Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
[sexual periodicity of the female of a lower primate, the lemur microcebus murinus; effect of transposition of seasonal changes in light]. | 1959 | 13663408 | |
[the corticotropic cells in the hypophysis of a madagascan lemur: microcebus murinus (miller, 1777). identification by immunofluorescence]. | 1971 | 4104037 | |
[histological and comparative anatomical studies on the ontogenesis and phylogenesis of the hand skeleton of tupaia glis (diard 1820) and microcebus murinus (j.f. miller 1777)]. | 1971 | 5134621 | |
[application of semestrial photoperiodism to microcebus murinus (miller 1777)]. | 1972 | 4677464 | |
[observations on reproduction of microcebus murinus (miller 1777) in captivity at tananarive]. | 1974 | 4448303 | |
[the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium of microcebus murinus (miller, 1777)]. | 1974 | 4448302 | |
patterns of activity in three nocturnal prosimian species, galago senegalensis moholi, g. crassicaudatus umbrosus, and microcebus murinus murinus, under semi-natural conditions. | 1974 | 4415003 | |
chromosomal evolution in malagasy lemurs. i. chromosome banding studies in the genuses lemur and micrcebus. | the successive use of several banding methods permitted us to compare the karyotypes of six malagasy lemurs: microcebus murinus, lemur fulvus fulvus, l. f. collaris, l. f. albocollaris, l. macaco, and l. mongoz. a correspondence can be found among all clearly identifiable chromosomes. based on rearrangements of some of the chromosomes, the karyotype of m. murinus seems to be closest to that of the hypothetical common ancestor. the karyotype of l. f fulvus, which is nearly identical to that of m. ... | 1976 | 828095 |
[influence of social grouping on seasonal sexual activation in male microcebus murinus (miller 1777)]. | comparative studies were made on different heterosexual groups of microcebus murinus during the period of sexual activation, which is determined by the photoperiod. in pairs (1 male--1 female), the sexual activation of the males occurs during january. this is accompanied by a loss of body weight and by an increase in basal oxygen consumption. the testes are maximal in size by the beginning of march. in groups of 8 individuals (4 males--4 females) only one male exhibits normal sexual activity. he ... | 1977 | 404781 |
chromosomal evolution in primates: tentative phylogeny from microcebus murinus (prosimian) to man. | the karyotypes of more than 60 species of primates are studied and compared, with the use of almost all existing banding techniques. there is a very close analogy of chromosome banding between the simians studied and man. the quantitative or qualitative variations detected all involve the heterochromatin. it is very likely that all the euchromatin (nonvariable r and q bands) is identical in all the species. approximately 70% of the bands are common to the simians and to the lemurs (prosimians). ... | 1979 | 112030 |
seasonal and social determinants of urinary catecholamines in the lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus, cheirogaleinae, primates). | 1979 | 38043 | |
a quantitative approach to cytoarchitectonics. v. the areal pattern of the cortex of microcebus murinus (e. geoffroy 1828), (lemuridae, primates). | the boundaries of iso- and allocortical areas of microcebus murinus were analyzed with an automatic quantitative procedure using an image analyzer. the results are summarized in a cortical map and compared with a previous study of microcebus murinus (clark, 1931) and galago demidovii (zilles et al., 1979). a surprising correspondence could be observed between microcebus and galago with respect to the cortical areal pattern and the cytoarchitectonic structure of the various areas, including their ... | 1979 | 118681 |
[cytogenetics of two lorisidae (nycticebus coucang and perodicticus potto). comparison with the lemurs and the simians (author's transl)]. | the karyotypes of two lorisidae (prosimians) nycticebus coucang and perodicticus potto have been studied, using many banding techniques. these karyotypes are compared with each other and also with those of microcebus murinus (lemur) and of cebus capucinus (simian, platyrrhine). the karyotype of m. murinus appears ancestral to the other. that of the lorisidae cannot be an intermediatry stage between the karyotypes of the lemurs and of the simians. an important part (12 p. cent) of the genome of n ... | 1979 | 115375 |
similarities and differences in the cortical areal patterns of galago demidovii (e. geoffroy, 1796; lorisidae, primates) and microcebus murinus (e. geoffroy, 1828; lemuridae, primates). | the areal patterns of the telencephalic cortices of galago demidovii and microcebus murinus were compared. a very similar pattern was found in both species. this striking similarity is considered a further argument for the newly proposed phylogenetic relationship of cheirogaleids and galagos. | 1980 | 7429372 |
the early development of the nervous system in staged insectivore and primate embryos. | the early development of the nervous system was studied in stage embryos of hemicentetes semispinosus, microcebus murinus, alouatta seniculus, cebus appella, cebus albifrons, macaca mulatta, and homo sapiens. the specimens were assigned to carnegie stages 11-13. serial transverse sections were examined and graphic reconstructions were prepared. the early development of the neural tube is basically similar in all the species investigated but differences in detail are noticeable. the mesencephalic ... | 1980 | 7440789 |
chromosome banding analogies between a prosimian (microcebus murinus), a platyrrhine (cebus capucinus), and man. | the comparative study of the karyotypes of microcebus (lemur, cheirogaleid) and cebus (platyrrhini, ceboid) shows important similarities between nearly all large chromosomes of these two genera. since a relationship has been previously found between the karyotypes of homo and cebus, a correspondence may be found between many chromosomes of man and those of lemurs. this study enlarges the field of comparative cytogenetics at the level of the primate order. | 1980 | 6768303 |
further observations on the occurrence of taste buds in the papilla palatina of primates. | 1. taste buds occur in the epithelium of the papilla of galago crassicaudatus and demidovi, perodicticus potto and microcebus murinus. the taste buds are found single or in groups of 2 or 3. a taste area ocurs in galago crassicaudatus and perodicticus potto. 2. the pattern of the distribution of the taste buds in the species studied is basically the same as found previously in nycticebus and tupaia. the taste buds are found in the oral part of the papilla palatina exclusively, far oral to the or ... | 1980 | 7429132 |
annual variation in the plasma testosterone in microcebus murinus. | 1981 | 7319422 | |
gene mapping of microcebus murinus (lemuridae): a comparison with man and cebus capucinus (cebidae). | the karyotype of microcebus murinus (mim) (lemuridae) is considered by dutrillaux (1979) as the closest to the karyotype ancestral to all primates. a large number of homoeologies exists between the banding patterns of mim chromosomes and those of man (hsa). we report a comparison of the gene maps of these two species which confirms most of these homoeologies. fifteen cell hybrids were obtained by fusing mim fibroblasts and an hprt- chinese hamster cell line. twenty-seven enzyme markers were inve ... | 1982 | 6957281 |
