Tree View


Diseases included in EID2 Database. You can browse to specific Disease via the tree view or the grid below. The grid allows you to filter (click funnel), sort (click on column name) or page (click on page numbers below).

acute poliomyelitisA80
rickettsiosis, unspecifiedA79.9
salmon poisoningA79.89.1
other specified rickettsiosesA79.89
rickettsiosis due to ehrlichia sennetsuA79.81
rickettsialpox due to rickettsia akariA79.1
trench feverA79.0
other rickettsiosesA79
q feverA78
q feverA78
spotted fever, unspecifiedA77.9
other spotted feversA77.8
other ehrlichiosisA77.49
spotted fever chafeensis [e chafeensis]A77.41
spotted fever unspecifiedA77.40
spotted fever due to rickettsia australisA77.3
spotted fever due to rickettsia sibericaA77.2
spotted fever due to rickettsia conoriiA77.1
spotted fever due to rickettsia rickettsiiA77.0
spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses]A77
typhus fever, unspecifiedA75.9
typhus fever due to rickettsia tsutsugamushiA75.3
typhus fever due to rickettsia typhiA75.2
recrudescent typhus [brill's disease]A75.1
epidemic louse-borne typhus fever due to rickettsia prowazekiiA75.0
rickettsiosesA75 -A79
typhus feverA75
chlamydial infection, unspecifiedA74.9
other chlamydial diseasesA74.89
chlamydial peritonitisA74.81
chlamydial conjunctivitisA74.0
other diseases caused by chlamydiaeA74
trachoma, unspecifiedA71.9
active stage of trachomaA71.1
initial stage of trachomaA71.0
other diseases caused by chlamydiaeA70 -A74
chlamydia psittaci infectionsA70
chlamydia psittaci infectionsA70
spirochetal infection, unspecifiedA69.9
other specified spirochetal infectionsA69.8
other conditions associated with lyme diseaseA69.29
arthritis due to lyme diseaseA69.23
other neurologic disorders in lyme diseaseA69.22
meningitis due to lyme diseaseA69.21
lyme diseaseA69.20.1
other spirochetal infections unspecifiedA69.20
other vincent's infectionsA69.1
necrotizing ulcerative stomatitisA69.0
other spirochetal infectionsA69
relapsing fever, unspecifiedA68.9
tick-borne relapsing feverA68.1
louse-borne relapsing feverA68.0
relapsing feversA68
pinta, unspecifiedA67.9
mixed lesions of pintaA67.3
late lesions of pintaA67.2
intermediate lesions of pintaA67.1
primary lesions of pintaA67.0
pinta [carate]A67
yaws, unspecifiedA66.9
latent yawsA66.8
other manifestations of yawsA66.7
bone and joint lesions of yawsA66.6
gummata and ulcers of yawsA66.4
hyperkeratosis of yawsA66.3
other early skin lesions of yawsA66.2
multiple papillomata and wet crab yawsA66.1
initial lesions of yawsA66.0
other spirochetal diseasesA65 -A69
nonvenereal syphilisA65
nonvenereal syphilisA65
unspecified sexually transmitted diseaseA64
unspecified sexually transmitted diseaseA64
other specified predominantly sexually transmitted diseasesA63.8
anogenital (venereal) wartsA63.0
other predominantly sexually transmitted diseases, not elsewhere classifiedA63
anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecifiedA60.9
herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectumA60.1
herpesviral infection of other urogenital tractA60.09
herpesviral vulvovaginitisA60.04
herpesviral cervicitisA60.03
herpesviral infection of other male genital organsA60.02
herpesviral infection of penisA60.01
herpesviral infection of urogenital system, unspecifiedA60.00
anogenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infectionsA60
trichomoniasis, unspecifiedA59.9
trichomoniasis of other sitesA59.8
other urogenital trichomoniasisA59.09
trichomonal cystitis and urethritisA59.03
trichomonal prostatitisA59.02
trichomonal vulvovaginitisA59.01
trichomoniasis unspecifiedA59.00
granuloma inguinaleA58
granuloma inguinaleA58
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 1282