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isolation and molecular characterization of clostridium difficile strains from patients and the hospital environment in belarus.toxigenic clostridium difficile is the most common etiologic agent of hospital-acquired diarrhea in developed countries. the role of this pathogen in nosocomial diarrhea in eastern europe has not been clearly established. the goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of c. difficile in patients and the hospital environment in belarus and to characterize these isolates as to the presence of toxin genes and their molecular type. c. difficile was isolated from 9 of 509 (1.8%) patients anal ...200010699022
pseudomembranous colitis: report of a severe case with unusual clinical signs in a young nurse.we describe the case of a young and otherwise healthy nurse who developed pseudomembranous colitis ten days after receiving oral clindamycin for dental infection. her clinical course was particularly stormy and was characterized by severe diarrhea and vomiting, profuse ascites, pleural effusion, abdominal tenderness, peritoneal irritation, and systemic toxicity. the clostridium difficile assay was negative on two occasions. features compatible with pseudomembranous colitis were seen at sigmoidos ...200010696903
c. difficile epidemic raises difficult questions about antibiotic-prescribing practices. 200010691369
detection of the adp-ribosyltransferase toxin gene (cdta) and its activity in clostridium difficile isolates from equidae.clostridium difficile is an antibiotic-associated emerging pathogen of humans and animals. thus far three toxins of c. difficile have been described: an enterotoxin (toxa), a cytotoxin (toxb) and an adp-ribosyltransferase (cdt). in the present work we describe the first isolation of cdt producing c. difficile from equidae with gastro-intestinal disease. out of 17 c. difficile strains isolated from equidae, 11 were positive for the genes tcda and tcdb encoding toxa and toxb. in addition four of t ...200010689161
antibiotics and clostridium difficile diarrhea in the ambulatory care setting.the goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of clostridium difficile diarrhea (cdd) and the risk for cdd associated with different oral antibiotics commonly used in the ambulatory care setting.200010688393
a severe case of post-antibiotic clostridium difficile colitis. 199910687784
in vitro activities of novel trans-3,5-disubstituted pyrrolidinylthio-1beta-methylcarbapenems with potent activities against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa.the in vitro activities of the novel 1beta-methylcarbapenems j-111, 225, j-114,870, and j-114,871, which have a structurally unique side chain that consists of a trans-3,5-disubstituted 5-arylpyrrolidin-3-ylthio moiety at the c-2 position, were compared with those of reference antibiotics. among isolates of both methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (mrcons), 90% were inhibited by j-111,347 (prototype), j-111,225, j-114,870, ...200010681308
enhancement of the migration of metastatic human breast cancer cells by phosphatidic acid.phosphatidic acid (pa), lysophosphatidic acid (lpa), and sphingosine 1-phosphate (spp) are naturally occurring phospholipids which induce a variety of effects as extracellular messengers. in this study, we compared the effects of these phospholipid signaling molecules on the migration of invasive and noninvasive breast cancer cell lines, an index of the metastatic potential of these cells. as previously demonstrated, invasive mda-mb-231 breast cancer cells exhibited increased constitutive (nonst ...200010679229
new method to generate enzymatically deficient clostridium difficile toxin b as an antigen for immunization.the family of the large clostridial cytotoxins, encompassing clostridium difficile toxins a and b as well as the lethal and hemorrhagic toxins from clostridium sordellii, monoglucosylate the rho gtpases by transferring a glucose moiety from the cosubstrate udp-glucose. here we present a new detoxification procedure to block the enzyme activity by treatment with the reactive udp-2', 3'-dialdehyde to result in alkylation of toxin a and b. alkylation is likely to occur in the catalytic domain, beca ...200010678912
polarization of chemoattractant receptor signaling during neutrophil chemotaxis.morphologic polarity is necessary for chemotaxis of mammalian cells. as a probe of intracellular signals responsible for this asymmetry, the pleckstrin homology domain of the akt protein kinase (or protein kinase b), tagged with the green fluorescent protein (phakt-gfp), was expressed in neutrophils. upon exposure of cells to chemoattractant, phakt-gfp is recruited selectively to membrane at the cell's leading edge, indicating an internal signaling gradient that is much steeper than that of the ...200010669415
analysis of the pathogenicity locus in clostridium difficile strains.the genes for clostridium difficile toxins a and b (tcda and tcdb) are part of a 19.6-kb pathogenicity locus (paloc) that includes the genes tcdd, tcde, and tcdc. to determine whether the c. difficile paloc is a stable and conserved genetic unit in toxigenic strains, a multiplex polymerase chain reaction was used to analyze 50 toxigenic, 39 nontoxigenic, and 2 toxin-defective isolates. the respective amplicons were identified for tcda-e in the toxigenic isolates; these were absent in the nontoxi ...200010669352
asymptomatic carriage of clostridium difficile and serum levels of igg antibody against toxin a.clostridium difficile infection can result in asymptomatic carriage, mild diarrhea, or fulminant pseudomembranous colitis. we studied whether antibody responses to c. difficile toxins affect the risks of colonization, diarrhea, and asymptomatic carriage.200010666429
screening for carriage and nosocomial acquisition of clostridium difficile by culture: a study of 284 admissions of elderly patients to six general hospitals in wales. 199910658811
