
PMID(sorted descending)
proportional mortality: a study of 152 goats submitted for necropsy from 13 goat herds in quebec, with a special focus on caseous lymphadenitis.the objectives of this study were to determine the main causes of mortality, with a special focus on caseous lymphadenits as a cause of death or wasting in caprine herds from quebec. goats (n = 152) from 13 herds were submitted for necropsy; the cause of mortality, and the presence, location, and cause of abscesses (if present) were recorded. proportional mortalities were distributed as: clostridium perfringens type d enterotoxemia (17.1%), pneumonia (13.8%), paratuberculosis (10.5%), listeriosi ...201324155449
microbiological quality of blue mussels (mytilus edulis) in nunavik, quebec: a pilot study.this pilot study was aimed at documenting the presence of fecal indicators and enteric pathogens in blue mussels (mytilus edulis) from 6 communities in nunavik, quebec. one to four 2 kg samples of mussels were collected at low tide in each community. samples were investigated by enumeration methods for the fecal indicators enterococci, escherichia coli, f-specific coliphages, clostridium perfringens, and by molecular identification for the pathogens norovirus, salmonella spp., campylobacter jeju ...201021076488
removal of human enteric viruses and indicator microorganisms from domestic wastewater by aerated lagoons.aerated lagoons offer a low-cost and simple approach to treating domestic wastewater in small municipalities. the objective of the current study was to evaluate, for each cell in the lagoons, the removal of indicator microorganisms and human enteric viruses under warm (summer) and cold (early spring) conditions. the two sites are located in southwest quebec, canada. samples were assayed for thermotolerant coliforms, enterococci, clostridium perfringens, somatic and male-specific coliphages, and ...201020237581
[a study to assess the microbial contamination of mya arenaria clams from the north shore of the st lawrence river estuary, (québec, canada)].the aims of the present study were to assess the microbial quality of mya arenaria clams from the north shore of the st. lawrence river estuary and to validate various microbial indicator microorganisms of bivalve mollusks contamination. clams were collected from nine sites, including four harvesting sites closed by virtue of the canadian shellfish sanitation program (cssp). six contamination indicators (fecal coliforms, somatic coliphages, f-specific coliphages, fecal streptococci, clostridium ...200617110967
occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms in the saint lawrence river (canada) and comparison of health risks for populations using it as their source of drinking water.a 300-km portion of the saint lawrence hydrological basin in the province of québec (canada) and 45 water treatment plants were studied. river water used by drinking water treatment plants was analyzed (6-l sample volumes) to determine the level of occurrence of bacterial indicators (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and clostridium perfringens) and pathogens (giardia lamblia, cryptosporidium, human enteric viruses). pathogens and bacterial indicators were found at all sites at a wide range of v ...200010913979
neonatal diarrhea of pigs in quebec: infectious causes of significant evaluate the relative importance of the various enteropathogens causing neonatal diarrhea in quebec farrowing operations, observations were made on 749 diarrheic pigs from 325 outbreaks of diarrhea. they were one to 15 days of age, and were obtained alive for necropsy generally within 48 hours of the onset of diarrhea. some pigs were from severe, explosive outbreaks of diarrhea with high morbidity and mortality rates, while others were from herds with chronic neonatal diarrhea with lower morb ...19836299483
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