stress-effects in microcebus murinus. | histological investigations were made over a 10-year period on 164 lesser mouse lemurs that died spontaneously in captivity. the principal lesions found were chronic nephrosis with nephritis which affects 90% of the animals, myocardial necrosis, respiratory insufficiency induced by interstitial pneumonia, fatty changes in the liver, and splenic and gastric lesions. the following are associated with these pathologies: progressive hypothyroidism, stable hypercorticism, slight medulloadrenal hypera ... | 1982 | 7141352 |
hematology of the lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). a preliminary study. | some blood values of 86 lesser mouse lemurs (microcebus murinus) maintained in captivity are presented. these are comparable with those of other prosimians: pcv 51.7%, rbc 9.2 x 10(6)/mm3, mcv 57.5 micron3, wbc 12,900/mm3, lymphocytes 59.7%, neutrophils 30.7%, monocytes 4.8%, eosinophils 4.2%, basophils 0.6%. we noted no significant difference between the sexes except that the percentage of lymphocytes was slightly lower in the females (with a corresponding percentage of neutrophils slightly hig ... | 1983 | 6418625 |
new gene assignments in the rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus). comparison with other species. | nineteen cell hybrids were obtained by fusing rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus, ocu) fibroblasts and a chinese hamster cell line hgprt-. eleven enzymatic markers were previously investigated (soulié and grouchy 1982); seven of these could be assigned (ldha, ldhb, tpi, pepb, np, itp, and g6pd). two assignments were uncertain (mdh2 and guk). two markers could not be assigned (mdh1 and pgd). seven further markers were investigated and are the subject of this report. six could be assigned: galt to chro ... | 1983 | 6572613 |
chromosomal evolution in malagasy lemurs. vii. phylogenic relationships between propithecus, avahi (indridae), microcebus (cheirogaleidae), and lemur (lemuridae). | a chromosomal banding study was carried out on propithecus verreauxi verreauxi, p. verreauxi deckeni, and avahi laniger laniger. comparison of their karyotypes with those of microcebus murinus and lemur fulvus led to reconstruction of the ancestral lemuriform karyotype and a determination that the branch leading to the indridae was isolated very early, before the separation of the lemuridae from the cheirogaleidae. the karyotype of avahi remained highly ancestral, whereas that of p. verreauxi wa ... | 1983 | 6641285 |
annual variations in the plasma thyroxine level in microcebus murinus. | there is a great annual variation of plasma thyroxine (t4) in microcebus murinus. the averages range between 30 and 68 ng/ml from february to july, and fall to 6 ng/ml in november. long photoperiods seem to be the environmental factor responsible for the summer increase in plasma t4 as they are for testosterone. there is no apparent phase opposition with annual testosterone variation. | 1984 | 6468919 |
effects of long-term grouping on serum cortisol levels in microcebus murinus (prosimii). | the influence of social interactions on plasma cortisol was studied in captive microcebus murinus, a prosimian primate. regardless the group composition, there is an annual variation in cortisol levels characterized by an autumn peak that coincides with the fattening and sexual resting period. the beginning of activity, early in january, is accompanied by a fall in cortisol levels. cortisol levels are higher in females than in males both in pairs and in heterosexual groups. in paired animals, me ... | 1984 | 6489945 |
sexual inhibition in a prosimian primate: a pheromone-like effect. | the effect of dominant urine odour on plasma levels of testosterone and cortisol was studied in the prosimian primate microcebus murinus. this species shows a photoperiod-dependent cycle of sexual activity. in particular, mean testosterone levels vary from 15 nmol/l during the annual rest period to 245 nmol/l during the breeding season. when males of this solitary and territorial species are artificially grouped in captivity, they develop a social hierarchy which in turn results in physiological ... | 1984 | 6747496 |
diurnal variations in plasma testosterone concentrations in the male lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | in 6 isolated adult male lesser mouse lemurs, concentrations of testosterone in plasma were determinated at 6-h intervals over a 24-h period. blood samples were collected at monthly intervals and for a period of 12 months under natural photoperiod. in this nocturnal prosimian, there were no apparent diurnal changes in testosterone concentrations during the non-breeding season (autumn). during seasonal sexual activity (january-august), diurnal changes in testosterone concentrations were character ... | 1985 | 4040572 |
plasma testosterone-binding globulin-binding capacity in the male lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus): relationship to seasonal and social factors. | plasma testosterone-binding globulin (tebg)-binding capacity was determined by equilibrium dialysis in the lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus), a prosimian which exhibits a clear photoperiod-dependent sexual cycle. plasma tebg-binding capacity showed significant seasonal changes which were inversely correlated to those of plasma testosterone concentrations. the capacity of tebg was at its maximum (1.72 +/- 0.4 mumol/l) during the sexual rest period and decreased to 0.98 +/- 0.24 mumol/l duri ... | 1986 | 3734676 |
social influences on oestrous cycle length and plasma progesterone concentrations in the female lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | plasma progesterone concentrations were recorded during one breeding season in 19 lesser mouse lemur females living in different social conditions. the oestrous cycle length and the progesterone profile mainly depended on the social environment of the female. for totally isolated females, the oestrous cycle lasted 38 +/- 5.7 days and included a 25-30-days spontaneous luteal phase with a progesterone peak about 100 ng/ml between the 20th and 25th days after oestrus, and a prolonged preovulatory p ... | 1986 | 3723475 |
the accessory optic system in a prosimian primate (microcebus murinus): evidence for a direct retinal projection to the medial terminal nucleus. | the accessory optic system (aos) was studied in the prosimian primate, microcebus murinus, by using intraocular injections of the anterograde tracers 3h-proline and horseradish peroxidase (hrp). retinal fibers were found to terminate bilaterally in all three mesencephalic aos nuclei as defined by hayhow ('66, j. comp. neurol. 126:653-672). in contrast to previous reports in primates, we find that both the ventral and dorsal divisions of the medial terminal nucleus (mtn) receive projections from ... | 1986 | 3734153 |