an audit of the use of manual handling equipment and their microbiological flora--implications for infection control.a review of the use of manual handling aids in two hospitals found equipment was employed on a multi-patient basis with inadequate cleaning. sampling with a casella slit sampler demonstrated frequent contamination by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus and clostridium difficile of fabric aids. recommendations for care of equipment are made.199910658808
incidence of clostridium difficile infection: a prospective study in an indian hospital.clostridium difficile is the commonest cause of hospital-acquired diarrhoea. a prospective study comprising of 156 patients and 54 healthy controls was undertaken to assess c. difficile associated diarrhoea (cdad) incidence in an indian hospital. methods used included c. difficile culture and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for toxin a. attempts were made to type isolates by antibiogram and sds-page. of the 210 stool samples tested, 12 gave positive results in at least one assay. of th ...199910658803
low prevalence of nosocomial clostridium difficile transmission, as determined by comparison of arbitrarily primed pcr and epidemiological increased prevalence of patients with c. difficile-associated diarrhoea in a hospital setting suggested the possible existence of an endemic occurrence. a study was therefore designed to determine clonal relatedness among 173 isolates of c. difficile, collected consecutively during 1995 from 147 patients (89 inpatients and 58 outpatients) and to estimate the probability of nosocomial transmission. arbitrarily primed pcr (ap-pcr) with three different primers, ap1, ap2 and cld1, was used for fi ...199910658802
what should we do about patients with clostridium difficile? 199910658800
epidemiology of nosocomial clostridium difficile diarrhoea.clostridium difficile is a frequent and clinically important cause of diarrhoea that has been strongly but not exclusively associated with the hospital setting. the vast majority of cases of c. difficile diarrhoea are associated with antecedent treatment with antibiotics, of which cephalosporins and clindamycin appear to pose the highest risk. within hospitals and chronic-care facilities, cross-infection of c. difficile has been related to transient carriage on hands of healthcare workers and co ...199910658778
bacterial resistance to disinfectants: present knowledge and future problems.bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a long-established, widely-studied problem. increasingly, attention is being directed to the responses of various types of microbes to biocides (antiseptics, disinfectants and preservatives). different groups of bacteria vary in their susceptibility to biocides, with bacterial spores being the most resistant, followed by mycobacteria, then gram-negative organisms, with cocci generally being the most sensitive. there are wide divergencies within this general ...199910658759
residential care and the elderly: the burden of infection.long term care facilities (ltcfs) include a variety of different types of healthcare settings, each with their own unique infectious disease problems. this report focuses on the epidemiological considerations, risk factors and types of infections that occur in elderly patients institutionalized in nursing home settings. in the us, the number of patients in nursing homes continues to grow as the population ages. today, patients in nursing homes have more complicated medical conditions than they d ...199910658754
polymeric iga is superior to monomeric iga and igg carrying the same variable domain in preventing clostridium difficile toxin a damaging of t84 monolayers.the two exotoxins a and b produced by clostridium difficile are responsible for antibiotic-associated enterocolitis in human and animals. when added apically to human colonic carcinoma-derived t84 cell monolayers, toxin a, but not toxin b, abolished the transepithelial electrical resistance and altered the morphological integrity. apical addition of suboptimal concentration of toxin a made the cell monolayer sensitive to toxin b. both toxins induced drastic and rapid epithelial alterations when ...200010657645
pseudomembranous colitis: an update.clostridium difficile is the most common nosocomial infection of the gastrointestinal tract. most cases are associated with antibiotic therapy that alters the fecal flora, allowing overgrowth of c difficile with production of its toxins. diagnosis is made by detection of the organism or toxin in the stools. a variety of different tests can be used, but none is perfect. a stool culture can be positive in someone without diarrhea, ie, a carrier. while the cytotoxin is the gold standard, it is expe ...200010655027
high prevalence of diarrhea but infrequency of documented clostridium difficile in autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell transplant recipients.autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell (pbpc) transplant recipients frequently receive multiple antibiotics for neutropenic fever in addition to high-dose chemotherapy. although there are many possible causes for diarrhea in this population, empiric therapy for possible c. difficile colitis is common in some centers. this study sought to define the frequency of diarrhea and of a positive c. difficile toxin assay in pbpc transplant recipients. data were collected on 80 patients enrolled in a ...200010654017
identification of a novel genetic locus that is required for in vitro adhesion of a clinical isolate of enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli to epithelial cells.enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli (ehec) are food-borne intestinal pathogens with a low infectious dose. adhesion of some ehec strains to epithelial cells is attributed, in part, to intimin, but other factors may be required for the intestinal colonizing ability of these bacteria. in order to identify additional adherence factors of ehec, we generated transposon mutants of a clinical ehec isolate of serotype o111:h-, which displayed high levels of adherence to cultured chinese hamster ovary (c ...200010652089
