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high-level expression of glycoprotein d by a dominant-negative hsv-1 virus augments its efficacy as a vaccine against hsv-1 infection.using the t-rex (invitrogen, carlsbad, ca) gene switch technology, we previously generated a dominant-negative herpes simplex virus (hsv)-1 recombinant, cj83193, capable of inhibiting its own replication as well as that of wild-type hsv-1 and hsv-2. it has been further demonstrated that cj83193 is an effective vaccine against hsv-1 infection in a mouse ocular model. to ensure its safety and augment its efficacy, we generated an improved cj83193-like hsv-1 recombinant, cj9-gd, which contains a de ...200919005489
overexpression of interleukin-15 compromises cd4-dependent adaptive immune responses against herpes simplex virus 2.interleukin-15 (il-15) is necessary for the development and function of nk/nkt cells and the maintenance of naive and memory cd8(+) t cells. in the absence of il-15, protective innate immunity is not available; however, a functional adaptive immune response against vaginal herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) is generated. mice overexpressing il-15 (il-15tg mice) have higher numbers of nk cells, greater nk-derived gamma interferon, and more cd8(+) t cells. here we examined the consequences of il-15 ov ...200919004955
production of high titre disabled infectious single cycle (disc) hsv from a microcarrier culture.disabled infectious single cycle (disc) hsv-2 has been cultured in the complimentary cell line cr2 to provide high titre bulk material suitable for the purification of the virus as a live viral vaccine. cr2 cells are cultured on the microcarrier cytodex-1 at 5 g l-1 in small scale (1 l) and larger scale (15 l) reactors. the cells are infected at an moi of 0.01 pfu cell-1 and the culture harvested 60-72 h later. the infected cells are removed from the microcarriers by the addition of a hypotonic ...199919003370
[specific cellular immune system and a human herpes virus infection in various forms of tubercular process].tuberculosis (tb) is one of the most common infective diseases in history. in industrialized nations tb was well on its way to becoming extinct, however, tb rates started increasing again in the majority of developed countries today. there is a need to further understanding the role of a human herpes virus (hhv) in development and prognosis of tb. the goal of research was to study a condition of the specific immune system, frequency of activization of a hhv infection of 1 type and presence of in ...200818997252
virus-encoded b7-2 costimulation molecules enhance the protective capacity of a replication-defective herpes simplex virus type 2 vaccine in immunocompetent mice.herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) and, to a lesser extent, hsv-1 cause the majority of sexually transmitted genital ulcerative disease. no effective prophylactic vaccine is currently available. replication-defective hsv stimulates immune responses in animals but produces no progeny virus, making it potentially useful as a safe form of live vaccine against hsv. because it does not replicate and spread in the host, however, replication-defective virus may have relatively limited capacity to solicit p ...200918987142
magnetic resonance and diffusion-weighted imaging findings of herpes simplex encephalitis.herpes simplex encephalitis (hse) is a rare, life-threatening disease. this paper draws attention to the role of imaging in early hse diagnosis. five consecutive patients diagnosed with hse (type 1) between june 2005 and june 2006 (three males, two females, mean age 44 [range 16-68] years) were included in this retrospective study. computed tomography, conventional magnetic resonance imaging (mri) sequences and diffusion-weighted imaging (dwi) were obtained for each patient. apparent diffusion c ...200818983763
[herpes simplex virus infection in pregnancy and transmission to neonatal].herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection is the most common sexually transmitted viral disease. according epidemiological studies almost one quarter of the adult population in bulgaria is seropositive for hsv-2. high prevalence of infection, asymptomatic course and limited diagnostic resources increased risk of neonatal acquisition of hsv from pregnant women. the etiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic methods and factors influencing neonatal transmission of hsv are presented.200518982828
seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 in adult hiv-infected patients and blood donors in croatia.the present study estimates herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) seroprevalence and evaluates its association with age, sex, human herpesvirus type 8 (hhv-8) and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) among adults in croatia. a cross-sectional survey included 166 hiv-infected patients and 219 blood donors. antibodies against hsv-2 were determined by enzyme immunoassays based on gg2 recombinant glycoprotein. hsv-2 seroprevalence was 45.8% in hiv-infected patients and 8.7% in blood donors (p < 0.0001; ...200818982739
recruitment strategies and motivations for sexually transmitted disease testing among college students.the authors evaluated procedures for recruiting college students for sexually transmitted disease (std) testing as part of a research study examining the impact of hsv serologic testing.200818980896
serologic screening for herpes simplex virus among university students: a pilot study.the authors examined the feasibility of conducting serologic testing for the herpes simplex virus 2 (hsv-2) among university students and assessed the psychosocial impact of an hsv-2 diagnosis.200818980884
anti-herpetic activity of various medicinal plant order to find antiviral compounds againstherpes simplex virus type i (hsv-1) and ii (hsv-2) from natural products, a convenient virus-induced cytopathic effect (cpe) inhibition assay was introduced. more than 300 fractions were prepared by solvent fractionation from sixty collected plants or purchased herbal medicines, and their anti-herpetic activities were evaluated. among them, several medicinal plants showed potent anti-herpetic activity. selective indexes (si) of the etoac extract of car ...199718975213