[retinal afferents of hypothalamic origin in a prosimian primate: microcebus murinus. study using retrograde fluorescent tracers]. | the central efferent connections to the retina in microcebus were identified using the retrograde axonal transport of fluorescent dyes. after unilateral intraocular injection of the tracer, two populations of labeled neurons were observed. fluorescent neurons were located immediately posterior to the optic chiasma, in the anterior part of the arcuate nuclei. in addition, fluorescent neurons were observed in the suprachiasmatic nuclei; the latter pathway appears to close up an anatomical retino-h ... | 1986 | 2434196 |
description of ultrasonic vocalizations of the mouse lemur (microcebus murinus) and the fat-tailed dwarf lemur (cheirogaleus medius). | ultrasonic (>20 khz) vocalizations were recorded from two species of prosimian primates, microcebus murinus and cheirogaleus medius. three types of ultrasonic calls were emitted by isolated or paired m. murinus: 1) "chirps," short-duration (30 msec) calls with a sharp onset at 40 khz followed by rapid and steep declines in frequency and intensity; 2) "twitters," characterized by a brief pulse at 25 khz prior to the onset of repeating, frequency-modulated units; and 3) "long whistles," monotone s ... | 1987 | 31973475 |
seasonal variation of taste threshold for sucrose in a prosimian species, microcebus murinus. | 1988 | 3254849 | |
[the occupation of space and interindividual relations of a nocturnal madagascan prosimian (microcebus murinus)]. | five male and four female grey lesser mouse lemurs, microcebus murinus, were trapped with sherman traps in the forestry reserve of ampijoroa, near majunga, n.w.-madagascar and equipped with individual radio-transmitters with a range of 220-300 m. these 9 individuals were then followed and observed (alternatively or simultaneously) for a total of 30 nights spread over a period of 6 weeks (26 september to 11 november 1985). in this dry deciduous forest zone, the subpopulation of 9 m. murinus obser ... | 1988 | 3240913 |
developmental morphology of the solum nasi in the mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | the solum nasi of microcebus murinus is characterized by the presence of a zona annularis, continuity between the anterior transverse lamina and the paraseptal cartilage, a continuous paraseptal cartilage, a palatine cartilage and a posterior transverse lamina. it lacks a fibula reuniens and possibly a cartilage of the nasopalatine duct as well as a palatine papillary cartilage. the morphology in m. murinus closely resembles that seen in tupaia and galago. this affinity results from the retentio ... | 1989 | 2600973 |
cranial morphology of aegyptopithecus and tarsius and the question of the tarsier-anthropoidean clade. | new crania of the oligocene anthropoidean aegyptopithecus provide a test of the hypothesized tarsier-anthropoidean clade. three cranial characters shared by tarsius and some modern anthropoideans (apical interorbital septum, postorbital septum, "perbullar" carotid pathway) were examined. 1) an apical interorbital septum is absent in aegyptopithecus. a septum does occur in galago senegalensis (lorisidae) and microcebus murinus (cheirogaleidae), so the presence of a septum is not strong evidence f ... | 1989 | 2502021 |
lightmicroscopical investigations of the sublingua of microcebus murinus (cheirogaleidae, lemuriformes) with remarks on the phylogenetic relations of the tree shrews (scandentia) to primates. | the sublingua of microcebus murinus was studied gross anatomically and light microscopically. the apex of the sublingua ends in two lobe-like projections separated by a distinct median cleft. the lobes exhibit at their oral, free margin tiny processes, but no "comb"-like specializations of intensely keratinized mucosa. at the ventral surface of the sublingua three longitudinally oriented keels or ridges are found; the mucosa of the keels is strongly keratinized, so that these structures maximize ... | 1989 | 2603472 |
[demonstration of direct olfactory projections in the hypothalamus, the mesencephalon and the metencephalon of microcebus murinus (primate, lemurian)]. | the efferent projections of the olfactory bulb in microcebus murinus were identified after transection of the olfactory peduncle and after the revelation of the degenerating fibers by different silver staining methods. total and partial sections have allowed demonstrating the importance of the two olfactory tracts in the olfactory projection areas. degenerated fibers and endings were evidence not only in the different telencephalic regions, as classically known, but also in various hypothalamic ... | 1989 | 2515916 |
ontogeny of relationship of middle ear and temporomandibular (squamomandibular) joint in mammals. iii. morphology and ontogeny in scandentia and primates. | the ontogeny of the mandibular joint and the middle ear region was studied in tupaia javanica, microcebus murinus, nycticebus coucang and tarsius bancanus. during development, a passage connection was found between the mandibular condyle and meckel's cartilage that is produced by the primordium of the lateral pterygoid muscle. the articular disk is formed separately, and it appears later in development. a theory is presented on the interpretation of these findings. | 1990 | 2106204 |
[comparative anatomic studies of the tongue of pan troglodytes (blumenbach, 1799) and other primates. i. the chimpanzee tongue]. | this study was carried out on a comprehensive collection of tongues of pan troglodytes. material of tongues of tupaia glis, microcebus murinus, chirogaleus major, lemur catta, galago crassicaudatus, cebus apella, and macaca mulatta were used for comparison of the different stages of the development of the papilla foliata. the tongue of pan exhibits longitudinal growth correlated with the growth of length of the jaws and individual age. a typical foramen caecum as it occurs in man was gross anato ... | 1990 | 2242823 |
localization and characterization of neuropeptide y in the brain of microcebus murinus (primate, lemurian). | the distribution of neuropeptide y (npy) in the brain of the lemur microcebus murinus was determined by immunocytochemistry with the aid of a highly specific antiserum against synthetic porcine npy. when compared with previous immunohistochemical data obtained in primates and other mammalian species, the localization of npy-immunoreactive (ir) structures in the microcebus murinus brain revealed particular features. (1) numerous npy-ir perikarya and a dense network of ir nerve terminals were foun ... | 1990 | 2212108 |
prosimian hemoglobins--v. the primary structures of the alpha-i, alpha-ii and beta-hemoglobin chains of hapalemur griseus, with a note on the classification of microcebus. | 1. the duplicated adult hemoglobins were isolated from a mature hapalemur griseus and the constituent chains prepared. sequence analysis of the isolated alpha-globins showed that the alpha-i and alpha-ii chains differed by a glycine for lysine substitution at position 15. 2. the complete amino acid sequence of the single adult beta-globin of hapalemur griseus was determined. the beta-globin sequence of hapalemur griseus clusters with those of other authentic lemurs, and is clearly separated from ... | 1990 | 2123766 |