clostridium difficile toxin: cytoskeletal changes and lactate dehydrogenase release in hepatocytes.we have found that clostridium difficile toxins can evoke hepatocyte acute-phase protein synthesis, and that this effect is dependent on a functioning interleukin-1 (il-1) receptor. the present study was undertaken to determine if c. difficile toxicity, as determined by actin rearrangement and lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) release, also requires a functioning il-1 receptor.200010644484
the macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin b resistance determinant from clostridium difficile 630 contains two erm(b) genes.the ermb macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin b (mls) resistance determinant from clostridium difficile 630 contains two copies of an erm(b) gene, separated by a 1.34-kb direct repeat also found in an erm(b) determinant from clostridium perfringens. in addition, both erm(b) genes are flanked by variants of the direct repeat sequence. this genetic arrangement is novel for an ermb mls resistance determinant.200010639372
pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of clostridium difficile infection.clostridium difficile infection has become in recent years an important nosocomial threat. prevention of the spread of c. difficile infection among long term hospitalized patients is a major challenge since c. difficile spores can persist indefinitely in the hospital environment. following antibiotic therapy that disrupts the normal bacterial flora of the colon, c. difficile can colonize the large intestine. the bacteria releases two large protein toxins that bind to colonocytes and mediate an a ...199910638139
[clostridium difficile]. 199910635809
probiotics and infectious diarrhea.numerous probiotic agents have been studied for the management of diarrheal disease. in particular, the prevention and management of acute viral diarrhea, the treatment of recurrent clostridium difficile diarrhea, as well as the control of antibiotic-associated diarrhea seem to be areas of significant potential benefit. a few agents, including lactobacillus gg, lactobacillus reuteri, and saccharomyces boulardii, seem to be promising agents for the amelioration of the course of acute diarrhea in ...200010634223
the effect of probiotics on clostridium difficile diarrhea.clostridium difficile is the leading cause of nosocomially acquired intestinal infection in the united states, affecting virtually all cases of pseudomembranous colitis and up to 20% of cases of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. even after receiving antibiotic treatment with either metronidazole or vancomycin, 20% of patients will have recurrent clostridium difficile diarrhea. an innovative approach to the problem involves the introduction of competing, nonpathogenic (probiotic) organisms into the ...200010634221
probiotics and gastrointestinal health.evidence for positive health benefits of lactobacilli applies to only a few strains used for commercial applications. it is generally agreed that a probiotic must be capable of colonizing the intestinal tract to influence human health; this requirement disqualifies many of the strains currently used in fermented dairy products. lactobacillus gg, a variant of l. casei sps rhamnosus, has been studied extensively in adults and children. when consumed as a dairy product or as a lyophilized powder, l ...200010634218
value of lysozyme agar incorporation and alkaline thioglycollate exposure for the environmental recovery of clostridium difficile.clostridium difficile is an increasingly prevalent nosocomial pathogen. environmental contamination by spores is believed to be a major factor propagating the spread of c. difficile. various approaches including the use of bile salts have been described to enhance the recovery of c. difficile from clinical and environmental specimens. we found that lysozyme (5 mg/l) incorporated into a selective medium containing bile salts significantly increased the recovery of c. difficile from swabs of 197 e ...200010633056
comparative in vitro activity of moxifloxacin against gram-positive clinical isolates.the in vitro activity of moxifloxacin was compared with that of 15 antibacterial agents against 513 gram-positive microorganisms. the mic(90) (mg/l) of moxifloxacin was 0.06 for quinolone-susceptible staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis, 0.12 for streptococcus pyogenes and streptococcus agalactiae; 0.25 for streptococcus pneumoniae, streptococcus mitis, streptococcus bovis, streptococcus anginosus and actinomyces pyogenes; 0.5 for streptococcus sanguis and listeria monocytogenes, ...200010629010
antibacterial activity of aristolochia paucinervis pomel.several fractions of the methanolic extract of the rhizome or the leaves of aristolochia paucinervis pomel were screened for antibacterial activity using the agar dilution method against fourteen reference bacterial strains. only three fractions (defatted chloroformic rhizome fraction: aprc, rhizome ethyl acetate fraction: apre and leaf chloroform fraction: aplc) showed an activity against at least one of the microorganisms tested. the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) determination showed ...199910616964
p21-activated kinase 1 phosphorylates the death agonist bad and protects cells from apoptosis.bad is a critical regulatory component of the intrinsic cell death machinery that exerts its death-promoting effect upon heterodimerization with the antiapoptotic proteins bcl-2 and bcl-x(l). growth factors promote cell survival through phosphorylation of bad, resulting in its dissociation from bcl-2 and bcl-x(l) and its association with 14-3-3tau. survival of interleukin 3 (il-3)-dependent fl5.12 lymphoid progenitor cells is attenuated upon treatment with the rho gtpase-inactivating toxin b fro ...200010611223
[nosocomial infections].glycopeptide resistance: resistance to glycopeptides raises many therapeutic problems when it occurs in strains such as enterococci or staphylococci causing clinical infections. two observations described here exemplify the emergence of such resistance in a metacillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) strain during vancomycin treatment and in a clostridium difficile strain. nasal mrsa in hospital personnel: nasal cavities of hospital personnel is a not well recognized reservoir of mrsa. a s ...199910605463
