
PMID(sorted descending)
multiple isolations of eastern equine encephalitis and highlands j viruses from mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) during a 1996 epizootic in southeastern connecticut.thirty-six isolations of eastern equine encephalitis virus were obtained from 8 species of mosquitoes collected from 5 september through 18 october 1996 during an epizootic in southeastern connecticut. these included culiseta melanura (coquillett) (19 isolates), culex pipiens l. (8), culiseta morsitans (theobald) (3), aedes sollicitans (walker) (2), aedes cantator (coquillett) (1), aedes trivittatus (coquillett) (1), aedes vexans (meigen) (1), and coquillettidia perturbans (walker) (1). isolatio ...19989615549
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