herpes simplex virus type 2 antibody detection performance in kisumu, kenya, using the herpeselect elisa, kalon elisa, western blot and inhibition certain parts of africa, type-specific herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) elisas may have limited specificity. to date, no study has been conducted to validate herpeselect and kalon type-specific hsv-2 elisas using both the western blot and recombinant gg elisa inhibition testing as reference standards.200918955387
an estimate of the global prevalence and incidence of herpes simplex virus type 2 estimate the global prevalence and incidence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infection in 2003.200818949218
a gateway recombination herpesvirus cloning system with negative selection that produces vectorless progeny.crossover recombination based on the lambda phage integration/excision functions enables insertion of a gene of interest into a specific locus by a simple one-step in vitro recombination reaction. recently, a highly efficient recombination system for targeted mutagenesis, which utilizes lambda phage crossover recombination cloning, has been described for a human herpesvirus 2 bacterial artificial chromosome (bac). the disadvantages of the system are that it allows only neutral selection (loss of ...200918948138
determinants of hiv shedding in the lower genital tract of women.heterosexual spread of hiv remains the major risk factor for transmission worldwide. genital secretions from the infected partner contain both cell-free and cell-associated virus. although the exact mechanism of heterosexual transmission is unknown, genital virus plays an important role. decreasing the genital shedding of hiv is an important step in slowing the spread of the disease. recent studies have shown that antiretroviral penetration into the genital tract varies by class and that antiret ...200818945393
new biomedical strategies for hiv-1 prevention in women.novel hiv-1 prevention strategies continue to be urgently needed. this article reviews the current state of biomedical prevention against hiv-1, focusing on recently completed and ongoing clinical trials of new prevention interventions, particularly those relevant to prevention of hiv-1 in women. male circumcision, cervical barrier devices, suppressive therapy against herpes simplex virus type 2, treatment of vaginal infections and other vaginal health interventions, pre-exposure antiretroviral ...200818945391
immunodominant epitopes in herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein d are recognized by cd4 lymphocytes from both hsv-1 and hsv-2 seropositive human recurrent cutaneous herpes simplex, there is a sequential infiltrate of cd4 and then cd8 lymphocytes into lesions. cd4 lymphocytes are the major producers of the key cytokine ifn-gamma in lesions. they recognize mainly structural proteins and especially glycoproteins d and b (gd and gb) when restimulated in vitro. recent human vaccine trials using recombinant gd showed partial protection of hsv seronegative women against genital herpes disease and also, in placebo recipients, showed pro ...200818941251
spectroscopic detection and identification of infected cells with herpes viruses.matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (maldi-tof) and fourier transform infrared (ftir) microspectroscopy were previously applied for the identification of various biological samples. in the present study, normal cells in culture and cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) or varicella-zoster virus (vzv) were analyzed by maldi-tof and ftir microscopy. specific spectral biomarkers for rapid and reliable monitoring and identification of infected cells and proba ...200918932269
effect of aciclovir on hiv-1 acquisition in hsv-2-positive patients. 200818929897
herpes simplex virus (hsv)-suppressive therapy decreases plasma and genital hiv-1 levels in hsv-2/hiv-1 coinfected women: a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial.a randomized cross-over trial of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2)-suppressive therapy (valacyclovir, 500 mg twice daily, or placebo for 8 weeks, a 2-week washout period, then the alternative therapy for 8 weeks) was conducted among 20 peruvian women coinfected with hsv-2 and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) who were not on antiretroviral therapy. plasma samples (obtained weekly) and endocervical swab specimens (obtained thrice weekly) were collected for hiv-1 rna polymerase chain r ...200818928378
the diagnosis of genital herpes - beyond culture: an evidence-based guide for the utilization of polymerase chain reaction and herpes simplex virus type-specific serology.accurate identification of persons with genital herpes is necessary for optimal patient management and prevention of transmission. because of inherent inaccuracies, clinical diagnosis of genital herpes should be confirmed by laboratory testing for the causative agents herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and hsv type 2 (hsv-2). further identification of the hsv type is valuable for counselling on the natural history of infection and risk of transmission. laboratory methods include antigen detecti ...200718923735
correlates of incarceration among young methamphetamine users in chiang mai, thailand.we examined correlates of incarceration among young methamphetamine users in chiang mai, thailand in 2005 to 2006.200918923109
prevention of mother-to-child transmission of viral infections. 200818922510
synthesis, antioxidative and antiviral activity of hydroxycinnamic acid amides of thiazole containing amino acid.the synthesis and the biological (antioxidant and antiviral) activities of novel hydroxycinnamic acid amides of a thiazole containing tfa.valine-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester are reported. the amides have been synthesized from p-coumaric, ferulic and sinapic acids with the corresponding tfa.valine-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester using the coupling reagent n-ethyl-n'-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (edc) and 4-(dimethylamino) pyridine (dmap) as a catalyst. the antioxidan ...200918853101
structure-activity relationships for dipeptide prodrugs of acyclovir: implications for prodrug design.a series of water-soluble dipeptide ester prodrugs of the antiviral acyclovir (acv) were evaluated for their chemical stability, cytotoxicity, and antiviral activity against several strains of herpes simplex-1 and -2, vaccinia, vesicular stomatitis, cytomegalovirus and varicella zoster viruses. acv dipeptide esters were very active against herpetic viruses, independently of the rate at which they liberate the parent drug. their minimum cytotoxic concentrations were above 100 microm and the resul ...200918848738