an antibiotic policy associated with reduced risk of clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea.antibiotic-associated diarrhoea caused by clostridium difficile is increasing in hospitals, and older people are at particular risk.199910604512
ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide (ice) in metastatic and refractory breast cancer.twenty-five patients with metastatic breast cancer were treated with ice after failure of previous chemotherapy. their median age was 50 years (range 36-73). all but 1 patient had multiple sites of metastases. nineteen (76%) patients had undergone two or more chemotherapy regimens for metastatic disease prior to ice. the performance status (ps) of the patients was eastern cooperative oncology group (ecog) 0:6; 1:12; 2:5; 3:2. ifosfamide 1.25 g/m(2) over 3 h d1-3 along with mesna, etoposide 80 mg ...199910602907
antibiotics and clostridium difficile.clostridium difficile is now established as a major nosocomial pathogen. c. difficile infection is seen almost exclusively as a complication of antibiotic therapy, and is particularly associated with clindamycin and third-generation cephalosporins. depletion of the indigenous gut microflora by antibiotic therapy has long been established as a major factor in the disease. however, the direct influence of antimicrobials upon virulence mechanisms such as toxin production and adhesion in the bowel, ...199910602670
isolation of clostridium difficile from the ruminal reservoir of newborn lambs. 199910596876
[reccurent pseudomembranous colitis treated with the donor feces]. 199610596179
behaviour of saccharomyces boulardii in recurrent clostridium difficile disease patients.despite recent interest in therapeutic microorganisms taken orally, little is known about the pharmacodynamics of these agents in a target population of patients with disease. the present study reports the stool concentrations of saccharomyces boulardii in a patient population with clostridium difficile disease (cdd) and correlates stool concentrations with efficacy.199910594402
[new knowledge of the molecular biology of enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (ehec) o157].since 1982, enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli (ehec) have been identified as a cause of diarrhoea and haemorrhagic colitis. the most serious complication of the infection is the haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (hus) that develops in 5 to 10% of children with diarrhoea. shiga toxins (stx) are the most important presently known virulence factors of ehec. after reaching the bloodstream, the toxins cause damage of endothelial cells but also of tubular cells in the kidneys which may result in renal fai ...199910593045
colonic wall thickening in patients with cirrhosis: ct findings and clinical implications.the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and spectrum of colonic wall changes in patients with cirrhosis and to determine the association between these colonic wall changes and portal hypertension.199910587121
cd14 expression by human mononuclear phagocytes is modulated by clostridium difficile toxin b.toxin b, an exotoxin produced by the anaerobic gram-positive bacteria clostridium difficile, is responsible for pseudomembranous colitis in humans. it deeply modifies morphology of cultured cells and enhances their membrane surface area, which suggests a possible alteration of membrane receptor distribution. since toxin b and bacterial lipopolysaccharide can act synergistically on tnf-alpha production by mononuclear phagocytes, the effect of toxin b on cd14 expression was investigated using flow ...199910580270
choosing the right antibiotic. antibiotic choice may affect risk of clostridium difficile infection. 199910576837
characterization of the cryptogein binding sites on plant plasma membranes.cryptogein is a 98-amino acid proteinaceous elicitor of tobacco defense reactions. specific binding of cryptogein to high affinity binding sites on tobacco plasma membranes has been previously reported (k(d) = 2 nm; number of binding sites: 220 fmol/mg of protein). in this study, biochemical characterization of cryptogein binding sites reveals that they correspond to a plasma membrane glycoprotein(s) with an n-linked carbohydrate moiety, which is involved in cryptogein binding. radiation inactiv ...199910574936
phospholipase d stimulation by receptor tyrosine kinases mediated by protein kinase c and a ras/ral signaling cascade.stimulation of phospholipase d (pld) in hek-293 cells expressing the m(3) muscarinic receptor by phorbol ester-activated protein kinase c (pkc) apparently involves ral gtpases. we report here that pkc, but not muscarinic receptor-induced pld stimulation in these cells, is strongly and specifically reduced by expression of dominant-negative rala, g26a rala, as well as dominant-negative ras, s17n ras. in contrast, overexpression of the ras-activated ral-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, ...199910574935
involvement of rho gtpases in calcium-regulated exocytosis from adrenal chromaffin cells.the rho gtpase family, including rho, rac and cdc42 proteins, is implicated in various cell functions requiring the reorganization of actin-based structures. in secretory cells, cytoskeletal rearrangements are a prerequisite for exocytosis. we previously described that, in chromaffin cells, the trimeric granule-bound go protein controls peripheral actin and prevents exocytosis in resting cells through the regulation of rhoa. to provide further insight into the function of rho proteins in exocyto ...199910574723
antibiotics and clostridium difficile. 199910572160
