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suncus murinus. observations on ecology, distribution, status to plague in bombay. | the common house shrew suncus murinus has been shown to play an important role in maintenance and perpetuation of plague infection by earlier plague workers. with the control of human plague there is no knowledge about foci of plague in small mammals associated with man. present study was carried out to fill in this lacuna. studies carried out in the present paper reveal that s. murinus does not harbour any plague infection in bombay. this species is widely distributed in bombay and is found to ... | 1989 | 2723422 |
entomological and rodent surveillance in plague-suspected areas during september 1994 and thereafter. | studies carried out in the states of maharashtra, gujarat, uttar pradesh and union territory of delhi after the bubonic plague outbreak during 1994 revealed the presence of seven species of rodents, viz. rattus rattus, r. norvegicus, mus. musculus, tatera indica, suncus murinus, bandicoota bengalensis and b. indica. the flea species encountered were xenopsylla cheopis and x. astia. the x. cheopis and x. astia index recorded in different areas of beed district of maharashtra; surat, vadodra and b ... | 1997 | 9556751 |
entomological and rodent surveillance of suspected plague foci in agro-environmental and feral biotopes of a few districts in maharashtra and gujarat states of india. | studies carried out on entomological and rodent surveillance in agroclimatic and feral biotopes of five districts of maharashtra and two districts of gujarat revealed that the terrain features of the seven districts surveyed were conducive to wild rodent species, tatera indica, a natural reservoir of plague and vector flea species, xenopsylla cheopis. a total of 214 tatera indica and three bandicoota bengalensis were collected from burrows by the digging method and 89 rat fleas were retrieved. t ... | 1997 | 9789784 |