chemical structure and antiviral activity of the sulfated heterorhamnan isolated from the green seaweed gayralia oxysperma.a homogeneous sulfated heterorhamnan was obtained by aqueous extraction, then by ultrafiltration from the green seaweed gayralia oxysperma. besides alpha-l-rhamnose it contains glucuronic and galacturonic acids, xylose and glucose. the structure was established by methylation analyses of the carboxyl-reduced, carboxyl-reduced/desulfated, carboxyl-reduced/smith-degraded, and carboxyl-reduced/smith-degraded/desulfated products and 1d, 2d nmr spectroscopy analyses. the heterorhamnan backbone is con ...200818845298
[diagnosis of herpetic esophagitis in the immunocompetent subject by pcr (herpès consensus générique-argène). report of six cases].we have researched and identified herpes viruses on the esophageal biopsies taken during the period between september 2006 and march 2008 for 15 suspected patients.200918842356
evaluation of a new point-of-care serologic assay for herpes simplex virus type 2 infection.herpes simplex virus type 2 infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. because presentation is often atypical or subclinical, serologic testing is necessary for diagnosis, treatment, and counseling. in an urban clinic that specializes in the treatment of sexually transmitted disease, a new point-of-care rapid serologic test was compared with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or western blot for the detection of herpes simplex virus type 2. with use of an enzyme-linked imm ...200818840082
adherence to biomedical hiv prevention methods: considerations drawn from hiv treatment adherence research.biomedical approaches to hiv prevention (eg, microbicides, antiretroviral preexposure prophylaxis) are undergoing clinical trials to test their efficacy. one key consideration emerging from completed trials is the critical role of adherence to the investigational product. suboptimal product adherence may compromise clinical trial results and ultimately undermine the effectiveness of biomedical prevention methods in any future real-world use. efforts to strengthen biomedical hiv prevention produc ...200818838058
mollaret's meningitis.pierre mollaret is mainly known for his contributions to infectious diseases and their prevention. he also described benign, recurrent endothelio-leukocytic meningitis in three patients who had short-lived recurrent attacks of fever, headache and vomiting caused by sterile meningitis, with 'fantomes cellulaires' (cell ghosts) in the cerebrospinal fluid. identical symptoms are caused by herpes simplex virus-2 and other viruses. the term mollaret's meningitis should be restricted to idiopathic rec ...200818832846
world summit of antivirals--bit life sciences' first annual summit. combating severe viral infections. 200818828069
herpes simplex virus type 2 infection among commercial sex workers in kunming, yunnan province, china.a cross-sectional survey was conducted to determine the sociodemographic correlates of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infection among male and female commercial sex workers in kunming, yunnan province of china. hsv-2 prevalence was 33.0%, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection was 2.4% and hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection was 6.8%. subjects who were positive for hsv-2 had a significantly higher prevalence of hiv infection (5.5% versus 0.9%, p = 0.002; odds ratio [or]: 6.4, p = 0.006) ...200818824623
sexually transmitted infections among brothel-based sex workers in tel-aviv area, israel: high prevalence of pharyngeal workers play a major role in spreading sexually transmitted infections (stis). we studied the prevalence rates and risk factors for stis among 300 brothel-based sex workers in tel-aviv. throat swabs were cultured for neisseria gonorrhoeae, urine samples were tested by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for chlamydia trachomatis and n. gonorrhoeae, and sera were tested for syphilis, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and type 2 herpes simplex virus (hsv) antibodies. n. gonorrhoeae was cultured f ...200818824615
[investigation of herpes simplex virus in viral meningoencephalitis suspected cases using molecular and serological methods].herpes simplex virus (hsv) meningoencephalitis has a high mortality rate if proper antiviral therapy is not applied. thus rapid diagnosis is of peculiar importance in such cases. in this study we aimed to evaluate the use of polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and detection of intrathecally synthesized antibodies by serological methods in viral meningoencephalitis suspected cases to determine hsv as the causative agent. seventeen cases with cerebrospinal fluid (csf) samples with microscopical and bi ...200818822885
reversible progressive cognitive decline due to herpes simplex type 2 encephalitis with normal mr imaging. 200818821048
co-expression of hsv2 and chlamydia trachomatis in hpv-positive cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia lesions is associated with aberrations in key intracellular pathways.oncogenic human papillomaviruses (hpvs) are the etiological agents of cervical cancer. different cofactors might be needed for malignant transformation, but they still remain elusive.200818812695
extensive atypical genital herpes simplex type 2 infection as an initial manifestation of acquired immune deficiency syndrome.we present a case of an ulcerative lesion of the genitalia starting one year before in a 33-year-old man. histopathologic examination revealed herpes virus infection, which suggested the existence of cell-mediated immunodeficiency. human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection was confirmed by elisa and western blot test. the patient was treated with intravenous acyclovir, which led to complete remission. we underline the importance of early detecting and diagnosing patients with similar clinical ...200818812065
herpes complex. 200818809697
