Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted descending) Filter |
determination of the incidence of salmonella spp., campylobacter jejuni, and clostridium perfringens in wild birds near broiler chicken houses by sampling intestinal droppings. | several methods were evaluated for collecting fecal and intestinal samples from wild birds found near broiler chicken houses. a few intestinal samples and cloacal swabs were obtained from european starlings and house sparrows. most of the samples collected consisted of wild bird droppings found on or near the houses. samples were collected from each of four farms of a broiler integrator during a grow-out cycle: a cycle in the summer for farm a, fall for farm b, and spring, summer, fall, and wint ... | 2000 | 11007026 |
preventable disease in correctional facilities. desmoteric foodborne outbreaks in the united states, 1974-1991. | various disease outbreaks have been reported among prisoners. recent foodborne outbreaks in correctional facilities in georgia and delaware prompted us to review the epidemiological characteristics of such outbreaks reported in the united states. | 1996 | 8790084 |
infectious anemia caused by a parvovirus-like virus in georgia broilers. | pale chicks with necrotic dermatitis, small bursas of fabricius (bfs), small thymuses, pale bone marrow, and watery blood were suspected of having parvovirus-like virus- (pvlv) associated disease. histologic lesions included atrophy or hypoplasia of thymuses and bfs, and septic necrotizing clostridial dermatitis and hepatitis. clostridium perfringens was cultured from skin and liver. a pvlv was isolated in a marek's disease tumor cell line (mdcc-msb1) culture and was identified by physicochemica ... | 1989 | 2549935 |