Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
inoculation of pigs with treponema hyodysenteriae (new species) and reproduction f the disease. | 1972 | 4480857 | |
swine dysentery. ii. characterization of lesions in pigs inoculated with treponema hyodysenteriae in pure and mixed culture. | 1972 | 4480858 | |
localization of spirochetes with the structural characteristics of treponema hyodysenteriae in the lesions of swine dysentery. | the large intestines of pigs with swine dysentery were examined by phase, light, and electron microscopy at intervals up to 11 days after oral inoculation with mucosal scrapings from infected pigs. large spirochetes with the structural characteristics of treponema hyodysenteriae were found only in infected pigs and were first observed in small numbers in the lumen of the large intestine 2 days after inoculation. numerous large spirochetes were present on the luminal surface and in mucosal crypts ... | 1974 | 4587383 |
transmission of swine dysentery with treponema hyodysenteriae and vibrio coli. | 1974 | 4836152 | |
growth in treponema hyodysenteriae in liquid medium. | 1974 | 4450383 | |
the etiology of swine dysentery. i. oral inoculation of germ-free swine with treponema hyodysenteriae and vibrio coli. | 1974 | 4466031 | |
the direct fluorescent antibody test for the detection of treponema hyodysenteria in pigs. | a direct fluorescent antibody technique for the detection of treponema hyodysenteriae in faeces and bowel smears from pigs produced a better preparation than the indirect method and also had the advantages that it took less time, produced less non-specific fluorescnece and gave direct control over the availability of the reagents used. | 1975 | 1098120 |
survival of certain pathogenic organisms in swine lagoon effluent. | six pigs from a closed herd with no evidence or history of salmonellosis or swine dysentery were fed effluent from an anaerobic lagoon on a farm where salmonellosis and swine dysentery were enzootic. salmonella saint-paul was isolated from the effluent and fromthe feces and certain tissues of the pigs. clinical signs typical of swine dysentery and enteric shedding of large numbers of spirochetes with the characteristics of treponema hyodysenteriae were noted in 5 of the 6 pigs. | 1975 | 1133078 |
the possibility that campylobacter (vibrio) coli and treponema hyodysenteriae are both involved in swine dysentery. | 1975 | 1139284 | |
swine dysentery: pathogenicity of treponema hyodysenteriae. | when pure cultures of treponema hyodysenteriae were orally inoculated into pigs, severe disease characteristic of swine dysentery developed. less severe lesions were produced by oral inoculation of infective minced colon. noninoculated pigs were used as controls. inoculations of surgically isolated porcine colonic loops with either pure cultures or infective minced colon produced lesions only in the injected loop; the adjacent noninjected colon remained normal. pigs and other experimental animal ... | 1975 | 1147363 |
the isolation of a treponema hyodysenteriae-like organism associated with swine dysentery in norway. | 1975 | 1180192 | |
scanning electron microscopy of the lesions of swine dysentery. | thirty weanling pigs were examined by scanning electron microscopy at various time intervals after oral inoculation with crude colon contents from pigs affected with dysentery. the earliest recognizable change was a corrugated appearance of the mucosal surface of the large intestine. large spirochetes, morphologically similar to treponema hyodysenteriae, were first observed within the crypts of lieberkühn where they seemed to proliferate onto the luminal surface. then mucus, fibrin, erythrocyte ... | 1976 | 131500 |
selective medium for isolation of treponema hyodysenteriae. | pure cultures of six pathogenic isolates of treponema hyodysenteriae, the colonic mucosal scrapings of seven pigs with acute swine dysentery, and feces from seven unaffected pigs were diluted in phosphate-buffered saline and plated on trypticase soy agar with 5% citrated bovine blood (tsa) and tsa with various levels of spectinomycin (tsa-s). the plates were incubated at 42 degrees c in a vented gaspak jar with a cold palladium catalyst and either 80:20 h2-co2 by evacuation and refilling or a h2 ... | 1976 | 134043 |
in vitro susceptibility of treponema hyodysenteriae to carbadox, virginiamycin, and tylosin. | 1976 | 782006 | |
passive hemolysis test for antibody to treponema hyodysenteriae. | swine were infected orally with pure cultures of treponema hyodysenteriae, and the humoral antibody response was measured by a passive hemolysis test (passive hemagglutination test with the use of complement). antibody to t. hyodysenteriae was detected as early as 1 week and later on at 4 months after exposure. however, peak serum titers were obtained after challenge at 4 weeks postinfection. the usefulness of the test as a potential diagnostic tool for antibody to t. hyodysenteriae is discussed ... | 1976 | 992870 |
activity of various compounds against a pathogenic strain of treponema hyodysenteriae. | a test method for in vitro investigations of chemotherapeutics against a pathogenic strain of treponema hyodysenteriae is described. the sensitivity of this organism against various compounds especially against the pleuromutilin derivative 81723 hfu, a new antibiotic, was evaluated. | 1976 | 998032 |
diagnosis of swine dysentery: spirochaetes which may be confused with treponema hyodysenteriae. | spirochaetes, designated pws, microscopically resembling treponema hyodysenteriae, were isolated from the colon contents of pigs with post-weaning scours from three herds, which on clinical and epidemiological grounds were thought to be free from swine dysentery. one of the isolates was fed to pigs experimentally but no evidence of disease was noted. their cultural characteristics differed from those of t hyodysenteriae but they were similar to those of a non-pathogenic spirachaete (4/71) which ... | 1976 | 1014306 |