intranasal and subcutaneous immunization under the effect of estradiol leads to better protection against genital hsv-2 challenge compared to progesterone.this study examined the effect of hormonal environment on intranasal and subcutaneous routes of immunization in a genital herpes infection model. ovariectomized mice were treated with estradiol (e(2)), progesterone (p(4)) or placebo hormone pellets and immunized intranasally (i.n.) or subcutaneously (s.c.) with attenuated hsv-2. immunized mice were subsequently challenged, intravaginally, with wild-type hsv-2. mice immunized under the influence of e(2) showed higher survival rates, reduced patho ...200818804503
antibodies to cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus 1 associated with cognitive function in schizophrenia.cognitive impairment in the form of decreased working memory and executive functions has been recognized as a key deficit in schizophrenia. neurotropic viruses have been associated with focal gray matter deficits in patients with schizophrenia. we evaluated whether such agents alter cognitive function in schizophrenia.200818801645
asymptomatic human cd4+ cytotoxic t-cell epitopes identified from herpes simplex virus glycoprotein b.the identification of "asymptomatic" (i.e., protective) epitopes recognized by t cells from herpes simplex virus (hsv)-seropositive healthy individuals is a prerequisite for an effective vaccine. using the pepscan epitope mapping strategy, a library of 179 potential peptide epitopes (15-mers overlapping by 10 amino acids) was identified from hsv type 1 (hsv-1) glycoprotein b (gb), an antigen that induces protective immunity in both animal models and humans. eighteen groups (g1 to g18) of 10 adja ...200818799581
population-level effect of hsv-2 therapy on the incidence of hiv in sub-saharan africa.herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infection increases acquisition and transmission of hiv, but the results of trials measuring the impact of hsv-2 therapy on hiv genital shedding and hiv acquisition are mixed, and the potential impact of hsv-2 therapy on the incidence of hiv at the population level is unknown.200818799486
dendritic cells mediate herpes simplex virus infection and transmission through the c-type lectin dc-sign.dendritic cells (dcs) are essential for the induction of specific immune responses against invading pathogens. herpes simplex virus (hsv) is a common human pathogen that causes painful but mild infections of the skin and mucosa, and which results in latency and recurrent infections. of the two hsv subtypes described, hsv-1 causes mainly oral-facial lesions, whilst hsv-2 is associated with genital herpes. dcs are involved in hsv-induced immune suppression, but little is known about the molecular ...200818796707
2/4-substituted-9-fluorenones and their o-glucosides as potential immunomodulators and anti-herpes simplex virus-2 agents. part pursuing a research on the antiviral and immunomodulatory activity of tilorone congeners, two new series of compounds were prepared and pharmacologically explored: 9-fluorenone carboxyhydroxyesters, indicated as ag, and 9-fluorenone carboxyhydroxamides, indicated as mg. two of them, ag17 and mg3, were used as sugar acceptors in the transglycosylation reactions performed by alpha- and beta-glucosidases extracted from the marine mollusc aplysia fasciata providing different alpha- and beta-, mon ...200818789558
first synthesis and anti-hiv evaluation of 4'-methyl-cyclopentanyl 9-deazaadenosine.the first synthesis of a 4'-methylated carbocyclic c-nucleoside 16 was achieved via the mesylate intermediate 10, which was prepared using ring-closing metathesis and s(n)2 alkylation from acetol 5. when antiviral evaluation of synthesized compound 16 was performed against various viruses such as hiv, hsv-1, hsv-2, and hcmv, it showed moderate anti-hiv activity in mt-4 cell line (ec(50) = 14.7 micromol).200818788044
detection of human herpesvirus dna in kikuchi-fujimoto disease and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia.kikuchi-fujimoto disease (kfd), or histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, is a subacute inflammatory disorder most often seen in young women with clinicopathologic features suggestive of an infectious etiology. the most commonly suspected infectious agents in kfd are the human herpesviruses ebv, hhv6, hhv7 and hhv8. in order to identify herpesviruses in kfd, we have compared the frequency of detection of herpesvirus dna with a recently developed real time pcr method, eber in situ hybridization, ...200818787614
progressive hypertrophic genital herpes in an hiv-infected woman despite immune recovery on antiretroviral therapy.most hiv-infected individuals are coinfected by herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2). hsv-2 reactivates more frequently in hiv-coinfected individuals with advanced immunosuppression, and may have very unusual clinical presentations, including hypertrophic genital lesions. we report the case of a progressive, hypertrophic hsv-2 lesion in an hiv-coinfected woman, despite near-complete immune restoration on antiretroviral therapy for up to three years. in this case, there was prompt response to topi ...200818784844
phase i study of a herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) dna vaccine administered to healthy, hsv-2-seronegative adults by a needle-free injection system.we conducted a double-blind, vehicle-controlled, dose escalation safety and immunogenicity trial of a candidate herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) surface glycoprotein d2 (gd2) dna vaccine administered by use of a needle-free device. sixty-two healthy adults were randomized using a 4:1 vaccine-to-placebo ratio. half of the participants were hsv-1 seronegative, and all were hsv-2 seronegative. vaccine doses included 100 microg, 300 microg, 1,000 microg or 3,000 microg of a plasmid expressing the ...200818784341
asymptomatic shedding of herpes simplex virus 1 and 2: implications for prevention of transmission. 200818783317
rapidly cleared episodes of herpes simplex virus reactivation in immunocompetent adults.herpes simplex virus (hsv) remains latent in nerve root ganglia of infected persons and is thought to reactivate several times yearly. recent in situ data show the localization of hsv-specific cd8(+) t cells at the dermal epidermal junction next to peripheral sensory nerve endings, suggesting that viral reactivation may occur more frequently than previously appreciated.200818783315
