201424715578
incidence and outcomes of clostridium difficile-associated disease in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients.hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients are at a high risk of clostridium difficile-associated disease (cdad) given frequent hospitalizations, prolonged antibiotic usage and altered integrity of intestinal mucosa. the prevalence and trends of cdad in hsct patients have not been extensively studied. in this study, the international classification of diseases, ninth revision, clinical modification (icd-9-cm) codes were used to identify cdad in hsct patients using a nationwide inpatien ...201424715522
the lexa regulated genes of the clostridium difficile.the sos response including two main proteins lexa and reca, maintains the integrity of bacterial genomes after dna damage due to metabolic or environmental assaults. additionally, derepression of lexa-regulated genes can result in mutations, genetic exchange and expression of virulence factors. here we describe the first comprehensive description of the in silico lexa regulon in clostridium difficile, an important human pathogen.201424713082
clostridium difficile toxin a attenuates wnt/β-catenin signaling in intestinal epithelial cells.clostridium difficile toxins a and b (tcda and tcdb) are homologous glycosyltransferases that inhibit a group of small gtpases within host cells, but several mechanisms underlying their pathogenic activity remain unclear. in this study, we evaluated the effects of tcda on the wnt/β-catenin pathway, the major driving force behind the proliferation of epithelial cells in colonic crypts. iec-6 and rko cells stimulated with wnt3a-conditioned medium were incubated with 10, 50, and 100 ng/ml of tcda f ...201424711571
time-resolved cellular effects induced by tcda from clostridium difficile.the anaerobe clostridium difficile is a common pathogen that causes infection of the colon leading to diarrhea or pseudomembranous colitis. its major virulence factors are toxin a (tcda) and toxin b (tcdb), which specifically inactivate small gtpases by glucosylation leading to reorganization of the cytoskeleton and finally to cell death. in the present work a quantitative proteome analysis using the isotope-coded protein label (icpl) approach was conducted to investigate proteome changes in the ...201424711272
reduction in clostridium difficile infections among neurosurgical patients associated with discontinuation of antimicrobial prophylaxis for the duration of external ventricular drain placement. 201424709732
community-associated clostridium difficile infection among veterans with spinal cord injury and disorder.the impact of community-associated clostridium difficile infection (ca-cdi) on patients with spinal cord injuries and disorders (sci/ds) is not fully understood. we examined ca-cdi cases among veterans with sci/d, comparing them with community-onset, healthcare facility-associated (co-hcfa) cases. generally, patients with ca-cdi had less comorbidity, less severe cdi, and lower likelihood of antibiotic exposure.201424709729
the role of the humoral immune response to clostridium difficile toxins a and b in susceptibility to c. difficile infection: a case-control study.antibody levels to clostridium difficile toxin a (tcda), but not toxin b (tcdb), have been found to determine risk of c. difficile infection (cdi). historically, tcda was thought to be the key virulence factor; however the importance of tcdb in disease is now established. we re-evaluated the role of antibodies to tcda and tcdb in determining patient susceptibility to cdi in two separate patient cohorts. in contrast to earlier studies, we find that cdi patients have lower pre-existing iga titres ...201424708941
restoring the gut microbiome for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.fecal microbiota transplantation (fmt) is considered to be a highly successful therapy for recurrent and refractory clostridium difficile infection (cdi) based on recent clinical trials. the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (ibd) is thought to be due in part to perturbations in the gut microflora that disrupt homeostasis. fmt restores essential components of the microflora which could reverse the inflammatory processes observed in ibd. case reports and series for the treatment of ibd ...201424707129
enteric infections.cancer patients, particularly those with neutropenia, are at risk for enteric and intra-abdominal infections. specific infections and infectious syndromes in this setting include neutropenic enterocolitis, bacterial infections such as clostridium difficile infection (cdi), viral infections such as cmv colitis, and parasitic infections such as strongyloidiasis. diagnosing and gauging the severity of cdi presents challenges, as chemotherapy may produce symptoms that mimic cdi and laboratory findin ...201424706227