epidemics of diarrhea caused by a clindamycin-resistant strain of clostridium difficile in four hospitals.large outbreaks of diarrhea caused by a newly recognized strain of clostridium difficile occurred in four hospitals located in different parts of the united states between 1989 and 1992. since frequent use of clindamycin was associated with the outbreak in one of the hospitals, we examined the resistance genes of the epidemic-strain isolates and studied the role of clindamycin use in these outbreaks.199910572152
clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in the is widely believed that clostridium difficile (c. difficile)-associated diarrhea is a more severe disease in the elderly than in the young, associated with increased morbidity and mortality. these beliefs are largely anecdotal, and there are few data supporting them.199910566727
can quinolones cause hemorrhagic colitis of late onset? report of three cases.this study was undertaken to demonstrate that quinolones may cause acute colitis resembling penicillin-induced hemorrhagic colitis.199910566543
[clostridium difficile diarrhea in the very old. clinical features and course in 21 cases].determine the clinical and etiological features of clostridium difficile diarrhea in elderly subjects.199910566275
predominant staphylococcus aureus isolated from antibiotic-associated diarrhea is clinically relevant and produces enterotoxin a and the bicomponent toxin luke-lukd.staphylococcus aureus was isolated as the predominant or only isolate from cultures of stools of 60 patients over 2 years in a university hospital, leading to the collection of 114 isolates. diarrhea was observed in 90% of the patients. ninety-eight percent of the patients had received antibiotics in the month before the diarrhea. ninety-two percent of the s. aureus isolates were methicillin resistant. s. aureus was encountered with antibiotic-associated diarrhea among 47 quite elderly patients ...199910565923
case records of the massachusetts general hospital. weekly clinicopathological exercises. case 34-1999. a 37-year-old woman with liver disease and recurrent diarrhea. 199910559455
sequence analysis of a new open reading frame located in the pathogenicity locus of clostridium difficile strain 8864.strain 8864 is a natural isolate of clostridium difficile that is toxin b-positive and toxin a-negative. recent work showed that there is a genetic rearrangement occurring at the pathogenicity locus (paloc) of the bacteria. our investigation in the paloc region revealed an open reading frame (tcdf) of 543 bp dna not reported before. this tcdf could encode a putative polypeptide of 22 kda. although no peptide homology was found with other known proteins, we postulate that it could be a novel prot ...199910556718
clostridium difficile toxins may augment bacterial penetration of intestinal epithelium.clostridium difficile can be recovered from many high-risk hospitalized patients receiving broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. clostridium difficile toxins a and b have been associated with increased intestinal permeability in vitro and there is growing evidence that increased intestinal permeability may be a common mechanism whereby enteric bacteria penetrate the intestinal epithelium.199910555639
roles of intracellular calcium and nf-kappa b in the clostridium difficile toxin a-induced up-regulation and secretion of il-8 from human monocytes.clostridium difficile causes an intense inflammatory colitis through the actions of two large exotoxins, toxin a and toxin b. il-8 is believed to play an important role in the pathophysiology of c. difficile-mediated colitis, although the mechanism whereby the toxins up-regulate the release of il-8 from target cells is not well understood. in this study, we investigated the mechanisms through which toxin a induces il-8 secretion in human monocytes. we found that cellular uptake of toxin a is req ...199910553038
il-15 is elevated in the patients of postoperative enterocolitis.serum interleukin 15 (il-15) levels were measured in 77 patients who were consecutively admitted to our intensive care unit. postoperative enterocolitis occurred in four patients and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa), but not clostridium difficile, was identified in the faecal specimens from these patients. the il-15 levels in the patients with mrsa enterocolitis were significantly elevated compared with those of other mrsa infections without enterocolitis including pneumonia (n ...199910547278
prophylactic lactobacillus gg reduces antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children with respiratory infections: a randomized study.antimicrobial treatment may disturb the colonization resistance of gastrointestinal microflora, which may induce clinical symptoms, most commonly diarrhea. the severity of antibiotic-associated diarrhea may range from a brief, self-limiting disease to devastating diarrhea with electrolyte disturbances, dehydration, crampy abdominal pain, pseudomembranous colitis, toxic megacolon, or even death. the incidence of diarrhea in children receiving a single antimicrobial treatment is unclear. in additi ...199910545590
activities of gemifloxacin (sb 265805, lb20304) compared to those of other oral antimicrobial agents against unusual anaerobes.the activities of gemifloxacin (sb 265805, lb20304) and comparator agents were determined by an agar dilution method against 419 clinical strains of less-commonly identified species of anaerobes. gemifloxacin was generally more active than trovafloxacin against gram-positive strains by one to two dilutions. peptostreptococci (peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus, peptostreptococcus magnus, peptostreptococcus micros, and peptostreptococcus prevotii) and porphyromonas spp. (porphyromonas asaccharol ...199910543754
antimicrobial susceptibilities and serogroups of clinical strains of clostridium difficile isolated in france in 1991 and 1997.glycopeptides (vancomycin and teicoplanin) and metronidazole are the drugs of choice for the treatment of clostridium difficile infections, but trends in susceptibility patterns have not been assessed in the past few years. the objective was to study the mics of glycopeptides and metronidazole for unrelated c. difficile strains isolated in 1991 (n = 100) and in 1997 (n = 98) by the agar macrodilution, the e-test, and the disk diffusion methods. strain susceptibilities to erythromycin, clindamyci ...199910543736