swine dysentery: protection of pigs by oral and parenteral immunisation with attenuated treponema hyodysenteriae. | an attenuated strain of treponema hyodysenteriae was used to immunise 18 pigs in three experiments. live attenuated spirochaetes were dosed orally and injected intra-peritoneally, and killed spirochaetes were injected intramuscularly with adjuvant. the vaccinated pigs, which developed high serum agglutination titres against t hyodysenteriae, and 18 unvaccinated litter-mates were repeatedly challenged with virulent t hyodysenteriae. nine vaccinated pigs and 16 control pigs developed typical swine ... | 1976 | 1030823 |
enteropathogenicity of various isolates of treponema hyodysenteriae. | isolates of treponema hyodysenteriae from 25 geographically separated outbreaks of swine dysentery were tested for their ability to produce the disease. clinical signs and lesions typical of acute swine dysentery were produced in 52 of 68 (75%) susceptible specific pathogen-free pigs that had been orally inoculated with pure cultures of 23 of 25 beta-hemolytic isolates. in addition, 13 weakly beta-hemolytic isolates of nondysentery origin with morphology similar to t. hyodysenteriae did not prod ... | 1977 | 844908 |
isolation of treponema hyodysenteriae from feces of pigs affected with swine dysentery by use of a medicated medium. | 1977 | 854087 | |
swine dysentery: inoculation of gnotobiotic pigs with treponema hyodysenteriae and vibrio coli and a peptostreptococcus. | pure cultures of treponema hyodysenteriae given orally to conventional pigs resulted in the development of swine dysentery, whereas identical cultures given to gnotobiotic pigs did not produce the disease. oral inoculation of gnotobiotic pigs with vibrio coli and/or a peptostreptococcus in addition to t. hyodysenteriae did not result in dysentery. neutralization of gastric secretions with nahco3 immediately prior to inoculation with t. hyodysenteriae increased the period during which treponemes ... | 1977 | 907906 |
induction of swine dysentery with a pure culture of treponema hyodysenteriae in vitamin e and selenium deficient pigs. | 1977 | 596333 | |
a study of swine dysentery by immunofluorescence and histology. | twenty-six specific-pathogen-free pigs were fed pure cultures of treponema hyodysenteriae. five untreated pigs were controls. distribution of this large spirochete in pigs with swine dysentery was shown by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. findings by this method were compared with those from dark-field examination of colonic mucosal scrapings and from tissue sections. the cultures caused mucohemorrhagic colitis which by 10 days after inoculation was indistinguishable from the colitis ... | 1977 | 335630 |
diagnosis of swine dysentery using an absorbed fluorescent antiserum. | the specifity of a direct fluorescent antibody test for the detection of pathogenic treponema hyodysenteriae associated with swine dysentery was improved by absorbing the original conjugated serum with a non pathogenic treponeme. | 1977 | 335634 |
genetics of treponema: characterization of treponema hyodysenteriae and its relationship to treponema pallidum. | saturation reassociation assays with 125i-labeled treponemal dnas show that treponema hyodysenteriae is genetically unrelated to t. pallidum (nichols), t. phagedenis biotype reiter, and t. refringens biotype noguchi. pathogenic and nonpathogenic isolates of t. hyodysenteriae exhibited 28% sequence homology and had an extremely low guanine-plus-cytosine content (25.8%). | 1978 | 365767 |
isolation of treponema hyodysenteriae from sources other than swine. | fecal samples were collected from animals and environments on 3 swine farms and cultured for treponema hyodysenteriae. each farm was a farrow-to-finish operation and, at the time of sampling, swine dysentery was enzootic among 8- to 22-week-old pigs. pathogenic t hyodysenteriae was isolated from pigs on all 3 farms. on farm a, nonpathogenic t hyodysenteriae was isolated from a sample of lagoon water. on farm b, pathogenic t hyodysenteriae was isolated from a waste-holding pit. on farm c, a dog w ... | 1978 | 624667 |
swine dysentery: studies of gnotobiotic pigs inoculated with treponema hyodysenteriae, bacteroides vulgatus, and fusobacterium necrophorum. | transmission experiments were carried out in gnotobiotic pigs to determine whether lesions typical of swine dysentery could be produced by oral inoculation of treponema hyodysenteriae in combination with bacteroides vulgatus or fusobacterium necrophorum, or both. each of the organisms had been isolated from swine with early lesions of the disease. lesions were not found in 6 pigs inoculated with t hyodysenteriae alone, in 4 pigs given f necrophorum and t hyodysenteriae, or in 4 pigs given b vulg ... | 1978 | 624669 |
transmission of swine dysentery by carrier pigs. | swine dysentery (sd) was transmitted to healthy pigs by contact with experimentally-induced carrier pigs. carrier pigs were produced by exposure of specific pathogen-free (spf) swine to swine acutely affected with sd. when carrier pigs became acutely affected with sd, they were allowed to recover naturally or were treated with dimetridazole or ronidazole. recovery was based on disappearance of clinical signs of sd. at a given time after recovery, normal spf swine were housed with the carriers in ... | 1978 | 666087 |
a bacteriophage for treponema hyodysenteriae. | 1978 | 685100 | |
factors affecting the survival of treponema hyodysenteriae in dysenteric pig faeces. | treponema hyodysenteriae was found to survive for periods of up to 48 days in dysenteric pig faeces stored at temperatures between 0 degree c and 10 degree c inclusive. survival was reduced to seven days at 25 degree c and did not exceed 24 hours at 37 degree c. dilution 1:10 with tapwater appeared to enhance survival to a maximum of 61 days at 5 degree c but further dilution reduced it. drying and exposure to disinfectants rapidly eliminated t hyodysenteriae from dysenteric faeces. phenolic and ... | 1978 | 685104 |