vomeronasal activation by urine in the primate microcebus murinus: a 2 dg study. | the vomeronasal system (vns) seems to be functional in some primates and involved in the detection of urinary signals. anterograde tracing (wga-hrp) and evoked metabolic activity (2-dg method) were used in order to clarify the conditions under which the vns is activated in the prosimian mouse lemur. after wga-hrp deposition at one of the oral entries of the nasopalatine duct, reaction product was observed within the accessory bulb (aob). 2-dg experiments show that urine in the volatile phase sti ... | 1990 | 2226693 |
[presence of neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary changes in the cerebral cortex of an aged lemuride primate]. | some aged microcebus murinus brains (8 to 11-years old animals) displayed a dramatic atrophy particularly in the neocortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, hypothalamus, brainstem and cerebellum, associated with a conspicuous increase in the size of the cerebral ventricles. these morphological changes were accompanied by certain histological profiles indicative of pathology. in the cortex, these histological changes consisted of (1) a large number of neuritic plaques formed by degenerated neurites s ... | 1991 | 1913260 |
patterns of sexual dimorphism in body weight among prosimian primates. | many primatologists believe that there is no sexual dimorphism in body size in prosimian primates. because this belief is based upon data that came from only a few species and were largely flawed in some aspect of sample quality, i re-examined the extent of sexual dimorphism in body weight, using weights of 791 adult prosimians from 34 taxa recorded over the last 17 years at the duke university primate center. there was no significant sex difference in body weight in 17 species, but males were s ... | 1991 | 1794769 |
sexual dimorphism and sex ratios in madagascan prosimians. | skull length was used to evaluate the extent of sexual dimorphism in size among 21 taxa of extant madagascan prosimians. extraneous sources of variation were controlled by limiting male-female comparisons to museum samples comprised of ten or more wild-caught, adult individuals collected at the same locality (24 samples total). sexual dimorphism in skull length averaged only 1.31%, with equal probability of males or females being larger. the only statistically significant sexual differences were ... | 1991 | 31952395 |
systematisation of the olfactory bulb efferent projections in a lemurian primate: microcebus murinus. | in order to investigate a sensorial pathway essential in animal behavior, the efferent projections of the olfactory bulbs in microcebus murinus were identified after transection of one olfactory peduncle and revelation of degenerating fibers by various silver staining methods. total and partial sections have enabled the demonstration of the involvement in the olfactory projection areas of each olfactory tract: the lateral olfactory tract (lot) and the intermediate olfactory tract (iot), either v ... | 1992 | 1447519 |
laterality in quadrupedal and bipedal prosimians: reach and whole-body turn in the mouse lemur (microcebus murinus) and the galago (galago moholi). | lateral preferences in food reaching and whole-body turning were assessed in 24 prosimian primates: 16 galagos (galago moholi) and 8 mouse lemurs (microcebus murinus). reach and turn preference in the galago were examined using a single testing procedure; separate procedures were used to evaluate reach and turn preferences in the mouse lemur. the motoric requirements for both species were 1) reach into a plexiglas container with a single hand for a food item and 2) execution of a whole-body rota ... | 1992 | 31948154 |
senile plaques and neurofibrillary changes in the brain of an aged lemurian primate, microcebus murinus. | in some aged microcebus brains (8- to 11-year-old animals) dramatic atrophy is found, particularly of the cortex, the hippocampus, the basal ganglia, the brainstem and the cerebellum, associated with a conspicuous increase in the size of the cerebral ventricles. these morphological changes are accompanied by certain histological profiles indicative of pathology. in the cortex, these histological changes consist of 1) a large number of senile plaques composed of degenerated neurites sometimes sur ... | 1992 | 1542387 |
environmental and social determinants of sexual function in the male lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | environmental factors that regulate the sexual activity of male lesser mouse lemurs have been studied experimentally with more than 60 captive animals over an 8-year period. in this nocturnal malagasy prosimian, variation in day length is the primary factor controlling seasonal sexual activity. plasma testosterone concentrations were low (= 9 ng/ml) during short days and reached 60 ng/ml during long days (> 12-hour day). this cyclic pattern persists unchanged when artificial photoperiodic rhythm ... | 1992 | 1473776 |
removal of the olfactory bulbs modifies the gonadal responses to photoperiod in the lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | the sexual activity of the lesser mouse lemur, unlike that of most living primates, is clearly dependent on photoperiod. males responded to long daylengths (> 12 h light/day) by rapid testicular development and an increase in testosterone levels reaching 65.8 +/- 1.5 ng/ml (n = 12) after 3 wk of inductive photoperiod. levels were maintained unchanged until 14 wk of exposure to long photoperiod, when spontaneous gonadal regression was observed. under short daylengths, intact males exhibited regre ... | 1993 | 8353190 |
[similarities between cerebral amyloid plaques in aged lemurian and in human with alzheimer's disease]. | microcebus cerebral cortex has been investigated using various technics: amyloid beta-a4 protein, alpha-1 antichymotrypsin and ubiquitin immunocytochemistry, thioflavin s staining for amyloid deposition and bodian's silver impregnation not only for amyloid plaques but also for degenerated neurites; glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap) immunocytochemistry has been also used for astrocytes. parenchymal beta-a4 amyloid is observed to be deposited in some aged microcebus cerebral cortex in three f ... | 1993 | 8019922 |
observations on the vomeronasal organ of the colugo cynocephalus (mammalia, dermoptera). | this paper presents the first description of a functional vomeronasal organ in the colugo or 'flying lemur' cynocephalus, the sole living representative of the order dermoptera (mammalia). the vomeronasal organ complex comprises patent nasopalatine and vomeronasal ducts, a 10-mm-long epithelial tube consisting of an 8- to 10-cell thick, 65-microns-tall neurosensory epithelium, the vomeronasal nerve, and the accessory olfactory bulb. the vomeronasal glands are sparse. among mammals, the vomeronas ... | 1994 | 7879592 |
highly repeated dna sequences as phylogenetic markers among the galaginae. | highly repeated dna sequences were investigated as potential phylogenetic indicators among five species of galagines. one lorisine, one cheirogaleid, and two lemurid species were also investigated as progressively more distant outgroups. the lorisids displayed strong conservatism with regard to these sequences, to the point where the galegine species proved difficult to differentiate. when restriction fragment differences were observed, the galagine species fell into two groups: one containing t ... | 1994 | 31936921 |
