
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
outbreaks of aseptic meningitis associated with echoviruses 9 and 30 and preliminary surveillance reports on enterovirus activity--united states, 2003.aseptic or viral meningitis is the most common type of meningitis and is associated with an estimated 26,000--42,000 hospitalizations each year in the united states. enteroviruses are the most common cause of aseptic meningitis. echovirus 9 (e9) and echovirus 30 (e30) have been associated frequently with outbreaks of aseptic meningitis. during march 2003, several state public health departments noted increased reports of aseptic meningitis and, as of august 7, seven states (arizona, california, ...200312917581
aseptic meningitis outbreak associated with echovirus 30 among high school football players--los angeles county, california, 2014.on august 4, 2014, the acute communicable disease control program of the los angeles county department of public health received a report of three aseptic meningitis cases among football players at a county high school. an investigation was conducted to determine the extent of the outbreak, identify potential exposures, and recommend control measures. an outbreak-associated aseptic meningitis case was defined as an illness of any team or family member with onset during july 28-august 11 with 1) ...201525551596
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