enteropathogenicity testing of treponema hyodysenteriae in ligated colonic loops of swine. | multiple, ligated loops of swine colon were used as an in vivo model in which to test enteropathogenicity of isolates of treponema hyodysenteriae. gross and microscopic lesions observed in 21 of 22 colonic loops in pigs killed 48 to 72 hours after inoculation with isolates known to be enteropathogenic were characteristic of swine dysentery. these lesions were not observed in 12 loops exposed to uninoculated media or in 12 loops inoculated with nonpathogenic isolates of t hyodysenteriae. the swin ... | 1978 | 697136 |
microtitration agglutination for detection of treponema hyodysenteriae antibody. | a microtitration agglutination test for the detection of treponema hyodysenteriae antibody in swine and rabbit sera is described. the following methods provided the best test results: antigen produced from the spirochete after a culturing period of 36 to 44 h at 38 degrees c, washed antigen inactivated with 0.01% merthiolate at 4 degrees c for 24 to 36 h, sera heated at 56 degrees c for 30 min, a diluent of phosphate-buffered saline (0.01 m, ph 7.2), and test results read macroscopically after 1 ... | 1978 | 701465 |
experimental infection with treponema hyodysenteriae in guinea pigs. | outbred and inbred (hartley strain) guinea pigs (gp) were inoculated intragastrically with pathogenic and nonpathogenic treponema hyodysenteriae. gp 3 to 16 weeks old received t. hyodysenteriae after a fasting period of 36 to 72 h. infected gp with pathogenic t. hyodysenteriae developed a diarrheal and/or depressive condition, with mucus but not blood in the feces. of 88 gp, 40 had gross lesions resembling those of swine dysentery. lesions were limited mainly to the large intestine. tp used as c ... | 1978 | 730345 |
parenteral immunization of pigs against infection with treponema hyodysenteriae. | six intravenous injections of formalin-inactivated treponema hyodysenteriae were given to 8 specific-pathogen-free pigs at 6-day intervals. the 8 vaccinated and 8 control pigs were challenged intragastrically with pure cultures of t hyodysenteriae 7 and 8 days after the last intravenous injection. clinical signs of swine dysentery were observed in all 8 control pigs, but was observed in only 1 of the immunized pigs. three control pigs died. these findings suggest that parenteral immunization wit ... | 1978 | 148230 |
in vivo and in vitro susceptibility of treponema hyodysenteriae to carbadox before and after repeated in vitro passage in sublethal concentrations of drug. | 1978 | 249133 | |
the growth of treponema hyodysenteriae and other porcine intestinal spirochaetes in a liquid medium. | a new simple method for the preparation of a liquid medium containing rabbit serum for the propagation of treponema hyodysenteriae and other porcine intestinal spirochaetes is described. the medium, when dispensed in shallow layers and sealed under 10 per cent co2 in nitrogen, had a redox potential not greater than -125mv and an initial ph of about 6.9 when buffered with bicarbonate. growth of t hyodysenteriae developed more rapidly and viable counts reached higher levels at 42 degrees c than at ... | 1979 | 42126 |
comparison of antigenic properties among various strains of treponema hyodysenteriae. | agglutinin-absorption and precipitin-absorption studies demonstrated that three strains of treponema hyodysenteriae isolated from cases of swine dysentery were antigenically different from each other and also from a spirochete isolated from a clinically normal dog. each of the strains of t. hyodysenteriae also possessed two common antigens. | 1979 | 95077 |
[isolation of treponemas from the colon of pigs with clinical dysentery]. | optimal culture conditions in artificial nutritive media were determined for a defined avirulent strain of treponema hyodysenteriae and for four field strains of treponemas in pigs with clinical dysentery. the treponemas were isolated with the use of milliporous filters with pores of 0.3 micrometer in diameter, which were located on the surface of blood agar. no significant difference in the influence of equine, bovine or sheep blood on the growth of treponemas was determined. the commercial amo ... | 1979 | 105448 |
[comparison of the suitability of phase-contrast and immunofluorescence technics in the laboratory diagnosis of porcine dysentery]. | immunofluorescence technique, compared with the method of phase contrast, does not appear to be better for laboratory diagnostics of swine dysentery because neither of these methods can be used for distinguishing between pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains of treponemas. the number of treponemas contained in faeces should still be considered to be the main criterion in laboratory diagnostics. in clinically healthy pigs from stocks which never suffered from dysentery treponemas were found only i ... | 1979 | 105449 |
serotypes of beta-hemolytic treponema hyodysenteriae. | cultures form 13 isolates of pathogenic, beta-hemolytic treponema hyodysenteriae from 11 geographically separate outbreaks and 2 experimentally induced cases of swine dysentery were lyophilized and extracted with hot phenol-water. the resulting water phases were examined serologically with antisera produced in rabbits against whole-cell bacterins of the 13 isolates for evidence of antigenic classes within the species. water-phase antigens gave precipitin reactions with homologous antisera. resul ... | 1979 | 115788 |
partial purification of a specific antigen of treponema hyodysenteriae. | a specific antigen of pathogenic treponema hyodysenteriae was extracted from lyophilized cells of isolant b169 with hot phenol-water, isolated, and semipurified by starch block electrophoresis. | 1979 | 118931 |
prevalence of treponema hyodysenteriae in healthy pigs. | 1979 | 389007 | |