reproduction in coquerel's dwarf lemur (mirza coquereli). | most nocturnal malagasy primates, as well as many diurnal species, are highly endangered in their natural habitat. captive breeding programs have been established for many species, but detailed information on reproduction is only available for three nocturnal taxa: the mouse lemur (microcebus murinus), the dwarf lemur (cheirogaleus medius), and the greater dwarf lemur (cheirogaleus major). in this study, we present data for another nocturnal malagasy primate, coquerel's dwarf lemur (mirza coquer ... | 1995 | 31924095 |
insect secretions determine habitat use patterns by a female lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | the lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus) is one of six sympatric nocturnal primates found in the kirindy forest, west-madagascar. each of these species is reported to consume a secretion produced during the austral winter by the homopteran insect flatidia coccinea. in july and august 1993 a study was conducted to determine the importance of this food resource in the ecology of female m. murinus. at this study site, animals were distributed only along the forest edge where insect secretions ar ... | 1995 | 31936959 |
morphology and morphometrics of three oxyurids parasitic in primates with a description of lemuricola microcebi n. sp. | classical and morphometric analyses were conducted on several samples of oxyurid nematodes parasitic in strepsirrhine primates: cheirogaleus major, galago senegalensis, and microcebus murinus. a diagnosis of lemuricola contagiosus chabaud & petter, 1959 from c. major is given using syntypes, from which a lectotype is selected. the rest of the specimens were compared to l. contagiosus. from measurements taken from each sex, an initial principal component analysis (pca) was performed on log-transf ... | 1995 | 8847168 |
biochemical characterization of tau proteins during cerebral aging of the lemurian primate microcebus murinus. | tau proteins extracted from the brain of 12 adult microcebes ranging from 2 to 9 years old were characterized by western blots, using immunological probes against normal and pathological human tau proteins. in microcebes, the molecular weight of tau proteins increases during aging, with variants of 52-54, 64, 67 kda in the young adult and variants of 60 and 70 kda in the oldest animal studied. the increase of the apparent molecular weight is due to a change of conformation and a stabilization in ... | 1995 | 7757808 |
effects of aging upon recent memory in microcebus murinus. | four young (2 to 4-year-old) and four aged (9 to 10-year-old) grey mouse lemurs (microcebus murinus) were given a simple visual discrimination task, and a delayed response visual discrimination task with variable retention delay. the response to the test is a motor one, that consists of choosing one out of four corridors of an apparatus based upon the degree of illumination. the aged animals did not show any learning deficiency, and were capable of memorizing the task for several months. however ... | 1995 | 7599242 |
immunocytochemical characterization of tau proteins during cerebral aging of the lemurian primate microcebus murinus. | the immunocytochemistry of tau proteins in the cortical pyramidal neurons of the adult microcebes has been studied, using antibodies against human normal and pathological tau proteins. some changes related to the age and to some pathologies were observed. in fact, during the adult life, tau proteins appeared as very thin granulations scattered in the whole neuronal cytoplasm. with age, a part of these proteins aggregated and became like thick granules at the neuron periphery; the distribution wa ... | 1995 | 7583762 |
evidence on primate phylogeny from epsilon-globin gene sequences and flanking regions. | phylogenetic relationships among various primate groups were examined based on sequences of epsilon-globin genes. epsilon-globin genes were sequenced from five species of strepsirhine primates. these sequences were aligned and compared with other known primate epsilon-globin sequences, including data from two additional strepsirhine species, one species of tarsier, 19 species of new world monkeys (representing all extant genera), and five species of catarrhines. in addition, a 2-kb segment upstr ... | 1995 | 7714911 |
immunocytochemical characterization of tau proteins during cerebral aging of the lemurian primate microcebus murinus. | the immunocytochemistry of tau proteins in the cortical pyramidal neurons of the adult microcebes has been studied, using antibodies against human normal and pathological tau proteins. some changes related to the age and to some pathologies were observed. in fact, during the adult life, tau proteins appeared as very thin granulations scattered in the whole neuronal cytoplasm. with age, a part of these proteins aggregated and became like thick granules at the neuron periphery; the distribution wa ... | 1995 | 7757807 |
identification of a unique apolipoprotein e allele in microcebus murinus; apoe brain distribution and co-localization with beta-amyloid and tau proteins. | this report is devoted to the characterization of the apolipoprotein e (apoe) in microcebus murinus. only one allele homologous to the human apoe4 allele was evidenced. the distribution of the corresponding apoe protein in the brain was found in association with the pathological proteins characteristic of alzheimer's disease (ad). immunocytochemistry revealed brain deposits of apoe in: (1) the cortical amyloid plaques; (2) the neurones of the various cortical lobes, the hippocampus and the brain ... | 1995 | 9174000 |
beta-amyloid protein precursor in microcebus murinus: genotyping and brain localization. | senile plaques characterized by beta-amyloid protein (a beta) deposits around dystrophic neurites and glial cells are more abundant in the cerebral cortical parenchyma of alzheimer's disease (ad) patients than in the aged population. four different mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (app) gene have been directly involved in a few cases of familial ad with early onset (before 60 years). previous studies have shown that microcebus murinus, a nonhuman primate, also develops analogous deposi ... | 1996 | 8980017 |
castration affects the emission of an ultrasonic vocalization in a nocturnal primate, the grey mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | male primates have evolved particular displays to advertise male fitness. in nocturnal prosimians it was assumed that such displays (vocal advertisement, marking behaviour) are hormonally dependent and influenced by olfactory cues of a receptive female. to test this assumption mouse lemur males of different gonadal status (males castrated as adults, normal males), or of varying olfactory input (males vomeronasalectomized or bulbectomized as adults) were paired with intact "stimulus" preoestrous ... | 1996 | 8873238 |