bacterial vaginosis among pregnant women in burkina faso.bacterial vaginosis (bv) is a common cause of abnormal or altered vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age. its association with obstetric and gynecologic complications and hiv are increasingly recognized. few population-based surveys of bv have been conducted in africa. the objective of the study was to examine the role of genital infections including herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) and demographic factors on the prevalence of bv among pregnant women in burkina faso.200818779763
acyclovir is activated into a hiv-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor in herpesvirus-infected human tissues.for most viruses, there is a need for antimicrobials that target unique viral molecular properties. acyclovir (acv) is one such drug. it is activated into a human herpesvirus (hhv) dna polymerase inhibitor exclusively by hhv kinases and, thus, does not suppress other viruses. here, we show that acv suppresses hiv-1 in hhv-coinfected human tissues, but not in hhv-free tissue or cell cultures. however, addition of hhv-6-infected cells renders these cultures sensitive to anti-hiv acv activity. we h ...200818779052
coinfection alters the playing field: herpesviruses induce acyclovir to inhibit hiv.the antiherpes drug acyclovir was found to inhibit hiv following its phosphorylation by human herpesviruses, providing a hypothesis to explain the observed beneficial effects of acyclovir therapy on hiv viral load and hiv disease progression. this report underscores the importance of studying hiv in the context of microbial copathogens.200818779044
the regai dzive shiri project: a cluster randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of a multi-component community-based hiv prevention intervention for rural youth in zimbabwe--study design and baseline assess the effectiveness of a community-based hiv prevention intervention for adolescents in terms of its impact on (1) hiv and herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) incidence and on rates of unintended pregnancy and (2) reported sexual behaviour, knowledge and attitudes.200818778329
is suspicion of genital herpes infection associated with avoiding sex? a clinic-based study.the present study tested the research hypothesis that sexually transmissible disease (std) clinic patients suspecting genital herpes infection would be more likely than their 'non-suspecting' counterparts to abstain from sex to avoid transmission of a perceived std.200818771644
sexually transmissible infections and prostate cancer risk.sexually transmissible infections (sti) have been variably associated with increased risks of prostate cancer, largely in case-control studies.200818768506
assessing the efficacy of cidofovir against herpesvirus-induced genital lesions in goats using different therapeutic regimens.caprine herpesvirus 1 (cphv-1) infection in goats induces genital vesicular-ulcerative lesions that strictly resemble those produced by human herpesvirus 2 in humans. in previous studies, the potent inhibition of cphv-1 by cidofovir was demonstrated. cidofovir antiherpetic activity was evaluated in goats infected experimentally by the vaginal route with cphv-1 and then treated locally at different times after infection. the administration of 1% cidofovir cream onto vaginal mucosa was able to pre ...200818765685
ethnic differences in hsv1 and hsv2 seroprevalence in amsterdam, the netherlands.herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv1) and 2 (hsv2) infection can lead to significant morbidity, and hsv2 is considered a risk factor for hiv transmission. the majority of hsv-infected people are asymptomatic and unaware of their infection. we aimed to determine the hsv1 and hsv2 prevalence among various ethnic groups in a large urban area in the netherlands. in 2004, serum samples from a population-based serum repository of 1,325 people over 18 years living in amsterdam were tested for hsv1 and hsv ...200818761942
[recurrent genital herpes].in recent years, the rate of genital infections caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (hsv-1, hsv-2) has increased. following primary infection with hsv-2, recurrent genital herpes (gh) often develops or asymptomatic virus shedding occurs. hsv-1-induced gh recurrencies are significantly less frequent. the options for diagnosing hsv infections have improved markedly: they include determination of type-specific antibodies in the blood (anti-hsv-1 and anti-hsv-2), culture of hsv from lesions ...200818756434
a 3'-untranslated region polymorphism in the tbx21 gene encoding t-bet is a risk factor for genital herpes simplex virus type 2 infection in was recently shown that the transcription factor t-bet is crucial for adequate innate and acquired immune responses to genital herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infection in mice. to test the possible genetic influence of variations in the tbx21 gene encoding t-bet on susceptibility to infection, this study evaluated the frequencies of five different single-nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) in the human tbx21 gene in 159 hsv-2-infected individuals and compared them with those in 186 healthy h ...200818753235
prevalence and predictors of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection among female sex workers in yunnan province, china.the objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2), and to evaluate the relationship between hsv-2 infection and sociodemographic factors and the sexual practices of female sex workers (fsws) in kaiyuan city, yunnan province, china. this cross-sectional study involved 737 fsws and was carried out from march to may 2006 with confidential interviews and laboratory tests for hsv-2 and other sexually transmitted infections (sti). hsv-2 was the most ...200818725558
obesity and the likelihood of sexual behavioral risk factors for hpv and cervical cancer.obesity is associated with higher cervical cancer mortality, but its relationship with sexual behavioral risk factors that predispose women to human papilloma virus (hpv) and cervical cancer is unclear. we used data from 3,329 women participants, aged 20-59 years, of the 1999-2004 national health and nutrition examination survey, to analyze the relationship between bmi and age at first intercourse, number of sexual partners, condom use during sexual activity, history of sexually transmitted dise ...200818719677