sensitivity in vitro to dimetridazole of treponemes associated with swine dysentery. | the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) of dimetridazole (dmz) against treponema hyodysenteriae (55 isolates) obtained over the period 1974-77 from individual pigs with swine dysentery from 41 herds where dmz had been in use was determined. the mic was less than or equal to 5.0 microgram per ml for 54 of the isolates and differences in the distribution of mics between the annual sampling periods were not significant (p less than 0.05). there was no decrease in sensitivity of t hyodysenteriae ... | 1979 | 433115 |
[effect of sodium ribonucleate on the growth and the hemolytic activity of treponema hyodysenteriae]. | liquid cultures of different strains of treponema hyodysenteriae, when supplemented with sodium ribonucleate show an increase in the hemolytic activity titers while the number of colony forming units remain constant. | 1979 | 437027 |
studies on the pathogenesis of swine dysentery. i. characterization of the lesions in colons and colonic segments inoculated with pure cultures or colonic content containing treponema hyodysenteriae. | swine dysentery was induced in pigs and in ligated colonic segments by inoculation of pure cultures of, or colonic contents containing, treponema hyodysenteriae. the mildest changes, best seen in ligated segments 48 or 72 hours after inoculation, were congestion and leucocytic margination in mucosal capillaries and depletion of mucigen from goblet cells lining the base of the crypts of lieberkühn. superficial mucosal necrosis and crypt cell hyperplasia were later changes. perfusion studies with ... | 1979 | 452320 |
in vitro attachment of treponema hyodysenteriae to mammalian epithelial cells. | the interaction between treponema hyodysenteriae and isolated swine intestinal epithelial cells or mouse adrenal cells in culture was examined. studies were performed in which treponemes were incubated with each type of anomal cell in an atmosphere of 5% co2 in air. coincubation was terminated at various time intervals, and the percentage of treponemal attachment evaluated by light microscopy. the extent of attachment was dependent on both incubation time and temperature. the mechanism of attach ... | 1979 | 455154 |
in vitro activity of 39 antimicrobial agents against treponema hyodysenteriae. | the in vitro activities of 39 antimicrobial agents against 23 isolates of treponema hyodysenteriae, the majority of which were field isolates, were determined by the agar dilution technique. quinoxalines, pleuromutilin, nitroimidazoles, and nitrofuran were the most active. their activities ranged from </=0.10 to 1.56 mug/ml. lincomycin, penicillins, chloramphenicol, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, three peptides (virginiamycin, thiopeptin, and bacitracin), and one aminoglycoside (gentamicin) exhi ... | 1979 | 464566 |
studies on the pathogenesis of swine dysentery. ii. search for a cytotoxin in spirochetal broth cultures and colon content. | broth cultures of treponema hyodysenteriae and colonic content from pigs with swine dysentery were tested for cytotoxicity in cell cultures, erythrocyte suspensions and in ligated segments of pig colon. live cells of t. hyodysenteriae attached to the surface of cells in all cultures tested but did not penetrate them nor cause morphologic change detectable by light microscopy. only live t. hyodysenteriae caused erythrolysis. broth cultures or colonic content sterilized by filtration or by disrupt ... | 1979 | 473487 |
experimental infection in mice with treponema hyodysenteriae. | nineteen of 22 female mice (cf1 strain) inoculated intragastrically with treponema hyodysenteriae developed cecal and colonic lesions consisting of catarrhal inflammation, edema, and occasional hemorrhage. | 1979 | 489130 |
a disc growth-inhibition test for differentiating treponema hyodysenteriae from other intestinal spirochaetes. | a disc growth-inhibition (gi) test was developed for differentiating treponema hyodysenteriae from other intestinal spirochaetes. tests with antisera against six spirochaetes, including two strains of t hyodysenteriae revealed four serological types among the six strains. the two strains of t hyodysenteriae represented one type. the test was specific in that there were no cross-reactions between the four types. using antisera to two strains of t hyodysenteriae, it was possible to distinguish 11 ... | 1979 | 505906 |
comparison of selective culture and serologic agglutination of treponema hyodysenteriae for diagnosis of swine dysentery. | samples of faeces and of serum were collected from pigs of various ages on 21 farms. faecal samples were cultured on trypticase soy agar containing 5 per cent citrated bovine blood and 400 micrograms per ml spectinomycin, incubated at 42 degrees c in gaspak jars under an atmosphere of 80 per cent hydrogen: 20 per cent carbon dioxide. antibody titres to treponema hyodysenteriae were determined by a microtitration agglutination method using merthiolate-inactivated whole cell antigen prepared from ... | 1979 | 516340 |
pathological observation on experimental swine dysentery. | experimental swine dysentery caused by 4 cultured strains (s73/2, dj183, dj70 and dk762) of treponema hyodysenteriae was studied pathologically. the distribution and quantity of treponemes were examined on tissue sections stained by the warthin-starry method. of the organs the colon contained the largest number of treponemes and the cecum and rectum the second largest number. histopathological lesions were restricted to the large intestine. they ranged from mild catarrhal colitis in the mild cas ... | 1979 | 522890 |