molecular cloning, sequencing, and brain expression of the presenilin 1 gene in microcebus murinus. | the cdna encoding the microcebus murinus presenilin 1 protein (psi) was cloned by rt-pcr from a brain cdna library using various combinations of oligonucleotide primers designed on the basis of the human nucleotide sequence. analysis of five clones isolated from two positive combinations revealed that the deduced open reading frame encodes two protein isoforms of 467 and 463 amino acid residues. the shorter isoform lacked the four residues vrsq in the n-terminal region and like the 467 amino aci ... | 1996 | 8920931 |
cholinergic axonal dystrophy and mitochondrial pathology in prosimian primates. | progressive cholinergic axonal dystrophy, cholinergic denervation, and generalized gliosis begin in the prosimian primate species otolemur at 10% of maximum life span. in these same animals, extensive cerebral beta-amyloidosis follows relatively more abruptly at 50% of maximum life span. in contrast, even at maximum life span, the prosimian primate species galago senegalensis moholi, microcebus murinus, and eulemur fulvus collaris and insectivore species t. belangeri are either spared or much le ... | 1996 | 8912903 |
an analysis of birth sex ratio bias in captive prosimian species. | the extent to which sex ratio bias is a common reproductive characteristic of prosimians has not been well established. the present study analyzed reproduction in 13 breeding groups of captive prosimians for evidence of birth sex ratio bias. a substantial male bias was demonstrated in nongregarious, but not gregarious, breeding groups. analyses of birth sex ratios of individual mothers suggested that the observed bias did not result from the tendency of a few mothers to overproduce males, but ra ... | 1996 | 31918482 |
prion immunoreactivity in brain, tonsil, gastrointestinal epithelial cells, and blood and lymph vessels in lemurian zoo primates with spongiform encephalopathy. | we report on two animals of a non-human primate species eulemur fulvus mayottensis, housed in the local zoo and fed over a number of years with a food containing cattle meat, that developed serious neurological symptoms associated with prion immunoreactivity in brain and various viscera. microscopy of the brains showed neuronal vacuolation with patchy/perivacuolar immunolabelling with an abnormal isoform of prion protein (ir-prp), an important characteristic of spongiform encephalopathy. for the ... | 1997 | 9587475 |
age dependence of the t2-weighted mri signal in brain structures of a prosimian primate (microcebus murinus). | mouse lemurs (microcebus murinus) are prosimian primates described to be convenient models of brain aging. we observed very high correlations between the t2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (mri) signal decrease and the natural logarithm of age in the basal ganglia. the correlation coefficient was higher for the pallidum (r = 0.95, p < 0.0001) than for other structures. we suggest that the ratio of the pallidum intensity divided by the amygdala and temporal lobe intensity should be a valuable ... | 1997 | 9453221 |
quantitative analysis of tau protein-immunoreactive accumulations and beta amyloid protein deposits in the cerebral cortex of the mouse lemur, microcebus murinus. | recent studies have revealed the presence of tau protein-immunoreactive accumulations and beta amyloid protein (a beta) deposits in the cerebral cortex of the aged mouse lemur, microcebus murinus. to examine the age-related evolution of these changes and compare their regional distribution to that reported for humans and nonhuman primates with alzheimer's disease lesions, we performed a quantitative analysis of a large series of mouse lemurs aged from 1 to 13 years. the prevalence and density of ... | 1997 | 9255387 |
effect of vomeronasal organ removal on male socio-sexual responses to female in a prosimian primate (microcebus murinus). | in most mammals, olfactory cues play an important role in regulating socio-sexual behaviors, but the relative contributions of the main olfactory system and the vomeronasal system remain unclear. the lesser mouse lemur, a nocturnal prosimian, possesses well-developed chemosensory structures, including a functional vomeronasal organ (vno). in this primitive primate, social communication and competition between males for priority access to receptive females includes reliance on urinary chemical cu ... | 1997 | 9333193 |
change in photoperiodic cycle affects life span in a prosimian primate (microcebus murinus). | the lesser mouse lemur, a small prosimian primate, exhibits seasonal rhythms strictly controlled by photoperiodic variations. exposure to day lengths shorter than 12 h results in complete sexual rest, fattening, lethargy, and reduced behavioral activities; whereas exposure to day lengths greater than 12 h induces sexual activity, an increase in behavioral activities, and high hormonal levels. the objective of this study was to test whether long-term acceleration of seasonal rhythms may affect su ... | 1997 | 9090567 |
topographical localization of iron in brains of the aged fat-tailed dwarf lemur (cheirogaleus medius) and gray lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | iron deposits in the human brain are characteristic of normal aging but have also been implicated in various neurodegenerative diseases. among nonhuman primates, strepsirhines are of particular interest because hemosiderosis has been consistently observed in captive aged animals. in particular, the cheirogaleids, because of their small size, rapid maturity, fecundity, and relatively short life expectancy, are a useful model system for the study of normal and pathological cerebral aging. this stu ... | 1998 | 9651651 |
age-related effects on reproductive function and sexual competition in the male prosimian primate, microcebus murinus. | in the male lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus), a polygamous long-day breeder of which the life span may reach 12-14 years, the effects of aging on socio-sexual relationships were studied on 44 captive animals of various ages. in this primate, new dominance relationships must be established at the beginning of each breeding season. during the breeding season induced by exposure to artificial long days, preoestrous females were introduced into cages of paired males to elicit sexual competiti ... | 1998 | 9761226 |
comparison of the genetic diversity of wild and captive groups of microcebus murinus using the random amplified polymorphic dna method. | continued survival of most animal species depends on population management and active protection. it is generally agreed that, in order to avoid extinction of endangered species, ex situ and in situ conservation must be developed in tandem. however, even though many recommendations have been put forward to promote the survival of captive populations, some rapidly become extinct due to loss of genetic diversity (drift effect). genetic markers, such as random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) marke ... | 1998 | 9595690 |