early infection of hip joint prosthesis by clostridium difficile in an hiv-1 infected patient.anaerobes are less frequently described as causative pathogen of prosthetic joint infection (pji). we report the first case of early pji after hip arthroplasty due to clostridium difficile in a diabetic and hiv-1 infected patient with bacteremia. our patient was successfully treated through surgical debridement and prosthesis retention combined with targeted antibiotic therapy.201424705255
editorial commentary: changing epidemiology of clostridium difficile and emergence of new virulent strains. 201424704726
emergence of a ribotype 244 strain of clostridium difficile associated with severe disease and related to the epidemic ribotype 027 strain.we identified 12 patients with clostridium difficile infection between july 2011 and march 2012 from whom an unusual c. difficile strain was isolated. this strain had a single-nucleotide deletion of the tcdc gene at position 117 and binary toxin genes, which are characteristic of the hypervirulent ribotype (rt) 027 strain.201424704722
[clostridium colitis at a surgical department].the aim of our study was to identify risk factors associated with the development of clostridium difficile colitis and determining the severity of clostridial colitis in a group of surgical patients. identification of its predispositions is necessary for preventive interventions and effective treatment.201424702290
development and validation of a recurrent clostridium difficile risk-prediction model.recurrent clostridium difficile infection (rcdi) affects 10% to 25% of patients with initial cdi (icdi). initiation of new therapies that reduce recurrences rests on identifying patients at high risk for rcdi at icdi onset.201424700708
re: proton pump inhibitors and risk for recurrent clostridium difficile infection among inpatients. 201424698870
safety and tolerability of rifaximin for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome without constipation: a pooled analysis of randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.the efficacy of rifaximin, a nonsystemic, gut-targeted antibiotic for reducing non-constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (non-c ibs) symptoms, has been demonstrated in one phase 2b and two phase 3 randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, but detailed data about rifaximin safety and tolerability during treatment and subsequent follow-up periods are lacking.201424697851
the changes of pcr ribotype and antimicrobial resistance of clostridium difficile in a tertiary care hospital over 10 years.the aims of this study were to investigate any change in pcr ribotypes and to determine the antimicrobial resistance of common pcr ribotypes over a 10-year period in a tertiary care hospital. we conducted pcr ribotyping, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and dna gyrase sequencing to identify changes in 1407 clostridium difficile non-duplicated isolates obtained between 2000 and 2009. a total of 74 different ribotypes were found. the most prevalent ribotype was ribotype 001 (26.1 %). the preva ...201424696516
common questions about clostridium difficile infection.clostridium difficile infection is a common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. it causes no symptoms in more than one-half of infected patients, but can also cause a wide spectrum of illnesses and death. the incidence and severity have increased in recent years. the most important modifiable risk factor for c. difficile infection is antibiotic exposure; this risk is dose-related and higher with longer courses and combination therapy. c. difficile infection is also associated with older age ...201424695562
comparison of sensitivity of enzyme immunoassays for toxin a and b in different c. difficile pcr ribotypes.enzyme immunoassays (eias) for toxins a and b are the most common assays for the diagnosis of clostridium difficile infection due to their rapidity and ease of use. however, the sensitivity of different kits varies greatly. the predominant pcr ribotypes of c. difficile vary according to the region or country studied, and it was recently reported that the sensitivity of eias can be affected by the strain type. the aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of eias in different pcr ribotypes ...201424695472
temporal changes in serum albumin and total protein in patients with hospital-acquired clostridium difficile infection.studies have demonstrated low serum levels of total protein (tp) and albumin (alb) in patients with clostridium difficile infection (cdi), especially with refractory and recurrent disease. however, it is not known whether low tp and/or alb levels are a risk factor for cdi or merely a result of diarrheal loss. the aim of this study is to determine if low tp and/or alb level is an antecedent or sequela of cdi, which would be useful in risk stratification of hospitalized or nursing home patients. a ...201424695471