prevalence and predictors of hiv infection among female sex workers in kaiyuan city, yunnan province, china.sexual transmission is the fastest growing route of hiv transmission in china. we undertook this study to describe the risk factors for hiv infection in female sex workers (fsws), and to determine the commercial sex venues where fsws are most at risk of being infected with or infecting others with hiv.200918718801
prevalence of oral herpes simplex virus reactivation in cancer patients: a comparison of different techniques of viral detection.oral reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection may easily occur in cancer patients. virus reactivation can cause oral mucosa damage, worsen already existing lesions caused by stomatotoxic effect of cancer therapy and, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, ample spreading and promote viral transmission.200918713235
acute hydrocephalus secondary to herpes simplex type ii meningitis.a 34-year-old woman presented with a rapid onset of meningitic symptoms. cerebrospinal fluid (csf) from a lumbar puncture revealed a leucocytosis with a preponderance of monocytes, elevated protein and reduced glucose. herpes simplex virus (hsv) type ii was subsequently confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) of csf. the patient's level of consciousness deteriorated and a ct scan revealed hydrocephalus. the patient required placement of an external ventricular drain for 5 days; however, she ...200818710809
low effectiveness of syndromic treatment services for curable sexually transmitted infections in rural south africa.syndromic sexually transmitted infection (sti) treatment remains a cost-saving hiv prevention intervention in many countries in africa. we estimate the effectiveness of syndromic treatment for curable stis in rural kwazulu-natal, south africa, and the trend in sti prevalences before and after the introduction of syndromic treatment in 1995.200818708485
apolipoprotein e-epsilon 4 and recurrent genital herpes in individuals co-infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 and hiv.apolipoprotein e (apoe) alleles have been associated with the severity of, or susceptibility to, infection by various microbes. we investigated the potential association between the apoe-epsilon 4 allele and the rate of recurrence of genital herpes in patients who were hiv positive and herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) seropositive. the apoe-epsilon 4 allele was significantly associated with recurrent genital ulceration independent of ethnicity, antiretroviral therapy and cd4 count (or 8.3; 95 ...200818708484
acyclovir susceptibility of herpes simplex virus isolates at king chulalongkorn memorial hospital, determine the acv susceptibility in thai hsv clinical isolates.200818697392
polysaccharides from gracilaria corticata: sulfation, chemical characterization and anti-hsv this study, we have analyzed water-extracted polysaccharides of gracilaria corticata. the water extract (we), a galactan-containing sub-fraction (f3) and their hyper sulfated derivatives (wes1, wes2, f3s1 and f3s2) had anti-hsv activity with inhibitory concentration 50% (ic50) from 1.1 to 27.4 microg/ml. sub-fraction f3, which has a molecular mass of 30 kda, consists of a backbone of beta-(1-->3) and alpha-(1-->4)-linked-galactopyranosyl residues. this linear galactan contained gal2xyl1, gal2 ...200818694781
tracing of the molecular remnants of herpes virus infections in necrotic skin tissue.we have established an assay system to detect herpesvirus-derived transcripts in lesional crusts. fifteen patients with herpes simplex (hs), 21 with herpes zoster (hz), 2 with varicella, and 20 with irrelevant diseases were enrolled in the present study. total rna was extracted from crusts or scales, and converted to cdna. virus-encoded transcripts were amplified using reverse transcriptase (rt)-pcr. housekeeping gene transcripts such as beta2-microglobulin (beta2-mg) and beta-actin (beta-actin) ...200818693150
melissa officinalis oil affects infectivity of enveloped herpesviruses.extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants are increasingly of interest as novel drugs of antimicrobial and antiviral agents, since herpes simplex virus (hsv) might develop resistance to commonly used antiviral agents. melissa officinalis essential oil was phytochemically examined by gc-ms analysis, its main constituents were identified as monoterpenaldehydes citral a, citral b and citronellal. the antiviral effect of lemon balm oil, the essential oil of melissa officinalis, on herpes simpl ...200818693101
efficacy of an aqueous pelargonium sidoides extract against herpesvirus.the compounds of an aqueous root extract of the african medicinal plant pelargonium sidoides were analysed by lc-ms spectroscopy and the antiviral effect of this extract against herpes simplex virus was examined in cell culture. besides predominant coumarins, simple phenolic structures as well as flavonoid and catechin derivatives were identified as major constituents in the pelargonium extract. the inhibitory activity of this extract against herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and herpes simple ...200818691858
prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men in zagreb, croatia.we used respondent-driven sampling among men who have sex with men (msm) in zagreb, croatia in 2006 to investigate the prevalence of hiv, other sexually transmitted infections and sexual behaviours. we recruited 360 msm. hiv infection was diagnosed in 4.5%. the seroprevalence of antibodies to viral pathogens was: herpes simplex virus type-2, 9.4%; hepatitis a, 14.2%; hepatitis c, 3.0%. eighty percent of participants were susceptible to hbv infection (hbs antigen negative, and no antibodies to hb ...200918690533
prevention of hiv in young people in africa. 200818687722
impact of stepping stones on incidence of hiv and hsv-2 and sexual behaviour in rural south africa: cluster randomised controlled assess the impact of stepping stones, a hiv prevention programme, on incidence of hiv and herpes simplex type 2 (hsv-2) and sexual behaviour.200818687720