immunity to swine dysentery in recovered pigs. | the immune status of 29 pigs recovered from swine dysentery (sd) was evaluated after reexposure to treponema hyodysenteriae. pigs which had recovered from sd and remained asymptomatic for 4 to 6, 9 to 13, and 16 to 17 weeks after initial inoculation were reexposed to 1.5 x 10(9) viable cells of t hyodysenteriae per pig. pigs which had recovered from sd were not shedding t hyodysenteriae, as determined by selective cultural examination of feces, before they were reexposed. of 29 pigs reexposed to ... | 1979 | 525852 |
pathogenic synergism between treponema hyodysenteriae and other selected anaerobes in gnotobiotic pigs. | gnotobiotic pigs were orally exposed to various anaerobes at 6 to 9 days of age and similarly inoculated with treponema hyodysenteriae b204 3 to 6 days later. watery diarrhea and fecal excretion of large quantities of mucus and some fibrin clots were observed 4 to 20 days after inoculation with b204 if other anaerobes were present. colonic lesions characteristic of swine dysentery were observed when b204 was present with fusobacterium necrophorum, three strains of bacteroides vulgatus, a clostri ... | 1979 | 528047 |
experimental infection of rabbit ligated ileal loops with treponema hyodysenteriae. | an in vivo animal model was used to assess the enteropathogenicity of the etiological agent (treponema hyodysenteriae) of swine dysentery. multiple ligated ileal loops, prepared in new zealand white rabbits, were challenged with either pathogenic (b78 and b204) or nonpathogenic (pu) isolates of the organism. the pathogenic isolates induced the onset of intestinal fluid accumulation as early as 4 h, with maximal fluid induction at 18 h postchallenge. gross lesions of the intestinal mucosa, observ ... | 1979 | 575109 |
[comparative studies on the culture and serological fluorescence detection of treponema hyodysenteriae]. | 1980 | 7004436 | |
microscopic agglutination test for antibody against treponema hyodysenteriae. | 1980 | 7254362 | |
comparison of selective culture and serologic agglutination of treponema hyodysenteriae for diagnosis of swine dysentery. | samples of faeces and serum were collected from pigs of various ages on 21 farms. faecal samples were cultured on trypticase soy agar containing 5% citrated bovine blood and 400 microgram per ml spectinomycin, incubated at 42 degrees c in gaspak jars under an atmosphere of 80% hydrogen: 20% carbon dioxide. antibody titres to treponema hyodysenteriae were determined by a microtitration agglutination method using merthiolate-inactivated whole cell antigen prepared from a beta- haemolytic isolate. ... | 1980 | 7361391 |
application of a leukocyte migration-inhibition agarose test to swine dysentery. | cell-mediated immunity (cmi) was demonstrated in swine naturally affected with swine dysentery (sd) by a leukocyte migration-inhibition agarose test (lmat). migration of leukocytes from sd-affected pigs was inhibited in the presence of soluble antigen of treponema hyodysenteriae, whereas migration of leukocytes from noninfected swine was not inhibited by exposure to the same antigen. cell-mediated immunity was detected initially after the appearance of clinical signs of the disease, and a peak m ... | 1980 | 7369605 |
sterol requirement for the growth of treponema hyodysenteriae. | the addition of cholesterol to a liquid medium containing bovine serum albumin (bsa) fraction v or acetone-delipidized bsa fraction v instead of serum stimulated the growth of treponema hyodysenteriae, a serum-requiring spirochaete associated with swine dysentery. as little as 1.25 micrograms cholesterol ml-1 increased viable counts about 1000-fold. sitosterol and cholestanol, but not pregnenalone, cholestenone or stigmasteriol, produced a growth response comparable to that of cholesterol. the r ... | 1980 | 7373284 |
production of diarrhoea and dysentery in pigs by feeding pure cultures of a spirochaete differing from treponema hyodysenteriae. | a weakly beta-haemolytic spirochaete, isolate p43/6/78, was isolated from a pig with diarrhoea and found not to fluoresce with a specific fluorescent antiserum to treponema hyodysenteriae. pure cultures of this spirochaete were used to inoculate experimental pigs. diarrhoea, containing clear mucus, and, in one case, blood occurred in four of the eight animals inoculated. colitis was present in six of the eight inoculated pigs at necropsy. excess clear mucus and punctate haemorrhages were seen on ... | 1980 | 7376384 |
alk-1-enyl ether phospholipids (plasmalogens) and glycolipids of treponema hyodysenteriae. analysis of acyl and alk-1-enyl moieties. | the lipids of treponema hyodysenteriae b78, the etiologic agent of swine dysentery, comprised 16.4% of the cell dry weight, and consisted of 37.4% glycolipids, 28.6% phospholipids, and 34.0% neutral lipids. monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, a major lipid in all treponema except treponema pallidum, comprised 80% of the glycolipids. an unidentified galactolipid less polar than monogalactosyldiacylglycerol was also detected. phosphatidylglycerol (19.5% of the total lipids) was the major phospholipid. p ... | 1980 | 7378438 |
treponema innocens lipids and further description of an unusual galactolipid of treponema hyodysenteriae. | the lipids of treponema innocens, type strain b256, formerly considered a nonpathogenic isolate of t. hyodysenteriae, have been analyzed and compared with the lipids of t. hyodysenteriae. the lipids of t. innocens comprised 16% of the cell dry weight. polar lipids amounted to about two-thirds of the total lipids and consisted of 61.9% phospholipids and 38.1% glycolipid. neutral lipids consisted mainly of sterols. the phospholipids were principally phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, and c ... | 1980 | 7410314 |
swine dysentery. comparison of experimental diseases produced by infection with colonic mucosa or with treponema hyodysenteriae, french strains, and of "natural" disease. | oral inoculation of colonic mucosa scrapings and intestinal contents of animals affected with swine dysentery, or of pathogenic strains of treponemia hyodysenteriae, as well as spontaneous contamination in infected pens caused in average swine dysentery to appear in 359 out of 409 spf piglets. the morbidity is high irrespective of the method of contamination: after pen contamination, 75 out of 83 piglets were dysenteric; after only one ingestion of contaminated matter, 265 out of 280 animals wer ... | 1980 | 7436331 |