comparison of two molecular methods for detecting toxigenic clostridium difficile.clostridium difficile is one of the most common causes of nosocomial diarrhea, and diagnostic methods for detecting c. difficile infection have shifted from conventional to more recent molecular techniques. this study aimed to compare the performance of two molecular assays (meridian illumigene™ and advansure cd real-time pcr) in detecting c. difficile using a toxigenic culture as a reference standard.201424695470
the clostridium difficile proline racemase is not essential for early logarithmic growth and infection.proline racemase (prdf), which is important for energy metabolism via the stickland pathway and is unique to certain clostridia, was investigated as a potential anti-clostridium difficile target by examining its effects on the growth and virulence of c. difficile. inactivation of prdf by insertional mutagenesis did not affect early logarithmic growth but only attenuated growth in the mid- and late logarithmic phases. there was no effect on virulence in vivo, suggesting that prdf is also not requ ...201424693984
cost-effectiveness of competing strategies for management of recurrent clostridium difficile infection: a decision analysis.clostridium difficile infection (cdi) is an important cause of morbidity and healthcare costs, and is characterized by high rates of disease recurrence. the cost-effectiveness of newer treatments for recurrent cdi has not been examined, yet would be important to inform clinical practice. the aim of this study was to analyze the cost effectiveness of competing strategies for recurrent cdi.201424692533
rho gtpases control ciliary epithelium cells proliferation and progenitor profile induction in vivo.rho gtpases play a central role in actin-based cytoskeleton reorganization and regulate multiple signaling pathways that control gene transcription, cell survival, and proliferation. we investigated the effect of rho gtpases on cell cycle regulation and progenitor genes expression on mouse ciliary epithelium (ce), a potential source of progenitor/stem cells in the adult retina.201424692128
drug-safety alerts issued by regulatory authorities: usefulness of meta-analysis in predicting risks earlier.the purpose of this study was to evaluate how risk estimates generated from cumulative meta-analysis performs over time for drugs having their benefit/risk ratio re-evaluated due to safety issues and, additionally, assess whether results are consistent with regulatory authorities' conclusions.201424691786
treatment of recurrent clostridium difficile infection with fecal transplantation.clostridium difficile infection is an increasingly common clinical challenge in hospitals and healthcare facilities. the infection often results in severe complications for the infected individual including relentless diarrhea, abdominal pain, dehydration, and mortality. currently, there is a significant gap between research and practice in the management of recurrent clostridium difficile infection, and treatment guidelines are limited. numerous attempts at treating this infection have been mad ...201424691086
investigation of a clostridium difficile cluster by multilocus sequence typing in a bone marrow transplant unit. 201424690456
the epidemiology of clostridium difficile infection in romania: what we know, or do not know and why? 201424689105
improving hospital staff compliance with environmental cleaning behavior.reducing the incidence of healthcare-associated infections requires proper environmental cleanliness of frequently touched objects within the hospital environment. an intervention was launched in june 2012 and repeated in february 2013 and august 2013 to increase hospital room cleanliness with repeated education and training of nursing and environmental services staff to reduce healthcare-associated infections at cook children's medical center. random rooms were tested, staff were trained about ...201424688183
fecal microbiota transplantation in treating clostridium difficile infection.clostridium difficile infection (cdi) is an increasingly common and severe international health problem. customary treatment of this infection, usually with antibiotics, is often ineffective and its recurrence is common. in recent years the treatment of recurrent or refractory cdi by the transfer of stool from an uninfected person, so called fecal "microbiota transplantation" has become recognized as effective and generally safe. the effectiveness of this novel treatment is incompletely defined ...201424825534
fulminant clostridium difficile enteritis causing abdominal compartment syndrome.clostridium difficile infection of the small bowel, or c. difficile enteritis (cde), is an uncommon condition. cases reported previously have been described in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (ibd), compromised immune systems, or a history of colectomy or small bowel surgery.201424824419