cloning of the presenilin 2 cdna and its distribution in brain of the primate, microcebus murinus: coexpression with betaapp and tau proteins. | a 1340-bp cdna fragment encoding the lemurian presenilin 2 protein (ps2) was isolated from a microcebus murinus brain cdna library by pcr using oligonucleotide primers based on the nucleotide sequence of the human gene. analysis of five isolated clones showed that the sequence encoded a 448-amino-acid open reading frame, 95.5% identical to the human and 93.5% identical to the mouse presenilin 2 sequences. however, neither the localization of the 2 positions in ps2 nor that of the 43 positions in ... | 1998 | 10069575 |
cerebral t2-weighted signal decrease during aging in the mouse lemur primate reflects iron accumulation. | 4.7 tesla t2-weighted magnetic resonance images showed a highly significant signal decrease in the pallidum, substantia nigra, putamen, and a less significant decrease in the thalamus and the caudate of aging mouse lemurs (microcebus murinus). we evaluated the contribution of iron deposits to the signal decrease comparing perls' stained histological sections of six mouse lemurs brains aged 1 to 10 years to magnetic resonance images. in young animals, none of the brain structures was stained. a l ... | 1998 | 9562505 |
a stereotaxic atlas of the grey lesser mouse lemur brain (microcebus murinus). | in response to the growing interest in the prosimian microcebus murinus for studies on cerebral aging, the stereotaxic atlas of its brain was carried out in view of further anatomical, biochemical, electrophysiological, and behavioral investigations as well as for therapeutic experiments. this primate, which could be a valuable model for neuroscientific studies in various domains, presents numerous physiological advantages (e.g., size, cost, and ability to breed) compared to rodents, which can b ... | 1998 | 9639030 |
acoustically dimorphic advertisement calls separate morphologically and genetically homogenous populations of the grey mouse lemur (microcebus murinus). | sexual advertisement calls of male mouse lemurs from two neighbouring demes in a dry deciduous forest of western madagascar were recorded during the breeding season. demes were located about 1.5 km apart with no geographic barrier between them. they were characterised morphometrically and genotyped by rapd fingerprinting. according to univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, demes differed neither in body measurements, nor in the banding patterns produced by rapd fingerprinting. the aco ... | 1998 | 9595693 |
astroglial interlaminar processes in the cerebral cortex of prosimians and old world monkeys. | previous observations have shown that astrocytes with interlaminar processes are present in the cerebral cortex of humans and new and old world monkeys, but not in the rodent. the present report furthers the analysis of possible evolutionary aspects regarding the expression of such astroglial features. a comparison between young and adult microcebus murinus, a prosimian, and old world monkeys (macaca mulatta and papio hamadryas) is presented. brain samples were processed for glial fibrillary aci ... | 1998 | 9623670 |
sex-specific usage patterns of sleeping sites in grey mouse lemurs (microcebus murinus) in northwestern madagascar. | sleeping sites are a potentially important resource for grey mouse lemurs since they are confronted with high daily temperature fluctuations and a high predation pressure. in order to determine the existence and degree of resource competition, sleeping site characteristics, locations, and usage patterns as well as sleeping group compositions were investigated in a 3 month field study in a dry deciduous forest of northwestern madagascar. the daily sleeping sites of females were on average better ... | 1998 | 9730214 |
age-related changes in serotonergic and catecholaminergic brain systems in the lemurian primate microcebus murinus. | 1998 | 9629227 | |
influence of daylength on metabolic rate and daily water loss in the male prosimian primate microcebus murinus. | in its natural habitat, microcebus murinus, a small malagasy prosimian primate, is exposed to seasonal shortage of water and resources. during the winter dry season, animals enter a pronounced fattening period with concurrent decrease in behavioural/physiological activities, whereas the breeding season is restricted to the rainy summer months. to determine the role of daylength on metabolic rate and water loss in this nocturnal primate, we measured body mass, oxygen consumption at 25 degrees c ( ... | 1998 | 9773491 |
mating system of microcebus murinus. | microcebus murinus, a small nocturnal lemur from madagascar, has retained features of ancient primates. based on these ancestral traits, its social organization has often been used as a model for early primate social systems. in captivity it breeds polygynously, i.e., one male mates with several females, while females usually copulate only with the dominant male. the present project tested whether or not sexual size dimorphism, spatial distribution, and relative testis size of m. murinus corresp ... | 1999 | 10333432 |
topographical localization of lipofuscin pigment in the brain of the aged fat-tailed dwarf lemur (cheirogaleus medius) and grey lesser mouse lemur (microcebus murinus): comparison to iron localization. | the present study was undertaken to explore the distribution of lipofuscin in the brain of cheirogaleids by autofluorescence and compare it to other studies of iron distribution. aged dwarf (cheirogaleus medius) and mouse (microcebus murinus) lemurs provide a reliable model for the study of normal and pathological cerebral aging. accumulation of lipofuscin, an age pigment derived by lipid peroxidation, constitutes the most reliable cytological change correlated with neuronal aging. brain section ... | 1999 | 10466576 |
mri description of cerebral atrophy in mouse lemur primates. | we assessed cerebral atrophy in mouse lemur primates (microcebus murinus) by estimating csf volume in their brains from 4.7 tesla t2-weighted magnetic resonance images. thirty animals aged from 1 to 10.3 years were imaged, 14 of them were followed for up to 2 years. seven of these animals were examined for neuropathology. in 12 out of 17 animals older than 3.5 years, csf volumes were increased. a subgroup of six animals had severe atrophy of the temporal lobe. another subgroup of five animals di ... | 2000 | 10794852 |
comparative morphology and histochemistry of glands associated with the vomeronasal organ in humans, mouse lemurs, and voles. | the vomeronasal organ (vno) is a chemosensory structure of the vertebrate nasal septum that has been recently shown to exist in nearly all adult humans. although its link to reproductive behaviors has been shown in some primates, its functionality in humans is still debated. some authors have suggested that the human vno has the capacity to detect pheromones, while others described it as little more than a glandular pit. however, no studies have utilized histochemical techniques that would revea ... | 2000 | 10967540 |