experimental transmission of treponema hyodysenteriae from mice to pigs. | transmission experiments with treponema hyodysenteriae were conducted with mice and pigs, using laboratory mice as the carrier host. mice were intragastrically inoculated with t hyodysenteriae and placed in a contact with nonexposed mice or healthy pigs. contact mice mingled with infected mice at 5 or 180 days after inoculation were shedding t hyodysenteriae in their feces 9 to 14 days after exposure. pigs exposed directly to infected mouse feces were shedding t hyodysenteriae in their feces aft ... | 1980 | 7447116 |
pathophysiology of swine dysentery: colonic transport and permeability studies. | net transport of electrolytes and water, unidirectional na+ and cl- fluxes, and mucosal permeability were examined in isolated colonic loops of control pigs and pigs infected with treponema hyodysenteriae. results indicated that all net ion and water absorption from the colon was abolished in infected pigs. this abolition of net absorption was almost exclusively the result of a decrease in the lumen-to-blood fluxes of na+ and cl-; the blood to lumen fluxes and mucosal permeability were essential ... | 1980 | 6780628 |
differentiation of treponema hyodysenteriae from t innocens by enteropathogenicity testing in the cf1 mouse. | fourteen isolates of treponema hyodysenteriae and 11 isolates of t innocens from eight different countries were evaluated in the cf1 strain female mouse for virulence. mice were fasted for 24 hours and inoculated intragastrically with 1 ml of culture for two consecutive days. mice were killed and necropsied at 12 to 15 days after inoculation. caecitis was detected in mice from each of the groups receiving t hyodysenteriae (67 per cent) but not in mice receiving t innocens or sterile broth. lesio ... | 1980 | 7467101 |
purification and characterization of treponema hyodysenteriae hemolysin. | a hemolysin produced by treponema hyodysenteriae atcc27164 was purified from broth filtrates by acetic and (nh4)2so4 precipitations followed by ion exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl-sephacel and gel filtration using ultrogel aca44. the purified hemolysin displayed only one band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. by gel filtration the molecular weight was estimated as 74,000 daltons. the isolated hemolysin was oxygen resistant, heat labile and was not inactivated over a wide range ... | 1980 | 7470509 |
characteristics of the interaction of a treponemal hemolysin with rabbit erythrocytes. | the mechanism of action on rabbit red cells of treponema hyodysenteriae hemolysin was studied using volume analysis and release of hemoglobin. while fixation of the hemolysin on the erythrocytes is temperature independent, it appears that hemolysis is temperature dependent. the kinetics of hemolysis proceed according to a sigmoid curve characterized by a prelytic lag. the duration of the prelytic lag varies inversely with the quantity of hemolysin but the rate and the maximum value of hemolysis ... | 1980 | 7470510 |
[the redox potential of the large intestine in swine in relation to swine dysentery]. | the redox potential of (eh) +111 +/- 25 mv was measured in the large intestine of newly born piglets. in the post-weaning period the eh values decreased significantly to -173 +/- 27 mv and remained at this level also in the healthy sows (-214 +/- 55 mv). the eh value recorded in dysenteric pigs was -188 +/- 5 mv, and this was not statistically significant in relation to the healthy weaned piglets. the eh level measured in the blood agar prepared with cysteine and covered by a thick growth of the ... | 1981 | 6798741 |
a comparative study of spirochaetes from the porcine alimentary tract. | strains of treponema hyodysenteriae capable of inducing swine dysentery in specific pathogen-free pigs were compared with other spirochaetes from the porcine alimentary tract by biochemical and serological tests and by electrophoresis of their proteins. carbohydrate fermentation and esculin hydrolysis were similar in all the spirochaetes. indole was produced by t. hyodysenteriae and by some of the other spirochaetes. analysis of the fatty acids produced from glucose showed a difference between t ... | 1981 | 7462601 |
shedding of treponema hyodysenteriae, transmission of disease, and agglutinin response to pigs convalescent from swine dysentery. | fecal shedding of treponema hyodysenteriae, transmission of disease, and humoral antibody production against the large spirochete were evaluated in pigs convalescent from experimentally induced swine dysentery. untreated pigs (n = 21) and 5 pigs that had been treated with virginiamycin were included in the study. treponema organisms were culturally detected in the feces of 2 untreated pigs as long as 70 and 71 days, and in the feces of 1 treated pig as long as 83 days after the last clinical evi ... | 1981 | 7271009 |
effects of aflatoxin consumption on the clinical course of swine dysentery. | specific-pathogen-free pigs were examined for susceptibility to swine dysentery after daily treatment with aflatoxin b1 (0.07 to 0.14 mg/kg). in the pigs (group ii) given both aflatoxin and treponema hyodysenteriae, the incubation period before the onset of swine dysentery was shorter than that in pigs (group iii) given t hyodysenteriae alone. also, the number of days in which infected pigs showed signs of diarrhea and dysentery was greater in the group given aflatoxin and t hyodysenteriae than ... | 1981 | 7271036 |
