Cargos (from orthohepadnavirus) Carried by homo sapiens

NameOur RankOur DivisionNCBI DivisionNCBI RankTaxId
hbv genotype ano rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank489455
hbv genotype a3no rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank489452
hbv genotype bno rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank489460
hbv genotype b2isolate  isolate2718607
hbv genotype b4isolate  isolate2718608
hbv genotype dno rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank489483
hbv genotype eno rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank489484
hbv genotype fno rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank489491
hbv genotype gno rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank489492
hbv genotype hno rankviruses and viroidsvirusesno rank489493
Displaying items 1 - 17 of 17