
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
anopheles parensis: the main member of the anopheles funestus species group found resting inside human dwellings in mwea area of central kenya toward the end of the rainy season.a total of 460 anopheles funestus s.l. was collected inside human dwellings in mwea, central kenya. of the 414 specimens that were positively identified, 1 was anopheles leesoni and the others were anopheles parensis. none of the 373 specimens tested were positive for plasmodium falciparum or plasmodium malariae sporozoites by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). of the 139 elisa blood-meal-positive specimens, 82.01% and 1.44% had fed on cattle and humans, respectively. these results are d ...200312825663
indoor collections of the anopheles funestus group (diptera: culicidae) in sprayed houses in northern kwazulu-natal, south africa.insecticide resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes presents a serious problem for those involved in control of this disease. south africa experienced a severe malaria epidemic during 1999/2000 due to pyrethroid resistance in the major vector anopheles funestus. subsequent monitoring and surveillance of mosquito populations were conducted as part of the malaria vector control programme.200717359529
spatial distribution, blood feeding pattern, and role of anopheles funestus complex in malaria transmission in central kenya.studies were conducted to determine the role of sibling species of anopheles funestus complex in malaria transmission in three agro-ecosystems in central kenya. mosquitoes were sampled indoors and outdoors, and rdna pcr was successfully used to identify 340 specimens. anopheles parensis (91.8%), a. funestus (6.8%), and anopheles leesoni (1.5%) were the three sibling species identified. a. parensis was the dominant species at all study sites, while 22 of 23 a. funestus were collected in the non-i ...200919557433
contrasting plasmodium infection rates and insecticide susceptibility profiles between the sympatric sibling species anopheles parensis and anopheles funestus s.s: a potential challenge for malaria vector control in uganda.although the an. funestus group conceals one of the major malaria vectors in africa, little is known about the dynamics of members of this group across the continent. here, we investigated the species composition, infection rate and susceptibility to insecticides of this species group in uganda.201424533773
sibling species of the anopheles funestus group, and their infection with malaria and lymphatic filarial parasites, in archived and newly collected specimens from northeastern tanzania.studies on the east african coast have shown a recent dramatic decline in malaria vector density and change in composition of sibling species of the anopheles gambiae complex, paralleled by a major decline in malaria incidence. in order to better understand the ongoing changes in vector-parasite dynamics in the area, and to allow for appropriate adjustment of control activities, the present study examined the composition, and malaria and lymphatic filarial infection, of sibling species of the an ...201525885457
preliminary survey on anopheles species distribution in botswana shows the presence of anopheles gambiae and anopheles funestus complexes.botswana is one of the four front line malaria elimination countries in southern africa, with malaria control activities that include routine vector control. past and recent studies have shown that anopheles arabiensis is the only known vector of plasmodium parasites in the country. this report presents a preliminary evaluation on anopheles species composition in seven districts of botswana with some inferences on their vectorial role.201728270213
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