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raptors and "campo-cerrado" bird mixed flock led by cypsnagra hirundinacea (emberizidae:thraupinae).bird mixed flocks including cypsnagra hirundinacea and neothraupis fasciata as species with sentinels were studied in "campo-cerrado" in order to investigate the possible relationship between alertness and the mixed flock leadership. this study was conducted from march to september 1996 and mixed flocks were observed on average for 2:30h. the time with sentinels were recorded for c. hirundinacea and n. fasciata. the sentinels of cypsnagra hirundinacea performed most of the vigilance (time with s ...200011188872
isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for neothraupis fasciata, (emberizidae, passeriformes) with widely cross amplification in neotropical passerines.we described the development and characterization of 16 microsatellite loci for the white-banded tanager (neothraupis fasciata), a neotropical passerine from cerrado (brazilian savanna). based on 24 n. fasciata from a single population, we detected moderate to high number of alleles per locus (2-18 alelles) with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.12 to 0.92. the high combined paternity exclusion probability (0.999) and low combined genetic identity (1.72 x 10(-10)) show that the battery of ...201020026504
late pleistocene climatic changes promoted demographic expansion and population reconnection of a neotropical savanna-adapted bird, neothraupis fasciata (aves: thraupidae).we performed phylogeographic and genetic structure analyses of neothraupis fasciata joined with species distribution modelling to evaluate whether: (1) the distribution of genetic variability shows a pattern expected by the isolation-by-distance model; (2) the influence of the pleistocene climate changes on species distribution; and (3) climate/climatic stability (hypothesis of climatic stability) as a predictor of population genetic diversity. based on two molecular datasets (nd2 and fib-5), th ...201930893330
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