photoperiod-induced changes in energy balance in gray mouse lemurs. | to cope with the 6-month dry winter occurring in its natural habitat, the gray mouse lemur (microcebus murinus), a malagasy prosimian primate, exhibits a pre-wintering fattening phase that has been previously demonstrated to be dependent on the photoperiod. to assess early changes in energy balance following a photoperiodic shift, food intake (fi), resting metabolic rate (rmr), plasma triglycerides, plasma thyroxine and urinary excretion of cortisol were measured in 12 males and 12 females for 8 ... | 2000 | 11150563 |
daily energy expenditure of the grey mouse lemur (microcebus murinus): a small primate that uses torpor. | we aimed to investigate the pattern of utilisation of torpor and its impact on energy budgets in free-living grey mouse lemurs (microcebus murinus), a small nocturnal primate endemic to madagascar. we measured daily energy expenditure (dee) and water turnover using doubly labelled water, and we used temperature-sensitive radio collars to measure skin temperature (tsk) and home range. our results showed that male and female mouse lemurs in the wild enter torpor spontaneously over a wide range of ... | 2000 | 11192269 |
"rodent-like" and "primate-like" types of astroglial architecture in the adult cerebral cortex of mammals: a comparative study. | previous observations disclosed that astroglia with interlaminar processes were present in the cerebral cortex of adult new and old world monkeys, but not in the rat, and scarcely in the prosimian microcebus murinus. the present report is a more systematic and comprehensive comparative analysis of the occurrence of such processes in the cerebral cortex of several mammalian species. brain samples were obtained from adult individuals from the following orders: carnivora (canine), rodentia (rat and ... | 2000 | 10672363 |
sociality in the gray mouse lemur (microcebus murinus) in northwestern madagascar. | the mating system and social organization of the gray mouse lemur (microcebus murinus) was investigated in two three-month field studies (covering a period before, during, and after the first mating season) in ampijoroa, northwestern madagascar. the spatial and temporal distribution of the sexes within a population was studied using mark/recapture techniques and radiotelemetry to assess possible contest or scramble competition between the males. sociality was inferred from the occurrence and pro ... | 2000 | 10811438 |
a preliminary study of spatial distribution and mating system of pygmy mouse lemurs (microcebus cf. myoxinus). | according to current hypotheses on the evolution of life history traits and social systems of malagasy lemurs, nocturnality is associated with a solitary lifestyle and a polygynous or promiscuous mating system. recent studies, however, have indicated that this may not be true of all lemurs. the goal of this study was to investigate the sociality and the mating system of pygmy mouse lemurs (microcebus cf myoxinus), which are the smallest known primates, and which retain characteristics of the mos ... | 2000 | 10811439 |
daily torpor in the gray mouse lemur (microcebus murinus) in madagascar: energetic consequences and biological significance. | patterns and energetic consequences of spontaneous daily torpor were measured in the gray mouse lemur (microcebus murinus) under natural conditions of ambient temperature and photoperiod in a dry deciduous forest in western madagascar. over a period of two consecutive dry seasons, oxygen consumption (vo2) and body temperature (t b) were measured on ten individuals kept in outdoor enclosures. in all animals, spontaneous daily torpor occurred on a daily basis with torpor bouts lasting from 3.6 to ... | 2000 | 28308721 |
immunohistochemical analysis of cerebral cortical and vascular lesions in the primate microcebus murinus reveal distinct amyloid beta1-42 and beta1-40 immunoreactivity profiles. | recent reports have shown that amyloid beta deposits in the brains of alzheimer's disease patients consist mainly of two distinct species of amyloid beta protein (abeta) with different c-termini, abeta1-42 (abeta42) and abeta1-40 (abeta40). the nature of the abeta species in microcebus murinus brain was investigated immunocytochemically using polyclonal antibodies with clear specificity for the abeta42 and abeta40 c-termini. the cortical vascular deposits were immunopositive for both abeta42 and ... | 2000 | 10671318 |
primate origins: evolutionary change in digital ray patterning and segmentation. | this study presents evidence that the first primates share with extant lemurs, tarsiers, and anthropoids hand proportions unlike those of their close relatives, the tree shrews (scandentia), colugos (dermoptera), and plesiadapiforms. specifically, early primates as well as modern strepsirhines and haplorhines have relatively short metacarpals and long proximal phalanges giving them a grasping, prehensile hand. limb development was studied in the primate microcebus murinus and a comparative sampl ... | 2001 | 11312586 |
the ovoimplantation of microcebus murinus miller. (primates, lemoruoidea, strepsirhini). | the process of nidation of microcebus murinus may be subdivided into several stages (preadhesion, apposition, attachment and invasion), as is indicated for protracted phases of preimplantation. not until the apposition stage does the inner cell mass orient itself orthomesometrially, while concurrently a nidation plaque develops in the abembryonal trophoblast that overlies and resorbs the coalescent glands. during the subsequent adhesion stage, the paraembryonal, bilaminar omphalochorion becomes ... | 2001 | 98036 |
molecular phylogeny of the lemur family cheirogaleidae (primates) based on mitochondrial dna sequences. | cheirogaleidae currently comprises five genera whose relationships remain contentious. the taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of both mirza coquereli and allocebus trichotis are still unclear. the taxonomic status of the recently discovered microcebus ravelobensis (a sympatric sibling species of microcebus murinus) and its phylogenetic position also require further examination. a approximately 2.4-kb mitochondrial dna sequence including part of the coiii gene, complete nd3, nd4l, and nd4 ... | 2001 | 11286490 |
thalamic projections to area 17 in a prosimian primate, microcebus murinus. | electrophysiological recording of single neurons was used to describe the representation of visual space in area 17, and the technique of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to relate these results to projections from the thalamus in the prosimian primate microcebus murinus. the visuotopic organization of area 17 was found to resemble that of other primates. on the dorsal surface, the border of area 17 corresponds to the representation of the vertical meridian. proce ... | 2001 | 114550 |
female dominance in captive gray mouse lemurs (microcebus murinus). | female dominance or female feeding priority seem to be characteristic for many lemur species, but are rare traits in other primates and mammals in general. the nocturnal lemur species, however, are underrepresented in the quantitative studies on social dominance. the aim of this study is to investigate the pattern of intersexual dominance relationships in the gray mouse lemur (microcebus murinus), a species that is generally thought to possess a number of ancestral lemur traits. the context, dis ... | 2001 | 11468749 |