identification of restriction endonuclease with potential ability to cleave the hsv-2 genome: inherent potential for biosynthetic versus live recombinant microbicides.herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 are enveloped viruses with a linear dsdna genome of approximately 120-200 kb. genital infection with hsv-2 has been denoted as a major risk factor for acquisition and transmission of hiv-1. developing biomedical strategies for hsv-2 prevention is thus a central strategy in reducing global hiv-1 prevalence. this paper details the protocol for the isolation of restriction endunucleases (reases) with potent activity against the hsv-2 genome and models two biomedic ...200818687114
healthcare seeking and sexual behavior among patients with symptomatic newly acquired genital herpes.symptoms among patients with first episode herpes simplex virus (hsv) likely influence health seeking and sexual behavior. an improved understanding of this relationship provides insight into the experience of having genital herpes and has implications for counseling.200818685544
hyperplasia of hair follicles and other adnexal structures in cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders: a study of 53 cases, including so-called pseudolymphomatous folliculitis and overt lymphomas.we studied 53 cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders, all of which manifested hair follicle hyperplasia. there were 42 cases conforming to the description of pseudolymphomatous folliculitis (plf) and 11 cases of authentic lymphomas including mycosis fungoides, cd30+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma, diffuse large b-cell lymphoma, b-cell small cell lymphoma/leukemia, and peripheral t-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified. all patients with plf clinically presented with a solitary nodule preferent ...200818685486
the burden and determinants of hiv and sexually transmitted infections in a population-based sample of female sex workers in goa, india.interventions targeting sex workers are central to the national aids control programme of india's third 5-year plan. understanding the way in which societal and individual factors interact to shape sex workers' vulnerability would better inform interventions.200918684856
a randomised placebo-controlled trial to explore the effect of suppressive therapy with acyclovir on genital shedding of hiv-1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 among zimbabwean sex determine the effect of daily acyclovir on genital shedding of hiv-1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) in a randomised placebo-controlled trial among rural zimbabwean sex workers.200818684855
herpes simplex virus type 2-induced mortality following genital infection is blocked by anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha antibody in cxcl10-deficient mice.the role of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) was evaluated for cxcl10-deficient (cxcl10(-/-)) mice which succumbed to genital herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) infection and possessed elevated levels of virus and tnf-alpha but not other cytokines in the central nervous system (cns) and vaginal tissue within the first 7 days following virus exposure. anti-tnf-alpha but not control antibody treatment offsets the elevated mortality rate of cxcl10(-/-) mice, despite increased cns viral tite ...200818684827
[human infection with simian herpes b virus in africa].simian herpes b virus or cercopithecine herpesvirus 1 (cehv-1) is enzootic (80% to 100%) in asian monkeys of the genus macaca but is also present in other monkey species. this virus, discovered in 1933, is closely related to human herpesvirus 1 and human herpesvirus 2, responsible respectively for labial and genital herpes. cehv-1 infection is generally asymptomatic or mild in monkeys but in humans it may lead to fulminant encephalomyelitis that has an 80% lethality rate without treatment. infec ...200818684683
a high-sensitivity method for detection and measurement of hmgb1 protein concentration by high-affinity binding to dna hemicatenanes.protein hmgb1, an abundant nuclear non-histone protein that interacts with dna and has an architectural function in chromatin, was strikingly shown some years ago to also possess an extracellular function as an alarmin and a mediator of inflammation. this extracellular function has since been actively studied, both from a fundamental point of view and in relation to the involvement of hmgb1 in inflammatory diseases. a prerequisite for such studies is the ability to detect hmgb1 in blood or other ...200818682735
herpes simplex virus load in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is related to poor outcome in critically ill evaluate the relationship between the hsv-1 and -2 loads in bal fluid (balf) and clinical outcome.200818679655
an acutely and latently expressed herpes simplex virus 2 viral microrna inhibits expression of icp34.5, a viral neurovirulence factor.latency-associated transcript (lat) sequences regulate herpes simplex virus (hsv) latency and reactivation from sensory neurons. we found a hsv-2 lat-related microrna (mirna) designated mir-i in transfected and infected cells in vitro and in acutely and latently infected ganglia of guinea pigs in vivo. mir-i is also expressed in human sacral dorsal root ganglia latently infected with hsv-2. mir-i is expressed under the lat promoter in vivo in infected sensory ganglia. we also predicted and ident ...200818678906
risk factors for recent hiv infection in uganda.studies of factors associated with acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) are often based on prevalence data that might not reflect recent infections.200818677026
herpes simplex virus 2 serostatus and viral loads of hiv-1 in blood and semen as risk factors for hiv transmission among men who have sex with men.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 blood plasma viral load is correlated with the sexual transmission of hiv, although transmission from men involves virus from semen instead of blood. we quantified hiv-1 rna in the blood and semen of men who did or did not transmit hiv to their sex partners. we compared the relationships of hiv-1 transmission risk with blood plasma viral load, seminal plasma viral load, herpes simplex virus 2 serostatus and other factors.200818670228
hsv-2 suppression and the incidence of hiv. 200818669436