investigation into the spread of swine dysentery in 25 herds of east anglia and assessment of its economic significance in five herds. | of 25 outbreaks of swine dysentery investigated, 22 were considered to have resulted from the purchase of pigs from farms known to be infected, two from the introduction of treponema hyodysenteriae on the boots of the stockman, and one from the accidental entry of infected pigs into a 'closed' herd. the hidden costs of swine dysentery in terms of an increased food conversion ratio may be more than four times the cost of medication. a method of halting the spread of disease is described. | 1981 | 7324356 |
induction of swine dysentery in swine by the intravenous injection of filtered treponema hyodysenteriae. | swine dysentery was induced in 18 swine exposed by intravenous injection of a filtrate which contained treponema hyodysenteriae and was obtained from macerated colonic scrapings of swine dysentery. however, swine dysentery did not develop in swine injected intravenously with a pure culture of t. hyodysenteriae or when combined with a colonic filtrate from normal swine. diarrheal feces from the swine injected intravenously with the filtered t. hyodysenteriae contained more mucus, and fecal smears ... | 1981 | 7337868 |
selective medium for the isolation of treponema hyodysenteriae. | 1981 | 7340069 | |
studies on the properties of treponema hyodysenteriae with special regard to its systematic position. | 1981 | 7342737 | |
sensitivity to different chemotherapeutics of treponema hyodysenteriae strains isolated in hungary. | 1981 | 7342743 | |
lymphocyte stimulation in swine dysentery. | in lymphocyte stimulation studies of pigs affected with swine dysentery (sd) all of the pigs gave significant response (p less than 0.05) to soluble antigen from treponema hyodysenteriae. swine infected with virulent or attenuated t. hyodysenteriae gave significant lymphocytic response 3 or 6 weeks after infection; uninfected pigs did not give a similar lymphocytic response. the delayed hypersensitivity (dh) skin test, in which soluble t. hyodysenteriae antigen preparation was used, detected onl ... | 1981 | 7344261 |
identification of treponema hyodysenteriae by a rapid slide agglutination test. | a rapid slide agglutination (sa) test was developed to identify the spirochaete treponema hyodysenteriae, the causative organism of swine dysentery. the specificity of the antiserum was increased by a single absorption with two intestinal spirochaetes. using this test, it was possible to identify 30 out of 31 spirochaetes which were beta-haemolytic and gave a positive reaction in growth inhibition (gi) tests with t hyodysenteriae antiserum. all except one of these spirochaetes were isolated from ... | 1981 | 7210456 |
investigation of a hemolysin produced by enteropathogenic treponema hyodysenteriae. | a hemolysin produced by treponema hyodysenteriae, the etiological agent of swine dysentery, was investigated. a virulent isolate (b204) was inoculated into a standard culture medium consisting of trypticase soy broth without dextrose (bbl microbiology systems) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum in an atmosphere of 70:30 deoxygenated h2-co2. sterile cell-free filtrates were prepared at 2-h intervals and assayed for hemolytic activity by using washed sheep erythrocytes. the maximum hemolytic t ... | 1981 | 7216445 |
production of lesions in gnotobiotic mice by inoculation with treponema hyodysenteriae. | treponema hyodysenteriae was established in the ceca of gnotobiotic mice in the absence of other organisms. superficial mucosal lesions characteristic of swine dysentery were present in the ceca of mice inoculated with t. hyodysenteriae in combination with viable bacteroides vulgatus. deep crypt necrosis was detected in the ceca of mice inoculated with t. hyodysenteriae alone. | 1981 | 7216455 |
studies on a haemolysin produced by treponema hyodysenteriae. | 1982 | 6754943 | |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibody to treponema hyodysenteriae antigens. | the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was evaluated and compared with the microtitration agglutination test for the detection of swine antibody to treponema hyodysenteriae lipopolysaccharide antigens. cells of t. hyodysenteriae serotypes 1 and 2 were extracted with hot phenol-water (68 degrees c). the lipopolysaccharide fraction from the aqueous phase was coated on plastic wells at concentrations of 1 micrograms (serotype 1) and 10 micrograms (serotype 2) of carbohydrate per ml. the elis ... | 1982 | 7040447 |
tiamulin feed premix in the prevention and control of swine dysentery under farm conditions in the uk. | three field trials were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of tiamulin hydrogen fumarate at levels of 20 and 30 ppm in the feed for the prevention and control of swine dysentery. tiamulin at 30 ppm was shown to be highly effective in preventing the clinical signs of dysentery. treponema hyodysenteriae was not isolated from these pigs. tiamulin at 20 ppm was effective in two out of three trials. the trials were performed on pigs either on or from farms with swine dysentery problems which had pr ... | 1982 | 7043884 |
isolation of treponema hyodysenteriae from wild rodents. | rodents from swine-producing farms were examined for the presence of treponema hyodysenteriae. wild mice (n = 257) and rats (n = 41) were trapped on eight farms. ceca were removed aseptically, and the contents and mucosal scrapings were cultured on selective medium (blood agar containing 400 micrograms of spectinomycin per ml). t. hyodysenteriae was detected in the cecal scrapings of four mice from three different farms where swine dysentery had occurred. gross lesions were detected in the ceca ... | 1982 | 7050159 |
[mortality in sows caused by treponema hyodysenteriae]. | 1982 | 7054924 | |