analysis of clostridium difficile infections after cardiac surgery: epidemiologic and economic implications from national data.clostridium difficile infections (cdis) have increased during the past 2 decades, especially among cardiac surgical patients, who share many of the comorbidity risk factors for cdi. our objectives were to use a large national database to identify the regional-, hospital-, patient-, and procedure-level risk factors for cdi; and determine mortality, resource usage, and cost of cdis in cardiac surgery.201424823282
mechanism of action and epitopes of clostridium difficile toxin b-neutralizing antibody bezlotoxumab revealed by x-ray crystallography.the symptoms of clostridium difficile infections are caused by two exotoxins, tcda and tcdb, which target host colonocytes by binding to unknown cell surface receptors, at least in part via their combined repetitive oligopeptide (crop) domains. a combination of the anti-tcda antibody actoxumab and the anti-tcdb antibody bezlotoxumab is currently under development for the prevention of recurrent c. difficile infections. we demonstrate here through various biophysical approaches that bezlotoxumab ...201424821719
[saccharomyces cerevisiae fungemia in an elderly patient following probiotic treatment].saccharomyces cerevisiae, known as baker's yeast, is also used as a probiotic agent to treat gastroenteritis by modulating the endogenous flora and immune system. however, since there have been increasing reports of fungemia due to s.cerevisiae and its subspecies s.boulardii, it is recommended that probiotics should be cautiously used in immunosuppressed patients, people with underlying diseases and low-birth weight babies. to emphasize this phenomenon, in this report, a case of s.cerevisiae fun ...201424819274
antimicrobial prophylaxis for colorectal surgery.research shows that administration of prophylactic antibiotics before colorectal surgery prevents postoperative surgical wound infection. the best antibiotic choice, timing of administration and route of administration remain undetermined.201424817514
identification and characterization of glycoproteins on the spore surface of clostridium this study, we identify a major spore surface protein, bcla, and provide evidence that this protein is glycosylated. following extraction of the spore surface, solubilized proteins were separated by one-dimensional page and stained with glycostain to reveal a reactive high-molecular-mass region of approximately 600 kda. tandem mass spectrometry analysis of in-gel digests showed this band to contain peptides corresponding to a putative exosporangial glycoprotein (bcla3) and identified a number ...201424816601
statins use and risk of mortality in patient with clostridium difficile infection.current evidence suggests that statins may improve outcome in infectious diseases. this study aims to assess whether statins use is associated with reduced risk of 30-day mortality in clostridium difficile infection (cdi). using the computerized database of clalit, the largest healthcare provider in israel, we identified a cohort of adult subjects (age ≥40 years) who tested positive on a c. difficile toxin assay performed between january 2011 and december 2012. subjects were defined as current s ...201424816303
funding healthcare-associated infection research: a systematic analysis of uk research investments, infections (hcais) are a cause of high health and economic burden in the uk. the number of hcai research studies funded in the uk, and the associated amount of investment, has not previously been analysed.201424815767
hospital-acquired clostridium difficile infections: estimating all-cause mortality and length of stay.clostridium difficile is a health care-associated infection of increasing importance. the purpose of this study was to estimate the time until death from any cause and time until release among patients with c. difficile, comparing the burden of those in the intensive care unit (icu) with those in the general hospital population.201424815305
colonic marbling in clostridium difficile pancolitis. 201424814091
expert panel evaluation of health information technology effects on adverse events.adverse events (aes) among hospitalized patients occur frequently and result in significant sequelae. federal policy is incentivizing health information technology (hit) use, although research demonstrating safety benefits from hit is mixed. our objective was to evaluate the potential effects of hit on reducing 21 different inpatient aes. identifying aes most likely to be reduced by hit can inform the design of future studies evaluating its effectiveness.201424813820