anti-herpes effect of hemocyanin derived from the mollusk rapana thomasiana.the cytotoxicity and the antivirus activity of native hemocyanin, rth, derived from the bulgarian marine mollusk rapana thomasiana and its structural isoform, rth2, against hsv replication was evaluated on three hsv strains--two wt strains, tm (hsv 1) and bja (hsv 2), and one acvr mutant with tk gene mutation, dd (hsv 2). the experiments were performed on continuous rd 64 cells and three hsv 1 and hsv 2 strains were used, two mutants sensitive to acyclovir and one resistant mutant. both compound ...200818669031
suppressive acyclovir therapy reduces hiv cervicovaginal shedding in hiv- and hsv-2-infected women, chiang rai, thailand.herpes simplex virus type 2 infection is important in the hiv epidemic and may contribute to increased hiv transmission. we evaluated the effect of suppressive acyclovir therapy on cervicovaginal hiv-1 shedding.200818667923
herpes simplex virus downregulates secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor: a novel immune evasion mechanism.secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (slpi), an anti-inflammatory mediator of mucosal immunity, inhibits human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and herpes simplex virus (hsv) in cell culture. epidemiological studies demonstrate that higher concentrations of slpi in mucosal secretions are associated with a reduced risk of hiv transmission. the current studies were designed to test the hypothesis that hsv triggers a loss of slpi to evade innate immunity and that this response may contribute to the i ...200818667508
does douching increase risk for sexually transmitted infections? a prospective study in high-risk adolescents.the objective of the study was to examine the association between douching and 4 sexually transmitted infections (stis).200918667177
in vitro antiviral activity of distamycin a against clinical isolates of herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 from transplanted patients.herpes simplex virus (hsv) infections in immunocompromised individuals may require prolonged antiviral therapy resulting in the emergence of viral strains resistant to the currently employed antiviral drugs. distamycin a (da), a basic antibiotic belonging to the lexitropsin dna minor groove binding drugs, exhibits antiviral properties. in this study we evaluated the in vitro cytotoxicity and antiviral activity of da against hsv type 1 and hsv type 2 clinical isolates from transplanted patients a ...200818663321
herpes simplex infections of the nervous system.dramatic progress has been made recently in diagnosing and treating herpes simplex virus encephalitis (hsve). advances in imaging technology have greatly enhanced our ability to diagnose the illness noninvasively. acyclovir is of proven efficacy and is generally well-tolerated. the major clinical management problem is that the pathologic process in the brain is usually well-advanced before the patient presents, and the symptoms, particularly in newborns or infants, are often initially nonspecifi ...200818657720
herpes simplex virus and hiv-1: deciphering viral synergy.recent proof-of-concept randomised controlled trials have shown a causal relation between herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 2 infection and hiv-1 replication in co-infected individuals. we explore the mechanisms that may operate to enhance reciprocal viral replication. direct interactions could involve hiv-1-related immune deficiency, disruption of mucosal barrier by hsv infection/reactivation, hsv-induced mucosal cell recruitment, transactivation of hiv-1 replication by hsv proteins, and immune m ...200818652995
enhancement of protective humoral immune responses against herpes simplex virus-2 in dna-immunized guinea-pigs using protein boosting.genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease that is caused mostly by herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2). its prevalence has increased in developing countries in spite of the availability of valuable antiviral drug therapy. considering the importance of hsv-2 infections, effective vaccines remain the most likely hope for controlling the spread of hsv diseases. in the present study, the complete hsv-2 glycoprotein d gene was isolated and cloned into different plasmid vectors to constr ...200818647350
herpes simplex virus type 2: epidemiology and management options in developing countries.genital herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv2) is highly prevalent worldwide and an increasingly important cause of genital ulcer disease (gud). continued hsv2 transmission is facilitated by the large number of undiagnosed cases, the frequency of atypical disease and the occurrence of asymptomatic shedding. the lack of easy, affordable diagnostic methods and specific antiviral treatment in countries with low and middle income is of great concern, given the ability of gud to enhance hiv transmission ...200818644920
reconsideration of viral protein immunoblotting for differentiation of human herpes simplex viruses.herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2) are ubiquitous human pathogens that infect their hosts for life and reactivate to cause disease at or near the initial site of infection. as the incidence of genital hsv-1 infections increase, there is an increased demand for valid viral typing diagnostics. in this report, we reconsidered and developed a triple-phase immune-typing procedure that compares differences in electrophoretic mobilities of viral icp4, icp27, and vp22 proteins betwee ...200818639407
aseptic meningitis and encephalitis because of herpesviruses and enteroviruses in an immunocompetent adult population.human herpesviruses (hhvs) and enteroviruses (evs) are the major causative agents of cns viral infections. the aim of the study was to identify the etiology and determine the frequency of aseptic meningitis and encephalitis due to hhvs and evs in an immunocompetent adult population.200818637823
[chronic virus infections in combination with tubercular process].the objective of this study was to investigate the role of chronic viral infections in development of the atypical and complicated forms of tuberculosis. were investigated human herpes virus-2 (hhv-2), cytomegalovirus (cmv) and hepatitis c virus (hcv). chronic viral infections have been identified as a risk factor for developing and complicated tuberculosis. research has been shown, that infection of chronic virus diseases in patients with tuberculosis is rather significant and in several times ...200818633150
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