swine dysentery: the influence of dietary vitamin e and selenium on the clinical and pathological effects of treponema hyodysenteriae infection in pigs. | twenty-four conventionally reared pigs were divided into four equal groups and fed a basic ration deficient in vitamin e and selenium. one group was given a supplement of vitamin e and selenium. one group was given a supplement of vitamin e, another received selenium and a third received both nutrients. no supplement was given to the control group. after the pigs had been fed the different diets for 59 days they were inoculated with a pure culture of treponema hyodysenteriae they were subsequent ... | 1982 | 7089385 |
tiamulin water medication in the treatment of swine dysentery under farm conditions. | the clinical efficacy of tiamulin given in the drinking water at levels of 0.0045 per cent for five days and 0.006 per cent for three days was evaluated for the treatment of swine dysentery in six clinical studies and compared with positive controls using tylosin at 0.02 per cent in the drinking water for five days and untreated controls. efficacy was evaluated by assessment of the pigs' general appearance; the extent of diarrhoea and dehydration; performance, as measured by average daily gains ... | 1982 | 7090152 |
biological activity of a lipopolysaccharide extracted from treponema hyodysenteriae. | a lipopolysaccharide (lps) was obtained from pathogenic treponema hyodysenteriae by hot phenol-water extraction. various effects of the lps on host cells were examined in vitro. toxicity for mouse peritoneal macrophages was observed after 10 h of incubation at concentrations as low as 15 micrograms of the lps per ml. marked enhancement of both complement (c3) and immunoglobulin g-fc receptor-mediated internalization was noted in macrophages obtained from mice injected 6 days previously with 75 m ... | 1982 | 7107001 |
serotype-specific opsonization of treponema hyodysenteriae. | treponema hyodysenteriae was shown to attach to mouse peritoneal cells in the absence of serum opsonins in vitro. if serotype-specific antiserum from pigs was added to the media and treponemes of that corresponding serotype were employed in the assay, the amount of attachment increased an average of 3.7 times that of the control without pig sera. however, the amount of attachment was increased an average of only 1.5 times that of the control if organisms of any noncorresponding serotype of t. hy ... | 1982 | 7152660 |
toxigenicity of treponema hyodysenteriae, another emerging enteropathogen. | 1982 | 7174114 | |
toxigenicity of treponema hyodysenteriae, another emerging enteropathogen. | 1982 | 27709524 | |
swine dysentery: protection against experimental challenge following single dose parenteral immunisation with inactivated treponema hyodysenteriae. | groups of five pigs were vaccinated at three to four weeks old with either formolised treponema hyodysenteriae in oil adjuvant alone, formolised t hyodysenteriae in oil adjuvant plus formolised campylobacter coli in oil adjuvant, or sterile medium in oil adjuvant (as a control). each group was challenged four weeks after vaccination by oral dosing on two consecutive occasions with pure cultures of the homologous strain of t hyodysenteriae plus direct contact with two pigs exhibiting severe swine ... | 1983 | 6635345 |
virulence factors of "treponema hyodysenteriae": newer contributions. | 1983 | 6639771 | |
isolation and characterization of a novel polyether antibiotic of the pyrrolether class, antibiotic x-14885a. | antibiotic x-14885a is a polyether antibiotic belonging to the class of these natural acid ionophores known as pyrrolethers. the structure of the antibiotic was elucidated by x-ray crystallographic analysis of the hydrated sodium salt, which crystallized as a tetramer containing four antibiotic and water molecules and four atoms of sodium. antibiotic x-14885a differs from the most well-known member of the class, a-23187, in two respects: the aromatic n-methylamino group present in the latter is ... | 1983 | 6643277 |
experimental infection with treponema hyodysenteriae in nude mice. | compared with phenotypically normal heterozygous (nu/+) littermates, congenitally athymic, balb/c nude (nu/nu) mice inoculated with a single oral dose of treponema hyodysenteriae had a higher incidence of cecal lesions. | 1983 | 6675353 |
comparison of stained smears and culturing for identification of treponema hyodysenteriae. | a comparative study was made of stained fecal smears and cultured fecal swabs for identification of the large spirochetes treponema hyodysenteriae and treponema innocens. feces were obtained by swabbing rectums, colons, and stools of nonexposed swine and swine experimentally exposed to swine dysentery. in this study there was a significant (p less than 0.001) correlation between the observation of one or more large spirochetes on stained slides and obtaining either a strong or a weak beta-hemoly ... | 1983 | 6195187 |
pathophysiologic features of swine dysentery: cyclic nucleotide-independent production of diarrhea. | net electrolyte and water transport and unidirectional na+ fluxes were examined in ligated colonic loops of clinically normal pigs and in pigs with swine dysentery (etiologic agent treponema hyodysenteriae) in the presence or absence of theophylline. in normal pigs, theophylline abolished net na+ absorption via a reduction in the lumen-to-blood flux, decreased cl- absorption, and increased hco3- accumulation in the lumen. in infected pigs, all net ion transport was abolished, with the addition o ... | 1983 | 6309041 |
antiparasitic activity of natural and semisynthetic monensin urethanes. | a total of 17 monensin urethanes, including two naturally produced phenethylurethanes (streptomyces sp.), were evaluated for antiparasitic activity. all of the compounds had the characteristic properties of the polyether antibiotics including their ability to transport cations across membranes. several of the semisynthetic derivatives demonstrated in vitro and in vivo anticoccidial activity in chickens. in vitro activity was shown utilizing chick kidney cell culture experimental procedures in wh ... | 1983 | 6340991 |