enhancing market value of milk by adding cultures.fluid milk and several dairy products are an excellent medium to generate an array of products that fit into the current consumer demand for health-driven foods. several technologies associated with culture addition, fermentation, or both are available for creating an assortment of flavors and textures in milk products. it appears that accentuating the positive attributes of inherent milk constituents, incorporating health-promoting cultures, and offering a variety of flavors and textures to the ...199910531614
activation of activator protein 1 and stress response kinases in epithelial cells colonized by helicobacter pylori encoding the cag pathogenicity island.helicobacter pylori interacts with the apical membrane of the gastric epithelium and induces a number of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines. the subsequent infiltration of macrophages and granulocytes into the mucosa leads to gastric inflammation accompanied by epithelial degeneration. gastric diseases, e.g. peptic ulcer or gastric adenocarcinoma, are more common among people infected with h. pylori strains producing vaca (vacuolating cytotoxin a) and possessing a cag (cytotoxin-associated ant ...199910531374
enteric carriage of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus faecium in patients tested for clostridium identify independent risk factors for enteric carriage of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus faecium (vref) in hospitalized patients tested for clostridium difficile toxin.199910530643
fusidic acid in other infections.fusidic acid, both systemic and topical, has been used for a wide variety of less common infections. efficacy for oral fusidic acid has been demonstrated in the treatment of clostridium difficile colitis and in staphylococcal infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. topical fusidic acid gel is also effective in bacterial conjunctivitis and other minor external eye infections, and may be effective in reducing bacterial flora in the conjunctival sac prior to eye surgery. studies suggest a pote ...199910528782
clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea and colitis.clostridium difficile-induced diarrhea (cdad) and colitis (cdac) are important nosocomial (hospital)-acquired infections resulting almost exclusively from antibiotic therapy and certain host factors. the severity of these disorders may range from simple diarrhea that can be resolved easily with antibiotic cessation to fulminant pseudomembranous colitis with fever, severe dehydration, abdominal pain and distention, and plaque formation over part or all of the colon. community-acquired cdad and cd ...199910528559
detection of clostridium difficile toxin a by reversed passive latex agglutination.a reversed passive latex agglutination (rpla) assay for detecting clostridium difficile toxin a is presented. purified monoclonal antibody (mab 37b5) was used for latex sensitization. the culture supernatants of 93 strains of c. difficile were tested by rpla assay and the results compared with those of a commercially available latex agglutination test, pcr and cytotoxin assay with vero cells. there was agreement between rpla, cytotoxicity and pcr assays, but 29 strains were positive in the rpla ...199910524790
infection control. dazed and confused.this research project aims to uncover the practical concerns of health care staff on a hospital ward while attempting to implement isolation precaution guidelines for patients with clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea (cdad) and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa). the project is still in progress so this article describes the research methods used and some preliminary findings.199910524156
case-control study of enteropathogens associated with childhood diarrhea in dhaka, bangladesh.the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, is a major center for research into diarrheal diseases. the center treats more than 100,000 patients a year. to obtain useful information representative of all patients, a surveillance system in which a 4% systematic sample of all patients is studied in detail, including etiological agents of diarrhea, was installed in october 1979. the first paper on etiology for the surveillance patients was published in 1982, which identifi ...199910523534
is "negative" positive? 199910520871
association of iga nephropathy with clostridium difficile colitis.immunoglobulin a (iga) nephropathy, the most common cause of glomerulonephritis worldwide, is usually idiopathic in origin and renal limited. secondary iga nephropathy has been associated with systemic disease, including such gastrointestinal tract disturbances as celiac sprue and inflammatory bowel disease. we describe gross hematuria and reversible acute renal failure from iga nephropathy in a patient with cephalosporin-induced clostridium difficile colitis. in addition to mesangial iga and c3 ...199910518470
the hunt for clostridium difficile: 21-year follow-up of a stool specimen sent for culture. 199910509517
monoglucosylation of rhoa at threonine 37 blocks cytosol-membrane cycling.the small gtpases rho, rac, and cdc42 are monoglucosylated at effector domain amino acid threonine 37/35 by clostridium difficile toxins a and b. glucosylation renders the rho proteins inactive by inhibiting effector coupling. to understand the functional consequences, effects of glucosylation on subcellular distribution and cycling of rho gtpases between cytosol and membranes were analyzed. in intact cells and in cell lysates, glucosylation leads to a translocation of the majority of rhoa gtpas ...199910506156