clinical characteristics and outcome of patients with clostridium difficile infection diagnosed by pcr versus a three-step algorithm.clinical features of clostridium difficile infections (cdi) detected by pcr, but not by conventional methods, are poorly understood. we compared the clinical features of cdi cases detected by pcr only and cases detected by both pcr and a three-step algorithm. we performed a retrospective cohort study of patients fulfilling a standardized definition over a 13-month period. stool specimens were tested in parallel by pcr and an algorithm based on enzyme immunoassay and cytotoxicity assay (eia/cca). ...201424813402
towards point of care testing for c. difficile infection by volatile profiling, using the combination of a short multi-capillary gas chromatography column with metal oxide sensor detection.rapid volatile profiling of stool sample headspace was achieved using a combination of short multi-capillary chromatography column (smcc), highly sensitive heated metal oxide semiconductor (mos) sensor and artificial neural network (ann) software. for direct analysis of biological samples this prototype offers alternatives to conventional gc detectors and electronic nose technology. the performance was compared to an identical instrument incorporating a long single capillary column (lscc). the a ...201427212803
response to p. destrez concerning g.j. hughes et al.: impact of cleaning and other interventions on the reduction of hospital-acquired clostridium difficile infections in two hospitals in england assessed using a breakpoint model. 201424811116
clostridium difficile as a cause of healthcare-associated diarrhoea among children in auckland, new zealand: clinical and molecular epidemiology.we aimed to determine the incidence of clostridium difficile infection (cdi), the molecular epidemiology of circulating c. difficile strains and risk factors for cdi among hospitalised children in the auckland region. a cross-sectional study was undertaken of hospitalised children <15 years of age in two hospitals investigated for healthcare-associated diarrhoea between november 2011 and june 2012. stool specimens were analysed for the presence of c. difficile using a two-step testing algorithm ...201424810967
clostridium difficile spores: a major threat to the hospital environment.clostridium difficile is a gram-positive, anaerobic spore former and is an important nosocomial and community-acquired pathogenic bacterium. c. difficile infections (cdi) are a leading cause of infections worldwide with elevated rates of morbidity. despite the fact that two major virulence factors, the enterotoxin tcda and the cytotoxin tcdb, are essential in the development of cdi, c. difficile spores are the main vehicle of infection, and persistence and transmission of cdi and are thought to ...201424810347
relative incidences and outcomes of clostridium difficile infection following transplantation of unrelated cord blood, unrelated bone marrow, and related peripheral blood in adult patients: a single institute study.clostridium difficile is a major cause of nosocomial diarrhea. the incidence and prognosis of c. difficile-associated diarrhea (cdad) has not yet been assessed in adult patients after unrelated cord blood transplantation (ucbt).201424810244
a review of the economics of treating clostridium difficile infection.clostridium difficile infection (cdi) is a costly result of antibiotic use, responsible for an estimated 14,000 deaths annually in the usa according to the centers for disease control and prevention. annual costs attributable to cdi are in excess of $us 1 billion. this review summarizes appropriate utilization of prevention and treatment methods for cdi that have the potential to reduce the economic and humanistic costs of the disease. some cost-effective strategies to prevent cdi include screen ...201424807468
ulcerative colitis worsened after clostridium difficile infection: efficacy of infliximab.the incidence of clostridium difficile (c. difficile) infection (cdi) is 1.8%-5.7% in admitted patients with ulcerative colitis (uc). cdi can worsen uc and increase the risk for colectomy or even death, thus necessitating therapy escalation, such as increasing the corticoid therapy or starting a biologic treatment. several reported cases with infliximab therapy have provided favorable outcomes in uc patients with cdi, suggesting that infliximab treatment may be protective; however, the optimal i ...201424803831
microbiome data distinguish patients with clostridium difficile infection and non-c. difficile-associated diarrhea from healthy controls.antibiotic usage is the most commonly cited risk factor for hospital-acquired clostridium difficile infections (cdi). the increased risk is due to disruption of the indigenous microbiome and a subsequent decrease in colonization resistance by the perturbed bacterial community; however, the specific changes in the microbiome that lead to increased risk are poorly understood. we developed statistical models that incorporated microbiome data with clinical and demographic data to better understand w ...201424803517
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