
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
eimeria albigulae and e. ladronensis: new host records from the bushy-tailed woodrat, neotoma cinerea, from utah. 19873585638
new host and locality records of coccidia (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) from rodents in the southwestern and western united hundred forty-seven murid and heteromyid rodents were collected from various sites in the southwestern and western united states (arizona, colorado, new mexico, texas, and utah) and baja california norte, mexico, and their feces were examined for coccidial parasites. of these, 53 (36%) were infected with at least 1 coccidian; 45 of 53 (85%) of the infected rodents harbored only 1 species of coccidian. infected rodents included: 10 of 22 (45%) neotoma albigula, 3 of 11 (27%) neotoma floridana ...19911779282
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