local and systemic neutralizing antibody responses induced by intranasal immunization with the nontoxic binding domain of toxin a from clostridium difficile.fourteen of the 38 c-terminal repeats from clostridium difficile toxin a (14cdta) were cloned and expressed either with an n-terminal polyhistidine tag (14cdta-his) or fused to the nontoxic binding domain from tetanus toxin (14cdta-tetc). the recombinant proteins were successfully purified by bovine thyroglobulin affinity chromatography. both c. difficile toxin a fusion proteins bound to known toxin a ligands present on the surface of rabbit erythrocytes. intranasal immunization of balb/c mice w ...199910496886
treatment of primary peritoneal mesothelioma by continuous hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion (chpp).primary peritoneal mesothelioma is a locally aggressive disease that is difficult to treat or even palliate. continuous hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion (chpp) with cisplatin (cddp) allows uniform, high regional delivery of chemotherapeutics and hyperthermia to the peritoneal surface for the treatment of peritoneal tumors. this article summarizes the results of 18 patients with peritoneal mesothelioma treated with chpp.199910493628
clostridium difficile colitis associated with chronic renal failure. 199910489247
clostridium difficile diarrhea and colitis: a clinical overview.infection with toxin-producing strains of clostridium difficile is common and potentially life-threatening. it occurs mostly in patients in the hospital or nursing home who are taking or have recently taken antibiotics. two toxins, a and b, damage the colonic mucosa, resulting in symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to bloody diarrhea with fever and abdominal pain, colitis, or even pseudomembranous colitis. severe cases may involve dehydration, toxic megacolon, or colonic perforation. this articl ...199910486998
clostridium difficile colitis after kidney and kidney-pancreas determine the timing and risk factors involved in the development of clostridium difficile (cd) colitis in kidney and kidney-pancreas transplant recipients.199910485373
a nonsense mutation abrogates production of a functional enterotoxin a in clostridium difficile toxinotype viii strains of serogroups f and x.clostridium difficile strains of toxinotype viii from serogroups f and x are described as toxin b-positive, toxin a-negative (tcdb+ a-), although they harbour almost the entire tcda gene. to identify the reason for the lack of tcda detection, we analyzed catalytic and ligand domains of tcda-1470 of the type strain of serogroup f, strain 1470. using recombinant fragments, the c-terminal immunodominant ligand domain tcda3-1470, spanning amino acid residues 1694-2711 (corresponding to vpi 10463 seq ...199910483735
clostridium difficile colitis associated with infant botulism: near-fatal case analogous to hirschsprung's enterocolitis.we present the first five reported cases of clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (cdad) in children with infant botulism caused by clostridium botulinum. we compare two fulminant cases of colitis in children with colonic stasis, the first caused by infant botulism and the second caused by hirschsprung's disease. in both children, colitis was accompanied by hypovolemia, hypotension, profuse ascites, pulmonary effusion, restrictive pulmonary disease, and femoral-caval thrombosis. laboratory f ...199910476744
comparative value of colonic biopsy and intraluminal fluid culture for diagnosis of bacterial acute colitis in immunocompetent patients. infectious colitis study group.we compared the yield of intraluminal fluid culture to that of biopsy specimens obtained during colonoscopy for the diagnosis of bacterial colitis in 93 immunocompetent patients with a recent episode of diarrhea and macroscopic lesions of colitis. stool culture findings were also available for 68 patients. at least one bacterial pathogen was isolated from the biopsy specimen, intraluminal fluid, or stool from 48 patients (51.6%). salmonella species, clostridium difficile, klebsiella oxytoca, shi ...199910476742
[diagnosis of clostridium difficile as cause of diarrhea]. 199910476491
primary intravenous paclitaxel and platinum chemotherapy for high-risk stage i epithelial ovarian evaluate the efficacy of intravenous (i.v.) paclitaxel and platinum chemotherapy in patients with high-risk stage i epithelial ovarian carcinoma.199910475122
clostridium difficile cell attachment is modified by environmental factors.adherence of clostridium difficile to vero cells under anaerobic conditions was increased by a high sodium concentration, calcium-rich medium, an acidic ph, and iron starvation. the level of adhesion of nontoxigenic strains was comparable to that of toxigenic strains. depending on the bacterial culture conditions, vero cells could bind to one, two, or three bacterial surface proteins with molecular masses of 70, 50, and 40 kda.199910473442
in vitro activity of gemifloxacin (sb 265805) against anaerobes.gemifloxacin mesylate (sb 265805), a new fluoronaphthyridone, was tested against 359 recent clinical anaerobic isolates by the national committee for clinical laboratory standards reference agar dilution method with supplemented brucella blood agar and an inoculum of 10(5) cfu/spot. comparative antimicrobials tested included trovafloxacin, levofloxacin, grepafloxacin, sparfloxacin, sitafloxacin (du-6859a), penicillin g, amoxicillin clavulanate, imipenem, cefoxitin, clindamycin, and metronidazole ...199910471570
reactive arthritis induced by clostridium difficile enteritis as a complication of helicobacter pylori eradication.clostridium difficile has recently been established as a cause of reactive arthritis (rea). we present a case of clostridium difficile-induced rea as a complication of helicobacter pylori eradication, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first such case reported.199910468177
clostridium difficile infection of a prosthetic joint presenting 12 months after antibiotic-associated diarrhoea.clostridium difficile is a common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, but it rarely causes extra-colonic disease. an 83-year-old woman who developed culture-positive c. difficile-associated diarrhoea following pneumonia and a total hip replacement was treated successfully with oral metronidazole therapy. she was readmitted 12 months later for revision of the hip prosthesis because of increasing pain. at surgery an abscess associated with the prosthesis was discovered. culture of the pus gr ...199910468137
pseudomembranous colitis: spectrum of imaging findings with clinical and pathologic correlation.pseudomembranous colitis (pmc) is a potentially life-threatening acute infectious colitis caused by one or more toxins produced by an unopposed proliferation of clostridium difficile bacteria. pmc is characterized by the presence of elevated, yellow-white plaques forming pseudomembranes on the colonic mucosa. these plaques can be visualized at both pathologic analysis and endoscopy. plain radiography, contrast enema studies, and computed tomography (ct) are useful in the evaluation of pmc. plain ...199910464797
detection of clostridium difficile toxin by an indigenously developed latex agglutination indigenously developed latex agglutination assay using c. sordelli antitoxin was used to screen 211 stool samples received from hospitalized patients. of 126 samples from patients receiving single to multiple antibiotics for various ailments, 38 (30%) were positive by the toxin assay, whereas only 6/85 (7%) of samples of patients not receiving antibiotics were also positive. thus, of 211 samples a total of 44 (20.8%) were positive by our toxin assay, giving titers ranging from 1 in 5 to 1 in ...199910464446
detection of glycopeptide-resistant enterococci in routine diagnostic faeces specimens.faeces received in a diagnostic laboratory were screened for glycopeptide-resistant enterococci (gre) on modified lewisham medium, with and without enrichment in enterococcosel broth. colonization by gre was detected in 102/838 patients (12.2%). in 74 (73%) of colonized patients gre were detected by both methods and in 28 (27%) they were detected only after enrichment. the carriage rate in hospitalized patients was 32% (93/289) compared with 2.3% (11/425) in the community (gp patients and food-h ...199910462636
evaluation of two rapid assays for detection of clostridium difficile toxin a in stool specimens.rapid laboratory diagnosis of clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (cdad) is highly desirable in the setting of hospital cost containment. we tested 654 stool specimens to compare the performance of two assays for rapid detection of toxin a, the immunocard toxin a test (meridian diagnostics, inc.) and the culturette brand toxin cd enzyme immunoassay (eia) (becton dickinson microbiology systems), with a cytotoxin assay (cytotoxi test; advanced clinical diagnostics) and culture on cycloserine ...199910449503
immunological evidence for a bacterial toxin aetiology in sudden infant death syndrome.toxin-specific antibodies to clostridial, enterobacterial and staphylococcal toxins implicated in sudden infant death syndrome were studied in sera from sudden infant death syndrome infants and a comparison group of infants (babies with phenylketonuria). the results indicated a higher proportion of sera from sudden infant death syndrome infants contained iga that bound to clostridial and enterobacterial toxins but a higher proportion of sera from the phenylketonuria comparison group contained ig ...199910443490
prognosis of adult-onset idiopathic bile acid malabsorption.from 1986 to 1993, 150 patients were investigated with the 75se-homocholic acid taurine (sehcat) test as a late step in the investigation of chronic diarrhoea. on basis of low sehcat values and response to cholestyramine treatment, 33 patients were initially classified as having idiopathic bile acid malabsorption (ibam). the aim was to describe the long-term clinical course of the disease and to assess the reliability of the sehcat test in diagnosing ibam.199910440608
prevalence of toxin a negative/b positive clostridium difficile strains. 199910440000
suppression of toxin production in clostridium difficile vpi 10463 by amino acids.the impact of various growth conditions on the expression of toxins and other proteins by clostridium difficile vpi 10463 was studied. during non-starved conditions, the rate of toxin synthesis paralleled that of total protein during both exponential growth and stationary phase, and in both defined and complex media. biotin limitation reduced growth rate and bulk protein synthesis, whereas toxin expression continued, leading to a 50- to 200-fold increase in intracellular toxin levels. concomitan ...199910439407
transfer of a conjugative transposon, tn5397 in a model oral biofilm.a tetracycline resistance profile was established from a microcosm dental plaque in a constant depth film fermenter. the fermenter was inoculated with a bacillus subtilis strain which contained the conjugative transposon, tn5397, which confers tetracycline resistance upon its host. after 6 hour and 24 hour the tetracycline resistance profile of the biofilm was redetermined and a tetracycline resistant streptococcus species was isolated. a molecular analysis of this strain confirmed that tn5397 w ...199910436923
successful treatment of cytomegalovirus colitis with ganciclovir in a patient with adult t cell leukemia lymphoma: case 84-year-old patient with adult t cell leukemia lymphoma (atll) developed diarrhea on day 5 of chemotherapy and was diagnosed with cytomegalovirus (cmv) colitis. sigmoidoscopy revealed multiple superficial erosions surrounded by a flare. computed tomography (ct) and ultrasonogram of the abdomen revealed marked thickening of the colonic mucosa. there were 186 cmv antigen-positive leukocytes per 31,000 white blood cells (wbc). a colonic biopsy specimen showed typical cmv nuclear inclusions. immu ...199910435685
prevalence of clostridium perfringens enterotoxin and clostridium difficile toxin a in feces of horses with diarrhea and determine prevalence of clostridial enterotoxins in feces of horses with diarrhea and colic, and to determine whether an association exists between detection of clostridial enterotoxins in feces and development of diarrhea as a complication of colic.199910434974
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